Obesity and other weight issues are affecting millions of people worldwide. It is pandemic that is slowly killing humanity. If this sounds like you, then you need an abrupt change on how you can improve your health and get fit as much as possible.
Maybe you are obese or overweight and maybe you know how to handle yourself from public with your physical features. If you are that confident, then congratulations! However, not every people with weight issues are mentally and emotionally tough as you. In most studies, obesity cause people to become depressed and stressed out for different reasons. They prefer isolation from the crowd, making their social life miserable. Is this who you are?
If being fat affects your life, then it is time to fight back and reverse everything that you can because it is not too late. Maybe you watched those people on the Biggest Loser show where these heavy fat individuals dramatically lost pounds after pounds. If they can do it, sure you can too! It is just a matter of perseverance and consistency on your weight loss program.
So what are the options for you? The best way is to level up your physical activities. How to do that? Well there are various ways to sweat and dancing is one sure way to get rid of your excess fats! Want to learn more how dancing can help you lose weight? Read on.
How Dancing Works?
Any physical exertion can contribute to your health’s improvement, especially to weight loss. Physical activities such as sports, cycling, exercise and dancing are just some of the methods that you can do to naturally shed pounds. To make it specific, how does dancing work for weight loss?
Well, it depends on the type of dance you choose. Some dance routines are less intense while others are so upbeat and will grove your whole body. It also depends on your consistency and frequency. Of course, your body features should also be considered to keep your program at the right track. This includes your body mass index, your age, your target weight and many others. With these in mind, you can achieve the many benefits of dancing especially with regards to fitness.
Dancing is a perfect cardiovascular exercise. It is fun and does a lot to your body, health wise. Dance moves and routines will keep your blood flowing, which is good if you want to evade serious diseases like heart attack, hypertension and many others.
Most experts say that you can lose up to 10 pounds just by dancing. But of course, not everyone can dance and everyone’s body is built differently. A dance session can’t be successful for weight loss if you are not eating a balanced and healthy diet. So you need to conjunct a good diet and dancing at the same time to see good results. Plus, you need to target your ideal weight if you are on a weight loss program. This is to ensure that you don’t lose weight unintentionally.
Burning calories is another crucial aspect of weight loss. With the right dancing attitude, you can effectively burn significant number of calories per day which constitutes to more weight loss. Doing some arm movements, leg and foot switching, swaying and many other moves will totally help you burn more calories. Sometimes, for people who just wanted to lose weight, they also do some stretching and jogging to warm their body up, which are good pre-workout routines. You can do the same after your workout.
Above is a sample dance move from celebrity Julianne Hough. Actually, if you don’t know how to dance, dance videos are awesome tools for you. You can just watch it on the comfort of you own room, without anybody noticing that you are working out. Fitness videos are abundant on Amazon, just search for your own preferred video that you think will help you lose weight.
Also, use a proven diet supplement to further speed up your metabolism and burn more fat. Some of our recommended pills are Meratol, Slimfy, PhenQ, Phen24 and Zotrim.
Over-all, dancing can work your legs, arms, chest, abs, back, thighs, feet and many others. Yes, dancing is a whole body workout. So you are not just enjoying yourself, but you also help improve your health.
Choosing a Dance and Music
Okay, if you want to dance, you need to choose which music and dance can match your taste. These preferences are crucial because if you don’t enjoy yourself from your dancing, chances are you’ll quit easily. In contrast, you will last long and dance more if you love what you are doing, if you love what you are dancing!
Getting bored is your number one enemy if you want to lose weight through physical activities and dancing is not an exemption. Although dancing is one of the perfect alternatives to traditional exercise, I don’t want you to try one method to another just to find the right weight loss program for you. It is not just the right attitude if you really want to lose weight fast.
Some of the styles that you can choose includes the following:
- contemporary
- ballroom
- bollywood
- broadway
- hiphop – highly advisable!
- jazz
And then there are styles that are totally bizarre and quite dangerous such as pole dancing, aerial dancing, strip tease dancing and many others. Trending dance routines includes belly dancing, ballet and my favorite tap dancing. Below is a sample tap dancing performance from a Riverdance theatrical show.
Tap dancing is awesome! Yah, I know that it’s a little bit out of line but I just want to show you that tap dancing is one of my favorites. This sample also teaches you that dancing, whether simple or complex routines, can be effective in losing weight. It is a type of aerobics and ballet in one sweating activity. If you don’t like this dance, then I bet you like some hip hop right?
Other Benefits of Dancing
Aside from weight loss, dancing can offer many other health benefits for you. This includes the following:
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- strengthens your immune system
- improves coordination, balance and posture
- improves your reflexes, endurance and stamina
- charges up your metabolic rate
- enhances your memory
- builds up your confidence
- relieves body aches
- improves skin
- build and tones your muscles
- good for cardiovascular system
- lowers your blood cholesterol and sugar
- prevents high blood pressure
Dancing also helps build relationship and improves your social capabilities with other dancers. It gives you character and Over-all, dancing won’t just for health and fitness, but it also assist you in many other areas of your life.
Is Dancing for You?
Dancing is definitely for you. Whether you are a dancer or a novice, you can definitely lose weight with this kind of physical activity. Regular dancing session is enough to burn that extra calories of yours that constitute to your heavy weight. Plus, the routines will help improve your health. What else could you ask for?
How to Start a Weight Loss Dancing Regimen?
If you are decided that you want to try dancing for fitness, then you have to find a way how to get started. If you are a little shy and would like a little privacy, then I suggest you try dancing videos. Videos are widely available online for affordable prices. Start your search online.
Otherwise, if you want a serious dance sessions, then I suggest that you enroll on some dancing classes near your area. Just find what type of dance you like, then look for dance instructors near you. Dance studios are all over the place and sometimes, dancing routines are even offered in the gyms so you won’t run out of choices.
Whether you want to dance or not, the important thing is you exert a lot of effort to lose weight, whether in physical activities or dieting. These two aspects should jive together to produce good results. Try dancing today and lose weight fast!
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