Are you in need of a fat burning supplement that is not in a pill form? If yes, then BPI Sports Stim-Elite is one of the most prominent product in the market that you can try.
Just like dietary pills, thousands of powdered supplements are out in the market today which gives you difficulty in choosing the right product for your weight loss program. BPI Sports offers one of its powerful thermogenic products that can both help you lose weight while achieve a leaner muscle definition.
Read on and learn how BPI Sports Stim-Elite can help you achieve total fitness for life.
What is BPI Sports Stim-Elite?
Stim-Elite is a quality product from BPI Sports, the same sports and nutrition supplement company that brought you Roxylean and its bestselling diet pill B4 Fat Burner. Stim-Elite is just one of the wide range of powdered supplements from BPI Sports.
As mentioned earlier, BPI Sports Stim-Elite is a powdered fat burner that is completely different from pills, drops or slimming patches that you commonly see in the market. Currently, Stim-Elite is available in three delicious flavors – watermelon, fruit punch and blue raspberry.
Some of the claimed benefits of this product includes:
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- Burns fat fast
- Helps define lean muscle
- Supports appetite control
- Provides energy and increases metabolic rate
BPI Sports Stim-Elite is claiming that it is incorporating a latest science (formula) that will give you results unlike anything that you have though possible. While this claim is a bit overrated, lets go deeper on its ingredients and learn if BPI Sports Stim-Elite truly has something new to offer.
BPI Sports Stim-Elite Ingredients
BPI Sports Stim-Elite offers a proprietary blend (fat burning and muscle formula) that is composed of weight loss agents and amino acids such as acetyl-L-Carnitine, aspartic acid, caffeine, green coffee bean, raspberry ketone and pausinystalia yohimbe bark.
Aside from Stim-Elite’s fat burning and muscle formula, this brand also contains niacin, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Its inactive ingredients includes maltodextrin, natural and artificial flavors, citric acid, silica and sucralose.
How does BPI Sports Stim-Elite Work?
There are no official statement to be found on BPI Sports official website on how this product works for weight loss. With that said, I think we have to look deeper on its formula and guess which “science” ingredient that they claim to be a weight loss secret.
Amino Acids
We all known that amino acids and certain vitamins and minerals plays crucial roles in weight loss and BPI Sports Stim-Elite offers just that. This powdered supplement offers two significant amino acids that are both known as health beneficial, especially to weight loss.
Acetyl-L-Carnitine or simply known as L-Carnitine, is known in the weight loss industry as a fat burner. Most obese individuals are believed to have carnitine deficiency, making their fat burning capabilities to lessen as they age. With L-Carnitine supplementation, it further transports fatty acids more quickly and throws them into metabolic furnace.
This means that L-Carnitine helps your body to burn fat rather than storing it as fat. Aspartic acid is a type of amino acid that is produced by the body naturally. This amino acid is important in increasing your hormone production while improving your overall nervous system function.
Source: Amino Acids – Amino Acids Studies
Yohimbe Bark
Yohimbe is from a bark of West African Evergreen tree, and has been used as a medicinal aid in centuries. Most supplement manufacturers are using yohimbe for sexual health improvement, particularly in men (erectile dysfunction, etc.).
But there are also a wide variety of studies that associates yohimbe and weight loss. An article published in Men Fitness indicates that yohimbe supplementation can support or do promote weight loss.
Green Tea and Caffeine
Caffeine is a no-brainer ingredient here as this compound is a popular energy booster and fat busting agent. Caffeine is almost present in most dietary supplements and some known fat burning extracts also do contain caffeine.
Green tea is the perfect example of caffeine-rich extract. Green tea (Stim-Elite main ingredient) is a potent antioxidant provider through its polyphenols and catechin compounds. Aside from antioxidants, green tea is an energy boosting and fat burning agent.
Raspberry Ketone
Raspberry ketone is a popular weight loss agent that is now being used by majority diet pill companies. Popularized by Dr. Oz Show, there are several studies about raspberry ketones in mice, which results to significant weight loss.
Though looks promising, there are limited research about this extract in humans and some tests reveals slight weight loss effects. Raspberries are low in calories and a good source of fiber and vitamins, which are probably the reasons why it can support weight loss.
Incorporating other weight loss agents (such as green tea, yohimbe and amino acids with BPI Sports Stim-Elite), sensible diet and regular exercise with raspberry ketone supplementation, will mostly likely provide significant weight loss.
Source: Raspberry Ketone – About Health
Is BPI Sports Stim-Elite Safe
BPI Sports Stim-Elite is a thermogenic supplement that is compose of fat burning and energy boosting extracts such as caffeine, yohimbe, green tea and raspberry ketone. Most customers are satisfied with this product as it is fast acting and truly gives results.
But since it contains stimulants, there are customers who experienced negative results (which is usual in most thermogenic supplements). Since Stim-Elite is in powdered form, you are getting the maximum fat burning and muscle defining dosage of 1,155 mg per serving (3 grams or 1 scoop), which is considered a powerful dose.
Some of the customer complaints includes lost bowel movement, sweating, jitters, dizziness, anxiety increase, palpitations and many others. You should think about these reported side effects if you are considering BPI Sports Stim-Elite for your weight loss program.
I recommend that you consult your doctor first before you try this powdered supplement.
Is BPI Sports Stim-Elite for You?
When you focus on Stim-Elite’s reported side effects, you will surely get discouraged. But you also have to remember that thermogenics are usually prone to side effects due to their stimulant contents, and BPI Sports Stim-Elite is not an exemption.
Individual results do varies and if you are highly allergic to caffeine, then Stim-Elite is definitely not for you. However, if you have high tolerance to thermogenic agents and you have tried other fat burners before, then you can consider Stim-Elite for your weight loss program.
BPI Sports recommends this product to people with active lifestyle. This means that you have to incorporate regular workouts with Stim-Elite supplementation.
BPI Sports Stim-Elite Reviews
Good Reviews
[quote]The first time I tried it, I ended up doing two sessions in the gym – it kept me high without the horrible crush after it. The second and third time I took it, it didn’t hit me as hard as the first time though – I am still a little bit disappointed by this but I think that’s because of something I do (diet, sleep, anything).[/quote]
[quote]Stim elite has helped lose 5 pounds in a month.. I usually take it on an empty stomach in the mornings before my workouts. There is no crash with this preqorkout which I love. I did have to start with half a scoop and move up to a whole scoop by the end of the month. It’s delicious and had me sweating so much at the gym, I totally recommend for those of you that need that extra push to get to the gym![/quote]
[quote]Stim elite works great for me, I’ve alredy lost weight, and I feel good when I’m at the gym, unlike other pre workouts that I’ve taken, this does not give me palpitations either.[/quote]
[quote]Great results and nice for training good price good presentation easy to carry and prepare and is really sweet and delicious[/quote]
Bad Reviews
[quote]Very, very very…I wish I could type that a million more times in effective. The only thing is good for is a slight bowel movement. I simply can’t recommend the product. I gave it an extended try…and its not working…I’m on the same track I was on before introducing the supplement..about 1 pour a week lost…this did not boost the weight lost rate at all.[/quote]
[quote]I’ll start by saying that I’m no stranger to stimulatants, pre workouts, etc. I’ve had thermogenics before and know how they work. This product does work fast, instant jittery shakes, anxiety increase, and I wanted to rip off my flesh. I’m glad amazon is great about returns, I sent it back[/quote]
[quote]Stim-Elit is a rush of super fast acting energy, thermogenic and appetite suppressing power. NOT! I’ve been using thermogenics for a while this one it’s just a bad product all together.[/quote]
Directions of Use
Take one servings of BPI Sports Stim-Elite (1 scoop) daily, preferably in the morning. Blend it into 6 to 8 ounces of cold water or beverage, or as directed by your qualified healthcare provider.
This powdered supplement is best taken on an empty stomach. Stop using if you cannot assess your tolerance to caffeine or if jittery side effects persists. Again, you should consult your doctor first before you take Stim-Elite.
BPI Sports Stim-Elite Review Summary
BPI Sports Stim-Elite is a potent thermogenic formula that has its own shortcomings and advantages. This brand is composed of natural thermogenic formula that is packed with energy boosters (stimulants), slimming agents, vitamins and minerals.
Although Stim-Elite has its own sets of side effects, there are enough numbers of customers who trusts this brand for their fitness endeavors. Plus, Stim-Elite is one of the very few thermogenic powdered supplements that can also help support lean muscle mass development.
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up”]
- Natural formula
- Promotes fat burning and energy boost
- Fast-acting energy booster
- One of the most trusted thermogenic powdered supplement in the market
- Money-back guarantee
Where to Purchase BPI Sports Stim-Elite?
BPI Sports Stim-Elite is widely available at any local sports nutrition outlets near you.
You can also purchase this brand online through various Internet supplement retailers such as iSupplements.
Click Here to Purchase Stim-Elite
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