Cleanse Tea is another quality product of Bauer Nutrition, home of the best weight loss and fitness products. As you know, I believe that tea products are the best and the most natural weight loss that you can try at home.
I personally experienced the slimming power of tea (green and white tea). It can trigger satiety, energy increase and helps enhance mental alertness. Though beneficial in many aspects of weight loss, teas are not for everyone due to its caffeine content.
With that said, can Cleanse Tea help you lose weight without the hazards of side effects? Read on to learn more.
[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills in our archive or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using Cleanse Tea, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Cleanse Tea?
As aforementioned above, Cleanse Tea is owned by Bauer Nutrition. This company features the bestselling fitness supplements in the online market today such as Meratol, Garcinia Cambogia, Prime Burn, D-Bal Max and many others.
Like most tea products, Cleanse Tea is primarily a weight loss agent that is designed to cleanse your body system (digestive system) from harmful toxins. The more healthy your digestion, the more your body absorbs nutrients and the more pounds you lose, naturally!
Some of the claimed benefits of Cleanse Tea include:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]
- Maximizes your digestive health
- Cleanses your body of toxins
- Increase lymph circulation
- Cleanses your blood
- Promotes gut health regularity
- Cleanses your bowel and gastrointestinal tract
Toxin-fighting teas such as this product are very helpful these days as our daily routine takes a big toll on our health due to pollutants, stress, unhealthy diet, less physical activities and many others.
Teas are best known for eliminating these harmful toxins that can efficiently cleanse your body. Detox is an excellent form of weight loss as it enhances your body’s ability to burn fat by elevating your energy and metabolism.
The only differences between various tea brands are their ingredients. Read on and learn if Cleanse Tea has the best formula for your weight loss program.
Cleanse Tea Ingredients
Most diet teas are composed of practically similar ingredients (Fei Yan tea, Brazilian Tea, Green Tea and many others), the formula of Cleanse Tea is quite different and simple.
There are only three main ingredients of Cleanse Tea – senna leaf (cassia angustifolia), yarrow extract (achillea millefolium) and cleavers (galium aparine).
These ingredients are commonly used by most tea manufacturers due to their detox properties. No other ingredients are listed on Bauer Nutrition’s website.
Cleanse Tea Features
To be able to cleanse your body effectively without undergoing restrictive dieting, you need to take detox tea brand like Cleanse Tea. Cleanse tea promotes health digestion that leads to weight loss.
To learn how this product works, you need to know the health properties of its three main ingredients.
Senna leaf contains a potent chemicals called sennosides. These chemicals irritates the lining of the bowel which causes a laxative effect. This fuels your gut health by maximizing peristalsis, the involuntary constriction and relaxation of the intestine muscles.
Taking senna leaf through teas such as Cleanse Tea, promotes constipation and gut regularity treatment. This helps keep your digestive tract in superior health.
Next is cleavers (sometimes spelled as clivers). This herb is used to increase urine flow to relieve fluid retention and help your body’s lymph system to eliminate toxins from tissues and disposes them through the bloodstream for elimination via your kidneys and liver.
This helps purifies your blood and keeps your body free from hazardous toxins that are stored naturally over time.
Lastly, Cleanse Tea contains yarrow extract. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties and is primarily used for digestive disorder treatments. This include diarrhea, stomach upset, bloating, flatulence, gastrointestinal cramping, absence of menstruation in women, common cold, hay fever and many others.
Yarrow contains chemicals that also affect blood pressure, induce sweating, improves circulation and promotes blood cleansing.
All these three ingredients are designed to cleanse your bowel and gastrointestinal tract that will likely result to a slimmer and healthier body. It increases movement in the intestines, cleanses your blood and eliminates toxins that plaque tissues throughout your body.
Once your body is cleanse, you feel more energized which you can use to elevate your workout program. The more you cleanse, the more weight loss you will get.
Is it Safe?
Like most slimming teas, Cleanse Tea is LIKELY SAFE for most adult dieters. However, you have to use this product only for short-term only.
Why? Because most teas have ingredients that are not ideal for long-term use or high doses. Cleanse Tea for example contains senna, which is only good for short-term use and is not advisable to be taken for more than two weeks.
Nevertheless, Cleanse Tea has no known side effects online, though possible if used incorrectly. Bauer Nutrition also doesn’t recommend this tea to children, people who have inflammatory bowel disease, pregnant and breastfeeding women.
A maximum of 3 cups per day is required for this slimming tea brand. You have to consult your doctor first before you take Cleanse Tea.
Bauer Nutrition recommends you to place two teaspoons of Cleanse Tea in a large teapot of boiling water. Allow the herbs to steep for five to ten minutes.
Strain and add honey or lemon to add taste. Take one cup in the evening before bed. No other instructions are published on its website.
Cleanse Tea Review Summary
As you see, Cleanse Tea is quite different from most slimming teas as it doesn’t have any caffeine content. It is natural but is also not recommended for long-term use (similar with other slimming teas).
Though generally a good weight loss tea, I also found some disadvantages for this brand. Plus, detoxification might not fit well with most people who are not accustomed to cleansing. So if you are one of those individuals, then you have to consider that Cleanse Tea is both a laxative and a diuretic.
I rate this slimming tea as “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]
- 100% natural formula
- Primarily a cleansing and detox tea
- Enhances body’s absorption of nutrients
- Supports energy increase and metabolism boost
- No known side effects
- Money back guarantee
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- Limited information and customer reviews
- No ingredient amounts
- Not ideal for long-term use
Where to Purchase Cleanse Tea?
Cleanse Tea is not yet available at any local supplement stores near you, neither at any online supplement retailers. This slimming tea can only be purchased through its official sales page at Bauer Nutrition website.
To purchase Cleanse Tea, please visit its official website below.
[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills in our archive or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]
[box title=”Our Top Rated Diet Supplement” color=”#00bbff”]
HCG Complex
One of the bestselling HCG-based dietary supplement, made from essential amino acids and herb extracts. This liquid drop is proven effective and safe for any types of dieting program that will likely speed up your body’s metabolism that results to significant weight loss.
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