
Carb blocker and appetite suppressant diet pill.


Want a carb and fat blocking supplement to help you with your weight loss? If yes, then CHEATmeals might provide the boost you need to kick start your slimming program.

If you are not into fat blockers but patronizes fat burners instead, then I don’t blame you at all. Thermogenic and fat burning diet pills are truly much more ideal compared to lesser known carb blockers.

But CHEATmeals claims that it can help provide effective results without undergoing the hassles of restrictive diet plans. Can this product help you lose weight? Read on to learn more.

What is CHEATmeals?

CHEATmeals is owned and distributed online by a company called HFL Solutions, the same manufacturer that gave you Lean Optimizer, the company’s fat burner counterpart.

As aforementioned above, this dietary supplement is not a fat burner but rather a fat blocker. Fat and carb blockers work by blocking fats and carbohydrates (from your diet) from getting absorbed in your system, which in return inhibits weight gain.

This doesn’t mean that you can eat any food that you want if you are taking a carb or fat blocking supplement (but basically this is how it works). What it mostly does is to prevent most fat from your diet from being stored from your body, which help lessen the impact of weight gain.

Some of health claims of CHEATmeals include:

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  • Helps block fat, sugars and carbohydrates from being absorbed
  • Improves regularity and colon health
  • Enhances digestion (reduces gas, bloating and acid reflux)
  • Supports healthy cholesterol levels and improves blood sugar levels


Like many other carb blocking dietary pills in the market, CHEATmeals contains no stimulants, harmful chemicals or synthetic ingredients.

cheatmeals ingredients

CHEATmeals offers a proprietary blend of 750.30mg per serving, and features three types of formula:

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  • Fat Blocking and Neutralizing Formula
  • Carbohydrate Blocking and Neutralizing Formula
  • Digestion Enhancing Formula


Its Digestion Enhancing Formula is composed of pepsin, protease, cellulase and amylase. Its Fat Blocking Formula contains chitosan, cassia nomame and nopal extract.

Lastly, its Carbohydrate Blocking Formula contains white kidney bean, hydroxycitric acid (garcinia cambogia extract) and glucomannan.

Its inactive ingredients are gelatin, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide and maltodextrin.

How does CHEATmeals Work?

To learn how CHEATmeals work for weight loss, we have to analyze its whole formula and see if it can truly block fats and carbohydrates.


This is the primary ingredient of CHEATmeals. Chitosan is a compound from the shells of shrimp, lobsters and crabs. It features a fibrous substance the helps block the absorption of dietary fats and cholesterol.

This is the reason why chitosan is being used as a weight loss agent, as well as an effective cholesterol buster. However, weight loss can only be achieved if you combine chitosan with other slimming agents and following a sensible diet.

Cassia Nomame

Cassia nomame is a plant extract native to China, that is being used for various health conditions but is known widely for its slimming properties.

This extract is widely used as a diuretic that helps stimulate your kidneys to increase your urine output. It is also have the ability to suppress your appetite while providing some measures of fat burning benefits.


Nopal or simply known as prickly pear cactus, is a plant that is known to help lower blood glucose levels by reducing the absorption of sugar in the stomach and intestine.

As such, nopal is widely used as an anti-diabetic agent, high cholesterol level aid and anti-obesity extract.

White Kidney Bean

White kidney bean is another plant extract that is clinically proven to help reduce weight fast. Also known as bean pod, white kidney bean is known as “starch blockers”, meaning that it can effectively help reduce your blood sugar and cholesterol levels while providing significant measures of weight loss.

Garcinia Cambogia

One of today’s most popular slimming agent, garcinia cambogia is known for its active component called hydroxycitric acid or simply HCA.

HCA is believed to have the ability to inhibit fat storage while promoting satiety. Garcinia cambogia also promotes other health benefits aside from being a slimming agent.


Glucomannan is a sugar made from the root of the konjac plant. It is widely used as a medicinal aid for constipation, weight loss, diabetes, blood sugar control and high-cholesterol.


Pepsin or more known as papain, is an extract from papaya fruit. As you know, papaya is known to help regulate your digestive system due to its high fiber content.

Pepsin is used for swelling, fluid retention and as a digestive aid. If you are dieting, eating papaya is one of the best and healthiest fruit that you can eat.

So Can CHEATmeals Help You Lose Weight?

Based from what I have observed from its formula, CHEATmeals contains clinically proven ingredients that CAN TRIGGER starch, carbohydrates and fat blocking benefits.

These ingredients might not give you instant weight loss like what fat burners do, but it can help provide long-term slimming benefits especially if you combine a healthy dieting program.

CHEATmeals also features enough dosage to give you significant weight loss effects. Below is one of the most notable customer review online:

[quote]I found this quite helpful when I know I’m going to eat a meal high in fat, carbs and sugars. I’m not using it for weight loss as I’m not over weight but I am heart conscious so don’t want the fat, sugar or carbs which turn to sugar which causes inflammation. So don’t take it on a daily basis but do know that it works as can tell by later excretions to put it bluntly.[/quote]

Is CHEATmeals Safe?

All ingredients on its formula are LIKELY SAFE to most adult dieters and athletes. I also found no reports of side effects of any kind online.

Though safe, you still have to consider that CHEATmeals contains diuretics and digestive enhancers, which if taken excessively can also trigger health-degradation effects.

To ensure safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take CHEATmeals.


According to HFL Solutions, use CHEATmeals as your dietary supplement. Take 3 pills with two cups of water, 15 to 30 minutes before each meal containing high carbohydrates and fats. Or, take daily previous to eating lunch and dinner.

CHEATmeals Review Summary

CHEATmeals can help you lose weight especially if you follow a sensible diet regimen, combined with regular exercise. Its formula suggest that it can help block sugar, carbs and fats from your diet, which can essentially contribute to your overall weight loss program.

This brand also has no records of side effects, nor customer complaints online, which is a good thing for you. However, I encourage that you take precautions and consider that CHEATmeals contains ingredients that might still be harmful to your health.

You have to consult your doctor before you take this dietary supplement.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • 100% natural formula
  • No reports of any side effects
  • Can effectively block fats, carbs and sugar
  • Supports other health benefits
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Purchase CHEATmeals?

This dietary supplement can only be purchased online directly from its official website or third party retailers such as Amazon.

To purchase your CHEATmeals right now, please visit its official sales page below.

Purchase CHEATmeals here

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garcinia ultra pureGarcinia Ultra Pure is one of the bestselling herbal slimming supplement in the market for years. Known for its fat blocking and burning properties, this supplement can truly support key areas of your weight loss program.

With garcinia as one of the most widely used agent in the industry, this brand garnered thousands of success stories online, trusted by both athletes and dieters, and has been around in the market for years.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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