Can Synephrine Help You Lose Weight?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Synephrine or better known as bitter orange (citrus aurantium as its scientific name), is one of the most popular slimming herb in the industry today.

It has been known to have stimulating properties that is similarly potent as ephedra, but without its side effects. Experts suggest that it can help boost energy while increasing your metabolic rate.

So can this herb help aid your weight loss? Read on and learn why you can trust Synephrine for your overall fitness program.

What is Synephrine?

Synephrine is a plant where its peel, flower, leaf, fruit and juice are all used to make medicinal drugs. It is occasionally applied to the skin and most products are taken by mouth.

Most diet experts believe that bitter orange can help improve appetite, reduce fatigue, boost energy and metabolism, stimulates thermogenesis and many others.

For overall health, experts suggest it for constipation, diarrhea, intestinal gas, fungal infections, bladder diseases, liver and gallbladder disorders, kidney problems, and circulation issues.

Synephrine can also be used for inflammation, painkiller, headaches, nerve pain, exhaustion and many others.

So Synephrine is an essential and beneficial herb.

Negative Side Effects

The stimulating effects of Synephrine makes it a not so perfect slimming agent as it can also affect your health negatively.

According to WebMD, bitter orange alone is safe for most adult dieters. But the problem about synephrine-based diet pills is that, they also combine another powerful stimulant – caffeine.

A blend of bitter orange and caffeine can cause high blood pressure and increased heart rate.

So if you are highly allergic to stimulants, Synephrine is not the right slimming agent for you. Consulting your doctor is the best way to know if this herb is safe for you.

So How does Synephrine Work?

According to, synephrine is stimulatory which means that it primarily affects your central nervous system.

It has chemicals that penetrates blood vessels, increase blood pressure and cause the heart to beat faster.

As mentioned above, this compound works similarly with ephedrine. With that said, bitter orange can help boost your metabolic rate via increasing lipolysis and basal metabolic rate

Human study suggest that Synephrine can increase the thermic effect of food though one study suggested that this is only effective in women.


So Can Synephrine Deliver Results?

We stated from our previous blog post regarding the most effective supplements that citrus aurantium can help you lose weight.

Well, it can help you lose weight but there’s a catch. Studies about synephrine’s slimming efficacy have mix results.

Most dieters and experts alike suggests that a combination of bitter orange, St John’s wort and caffeine can help reduce weight effectively especially when used with a low calorie diet and exercise.

Plus, synephrine isn’t just for weight loss but for your overall health. This fruit has flavanoids (antioxidants), both of which are highly beneficial to your immune system.

Aside from that, bitter orange has enough amounts of caffeine which can truly benefit your weight loss. Caffeine increases energy and metabolism while it triggers thermogenic effects.

So synephrine has enough formula to help you lose weight because of its antioxidants, caffeine and other compounds that give health-improving properties.


Synephrine is highy plausible for weight loss due to its ephedra-like health properties. But still, you have to take extra safety measures when taking powerful stimulant herbs such as this one.

If you like some supplements that have bitter orange, just search your favorite supplement on our archive here.

Otherwise, we recommend that you take a look at our top-rated supplement below.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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