Bowflex Revolution Home Gym


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As part of our commitment to you of bringing the best health and fitness information, we will now be reviewing some of the best home gym equipments for your fitness needs. To start at the right foot, I will give you a quick review of a whole new technological product called Bowflex Revolution Home Gym!

If you are serious about losing weight, why not go into a complete exercise program by not just depending on dietary pills and usual workout routines? Yes, your fitness regimen will not be complete without a perfect exercise tool that can help you lose weight and tone your muscles into a sexy beast.

That tool can be Bowflex Revolution Home Gym. This product is not too cheap but not too expensive and is perfect for your room for private workout sessions. Read our review to learn more how this equipment can get your body into tip top shape in no time!

Bowflex Revolution Home Gym Overview

bowflex revolution home gymBowflex is one of the premier maker of home gym equipments in the world. The Bowflex Revolution Home Gym is one of its many masterpiece (it is actually their flagship product) that showcases a different technology for better, safer and more effective workout.

This ultra light but durable machine is built with the revolutionary “SpiralFlex” resistance technology. SpiralFlex gives you different but consistent resistance throughout different range of motions. This means that the equipments adjusts itself according to your resistance preferences.

This SpiralFlex-inspired exercise equipment is currently one of the best-selling workout machine in Amazon, parading with a customer review rating of 3.5 stars. If you are not familiar with Amazon, a 3.5 star rating is already considered a high feat, considering that there are thousands of products that are being sold on Amazon.

This products is made from lightweight interlocking plates. This plates can be easily be adjusted according to your preferred resistance (from 10 up to 220 lbs). As you can see from the right side image, this equipment will effectively work your upper body as well as your body’s lower part.

However, Bowflex recently upgraded this model and can now be used for up to 300 pounds. That is more added resistance if you want more challenge on your workouts. That is just plain versatility for a home gym.

Bowflex Revolution also includes a leg press plates (with five-position foot harness) for your lower body workout needs. The freedom arms are adjustable up to 170 degrees which gives more versatility and wider range of motions. This will enable you to work from different angles.

Full Specifications of Bowflex Revolution Home Gym

Aside from aforementioned details, below are the full specifications of Bowflex Revolution Home Gym.

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  • folding design
  • SpiralFlex technology (220 pounds)
  • preacher curl attachment (optional)
  • gym style Ab attachment (optional)
  • compact dimension (73cm x 112cm)
  • functionality leg developer
  • workout area (10′ x 7′ x 7′)
  • Actual weight – 157 lbs (71 kg)
  • Maximum user weight – up to 300 pounds
  • An extra workout DVD included
  • Possible number of exercises – 100+


From the details above, it is obvious that Bowflex Revolution Home Gym is one of the best looking gym equipments there is online. With SpiralFlex, this product is truly hard to resist.

bowflex specificationsbowflex revolution

As said earlier, Bowflex Revolution Home Gym offers wide variety of exercises, approximately more than 100. With resistance technology Spiraflex, you exercise regime won’t fall short unlike any other old and workout gym models.

Bowflex Revolution Home Gym Reviews

[quote style=”1″]I recently bought this product. I have trained and worked out for over 30 years. I have competed in body building in the past also. My current schedule left me unable to make it to a gym with the frequency that I like so I started my search for a good home gym product that could give me a complete workout. I researched for over 2 months before deciding to part with the money for this system. It is very heavy and once emplaced it is best to leave it where you set it up. As to working out it has amazing resistance and feel. I like to train the negative side of the muscle with contractions while lowering the weight and this machine gives a great smooth movement. It takes some getting used to and of course it is not as good as some of the specialized machines in the gym. Bottom line, this is an excellent choice to get a work out from home with no waiting for equipment to come available.[/quote]

Eric Gardner, Bowflex user

[quote style=”1″]This equipment is not cheap, but let me tell you it is excellent!! I had a traditional equipment and this one works much better.I also have the dumbbells and the stand. I am 56, in the best shape of my life, with only 17% body fat.[/quote]

EMS, Amazon top reviewer/Bowflex user

[quote style=”1″]I truly believe you get what you pay for and I can truly say this is one great well built machine and one of the best investments I have made toward my health. The Bowflex Revolution is truly a great Home Gym with plenty of versatility[/quote]

Porfie Medina, Amazon top reviewer

Where to Buy Bowflex Revolution Home Gym

Bowflex Revolution Home Gym can be purchase on various fitness online stores. However, it is much wiser if you purchase gym equipments only at trusted brands. Amazon is one of the best online retail sites in the world, which caters various brands and products. Bowflex Revolution Home Gym is currently being offered at Amazon.

Review Summary

Bowflex Revolution is a unique design and packed with SpiralFlex resistance technology. You might stumble on other gym equipments but surely they are much more expensive than Bowflex Revolution Home Gym. If you want an private exercise tool that can help build muscle and tone your body, then this brand is perfect for you!

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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