Capsiplex vs Phytodren – Comparison Review

Both Capsiplex and Phytodren are known as thermogenic dietary supplement, and both are quite popular for thousands of dieters worldwide. Capsiplex, a product from UK, has been around for some time dominating mostly the Europe market. On the otherhand, Phytodren is widely marketed in the United States.

So if you are looking for a thermogenic diet pill to help increase your metabolic rate and fat loss, then these two are probably the best diet pills to look at. This comparison review will give you some key points that you may consider critical for your buying standards.

Read on and learn which one is the best for your weight loss program.

What is Thermogenesis?

Thermogenesis is widely used on various health and weight loss products. While the definition of thermogenesis is a bit more scientific in nature, I will try to make it as understandable as possible for you.

Thermogenesis is the process of increasing the body temperature or producing heat by most living organisms, including humans. Thermogenesis mainly involves the adipose brown tissue or simply called as brown fat. Adults have less to zero brown fat, but infants do have lots of it.

As we get older, brown fats slowly disappear and is replaced by white fat, the type of fat that disfigures your body. So in short, white fat is the bad fat while brown fat is the good fat. To trigger hear through thermogenesis, your brown fat needs more calories from your white fat.

This is the reason why creating heat can help you lose excessive weight, because it directly melt your white fat. Through biochemical activities and metabolism increase, you can lose more white fat in a continuous process, even while you are sleeping. That is the beauty of thermogenesis.

So thermogenic properties are so enticing for weight loss. If you are overweight or obese, you must look for thermogenic sources or supplements that can give you these type of benefits. To start on the right foot, below are my comparison review between Capsiplex and Phytodren, two of the most popular thermogenic diet pills in the market today.

Phytodren Overview

PhytodrenPhytodren is a thermogenic dietary supplement that is designed to help you lose fat fast. It is known for its 7-ingredient formula that claims to mimic CART activation and NP-Y inhibition.

What are these? CART is said to be the good guy because it helps you to reduce appetite, increase your metabolic rate, helps build your muscles and many others. NP-Y on the other hand is the bad one. It decreases your body temperature and metabolism, inhibiting your thermogenic capacities.

Phytodren’s ingredients are formulated to produce CART, not NP-Y. Although this is much more of a hypothetical theory, there are some people who experienced weight loss with Phytodren. However, a lot of criticisms are thrown at this diet pill due to this theoretical claim.

Phytodren ingredients include:

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  • Raspberry ketone
  • Thermodiamine
  • Phenylethylamine
  • Green coffee bean extracts
  • DiCaffeine malate
  • Irvingia gabonensis
  • Chromium picolinate


As you can see, there are no magic formula in Phytodren. All these ingredients are commonly found in most dietary supplements today.

Read More: Phytodren Review

Issues with Phytodren

Phytodren is considered as a very potent weight loss product (some called it as hardcore) because of its ingredients, which are mostly bombarded with stimulants. As you know, stimulants can cause adverse body reactions especially if you are very sensitive to caffeine.

Phytodren contains at least a 100mg of caffeine anhydrous and DiCaffeine malate, 37mg of phenylethylamine and 10mg of thermodiamine, all of which are known stimulants. Although there are no official complaints about this product online, there are some disturbing testimonials that shows side effects for Phytodren. These are as follows:

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  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Jittery
  • Dizziness
  • Dehydration


Phytodren Review Summary

Phytodren is a powerful thermogenic diet pill. So powerful, it can produce side effects. Plus, its theoretical claim confuses a lot of customers on how this product really work.

Phytodren is good for people with less sensitivity to caffeine. But if you are sensitive to caffeine, you should not take this diet pill. It can give you dozens of side effects and could increase your risk of other possible illnesses.

Capsiplex Overview

capsiplex pillAs mentioned earlier, Capsiplex is one of the most celebrated diet pill in the market today. It is clinically proven effective, safe and 100% natural thermogenic product. Its main ingredient is capsicum, a known weight loss compound that can definitely increase your body temperature.

Capsiplex is made of red pepper extracts (capsicum). As you know, red pepper has dozens of health benefits including weight loss. Capsicum contains capsaicinoids, a compounds that triggers thermogenesis, which leads to metabolism increase and more fat loss.

Increasing your body temperature does not just help you lose fat, it also help curb your cravings so you lose more weight. The spiciness in capsicum fills your stomach so you won’t feel hunger for longer.

Capsiplex also offers a key health benefit – an improved oxygen intake. Taking this dietary supplement will increase your intake of oxygen by 7.5% during your exercise or any physical activities.

Ingredients of Capsiplex include:

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  • Piperine
  • Niacin (vitamin B3)
  • Caffeine


Although caffeine is a stimulant, scientists behind Capsiplex ensured that its caffeine content is at its minimum amount to prevent any side effects. Right amounts of caffeine gives health benefits not side effects and Capsiplex contains the right amount of caffeine.

Read More: Capsiplex Review

Issues with Capsiplex

As aforementioned above, thousands of Capsiplex pills are sold each year and most reviews about this product as outstanding. There are no complaints or reviews about inefficacy about Capsiplex online. This is probably due to Capsiplex 100% natural ingredients.

Capsicum extracts can truly increase your body temperature which triggers your body’s thermogenic process. So if you are looking for effective and safe thermogenic dietary supplement, Capsiplex is highly recommended.

Capsiplex Review Summary

Capsiplex doesn’t offer any hypothetical theories that will give you headache on how the product really work. This diet pill is direct to the point – it can help you lose weight by triggering thermogenesis through its capsicum content.

Aside from that, it can increase your oxygen intake, help curbs your appetite, gives you more energy and keeps those white fat away!

I am recommending Capsiplex over Phytodren for your weight loss program.

Buy Capsiplex here

Comparison Review Summary

Based on the information above, Capsiplex wins easily over Phytodren in various department.

Here are the reasons why you should choose Capsiplex.

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  • Clinically proven ingredients for thermogenesis
  • Offers more weight loss and health benefits
  • Tons of good reviews (no complaints online)
  • Number one capsicum diet pill in the UK
  • Money-back guarantee


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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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