CleanCut Green Tea Extract


CleanCut Green Tea Extract is a fat burning supplement made from natural slimming ingredients.

If you are looking for a thermogenic agent that is primarily based on caffeine and green tea, then this brand is for you.

With tons of positive reviews online (specifically from Amazon), CleanCut Green Tea Extract seems to be a viable choice.

Read on and learn if this dietary pill can truly deliver slimming results.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is CleanCut Green Tea Extract?

CleanCut Green Tea Extract is an American brand formulated by SCFit, a company owned by Stevie Compagno Jr. which is a health enthusiast and fitness coach.

As aforementioned above, this diet pill is a fat burning supplement. Some of its health claims include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Burns calories and fat – thermogenic agent
  • Increases energy and metabolic levels
  • Helps suppress appetite
  • Elevates focus, mental sharpness and alertness


The claims mentioned above are common in most green tea-based diet pills, which are also commonly combined with stimulants. CleanCut Green Tea Extract is not an exemption here.

Though SCFit has its own website, this diet pill is nowhere to be found on any of its pages. The site is focused on Stevie’s fitness training course, and not to CleanCut Green Tea Extract.

Also, this brand is not that cheap either with $27.99 price tag on Amazon. There are also no details about refund or money back guarantee from its official website.

Good thing is that, Amazon provides limited guarantee for this brand (assuming that you will purchase to them).

CleanCut Green Tea Extract Ingredients

Like most green tea diet pills such as Tea Rexx Extreme, CleanCut Green Tea Extract is composed of herbal extracts that are known to have slimming properties.

The proprietary blend of this diet pill is dosed at 773mg per serving. The formula is composed of green tea extract, caffeine, glucuronolactone, phenethylamine HCL, synephrine, nettle leaf extract, niacin, vinpocetine and yohimbe extract.

The only inactive ingredient of this supplement is vegetable cellulose (non-gelatin vegetarian capsules).

cleancut green tea extract ingredients

How does CleanCut Green Tea Extract Work?

Since there are no details to be found on its official website, this product provides very limited information online.

Good thing we have its official ingredient profile, which we can use to analyze if CleanCut Green Tea Extract can truly trigger weight loss.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is known to provide dozens of health benefits but is more known for its weight loss properties, particularly fat burning.

Drinking the actual green tea however, can produce different outcomes compared on taking green tea extract. According to studies, an average of 120 up to 320mg of green tea extracts can be used to help prevent obesity.

CleanCut Green Tea Extract features 200mg of green tea extract per serving, which indicates that this supplement might trigger some measures of weight loss for you.

Green tea is also packed with caffeine, a powerful stimulant that can affect your energy and mental functions.

Plus, green tea contains flavonoids, antioxidant compounds that can improve your body’s immunity.


CleanCut Green Tea Extract contains a total of 250mg of caffeine on its formula (including those in green tea). This compound is a stimulant and a known thermogenic agent.

Besides from being a stimulant, caffeine is used for nootropics and sports nutrition supplements as energy booster.

But caffeine is not completely proven to provide “significant” weight loss unless you combine it with green tea, capsaicin or ephedrine. Take note that CleanCut Green Tea Extract does have green tea on its formula.

Plus, caffeine is proven to promote weight loss if you eat less and exercise more.


Glucuronolactone is a substance that is commonly used in pre-workout products and energy drinks, to help boost physical performance and energy levels.

It has no known weight loss properties, though it is reported that this compound is known to be a vitamin C (ascorbic acid) precursor.

CleanCut Green Tea Extract probably used this compound to further support its energy boosting claim.

Phenethylamine HCL

Phenethylamine is a stimulatory transmitter that helps improve mood, alertness and other mental functions. This compound is also used mostly on weight loss supplements.

Nettle Leaf

Nettle leaf is known to help treat various health conditions such as anemia, cardiovascular diseases and many others.

This herb however, has no official studies about its true weight loss effects.

But according to this article, nettle leaf’s cleansing properties may help shed weight by effectively ridding your body’s unwanted metabolic waste.


Synephrine or more known as bitter orange, is a compound that affects your nervous system (a stimulant).

According to WebMD, synephrine is not completely proven as a weight loss agent. But, if combined with other ingredients such as caffeine, synephrine can trigger some measures of weight loss.


Niacin is not known for any slimming effects, but it does have various health-enhancing properties.

This include treatment of high blood pressure, migraine, psoriasis, sleeplessness and helps lower cholesterol levels.


Like niacin, vinpocetine has no known weight loss properties. This substance acts as a vasodilator, which stimulates blood flow to the brain and other parts of your body.

As such, vinpocetine is used to help improve focus, memory, cognitive ability and many others.


Lastly, CleanCut Green Tea Extract contains yohimbe, another plant extract that is known to have enhancing effects on erectile dysfunction, sexual disorders, fat loss and energy levels.

Though this extract can be health beneficial, it is also not the safest one available in the market. Read our article about yohimbe here.

Can CleanCut Green Tea Extract Deliver Results?

Based on my research about its formula, CleanCut Green Tea Extract do have ingredients that features slimming properties. This include caffeine, green tea, yohimbe, and phenethylamine.

Its dosage is also within clinical doses based on the references that I gave above. Most customer testimonials in Amazon also provides favorable reviews for CleanCut Green Tea Extract.

CleanCut Green Tea Extract is LIKELY to deliver some measures of weight loss, but it is questionable if it can provide long-term effects.

Is CleanCut Green Tea Extract Safe?

This is where this brand fails.

CleanCut Green Tea Extract is packed with too much stimulants on its formula namely – caffeine, yohimbe, synephrine, phenethylamine and glucuronolactone.

What does this mean? Well, stimulants may have positive effects, but it also pose great threat on your health if taken in large doses. And CleanCut Green Tea Extract have lots of stimulants.

Some of the possible interactions includes headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, vomiting, palpitations, nausea, sleeplessness and many others.

To ensure a safe supplementation, please consult your doctor first before you take CleanCut Green Tea Extract.


SCFit recommends that you take 1 capsule of CleanCut Green Tea Extract in the morning.

No other instructions are published online.

CleanCut Green Tea Extract Review Summary

CleanCut Green Tea Extract may very well trigger weight loss for you, but it will not probably going to be for long-term effects, unless you eat less and exercise more.

This brand also gives you higher probability of side effects due to its stimulant content.

I rate this dietary supplement as “AVERAGE” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Claims to have natural formula
  • Tons of favorable reviews
  • Weight loss is likely
  • May help improve overall brain function
  • Refund – fulfilled by Amazon



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3c19″]

  • Limited information
  • Most Amazon reviews looks or likely fake
  • There are few unfavorable reviews online
  • Can only be purchased at Amazon
  • Side effects are possible
  • A bit pricey – $27.99 per bottle


Where to Purchase CleanCut Green Tea Extract?

As aforementioned above, CleanCut Green Tea Extract is not available on SCFit’s official site. So this diet pill can only be purchased on other online supplement shops.

Instead of using this doubtful product, you may want to check out one of our top-rated dietary supplements here – PhenQ.

Click the link below to read our review of this powerful weight loss product.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – PhenQ” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

phenqPhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.

With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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