Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym


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There is no better place to workout than home! And if you want an excellent exercise program at home, you better have the perfect tool as well. Introducing the Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym.

Doing exercises at home is a convenient and a fun way to get fit. You have that privacy and your own type of ambiance. Unlike working out in a gym which is more public, with EXM4000S, you will have a complete workout machine that can do almost all routines compared of what a usual gym can offer. In return, you save money on your investment.

This is actually my second installment of gym equipment reviews. The previous one is from Bowflex. This time, you will get the chance to learn one of the most solid and heavy duty machine ever created for home exercise products – Body Solid’s EXM4000S.

Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym Overview

body solid exm4000s triple stack home gym

This heavy duty machine is designed by Body Solid Inc., a premier gym equipment maker. The EXM4000S is just one of their wide range of EXM models that includes the EXM300 and many others. This machine is designed to accommodate three people working out at the same time.

This machine can give your whole body the perfect workout it deserves. It will help you to burn more calories, fats and to improve and tone your muscles. The machine can offer both upper and lower body workouts (as shown in the image). If you works alone, then you can take advantage of its features and have  a continuous workout.

EXM4000S includes weight stack shrouds for added safety, two by four inch solid mainframe for torsional flex prevention, a Pex station with full range limiters, an artistic handle design for perfect dumbbell grip and a perfect powder coating.

This equipment is ideal to be placed against the wall. Each exercise stations are consists of three 210 lbs steel alloy weight stacks. Other features includes a bench press, seat pad (with hydraulic adjustments), easy-access pop pins and durafirm pads accompanied by lower lumbar support.

So if you need versatility and durability, EXM4000S can very well meet your standards. Aside from that, this machine also have an optional leg press/calf press station. This product is designed for both beginners and seasoned body-builders, perfect for those who want to lose weight fast.

Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym Full Specifications

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  • Triceps press-down station
  • Chest press station
  • Shoulder press station
  • Three 210 lbs alloy steel weight stacks
  • Chest supported row station
  • Ab crunch station
  • Perfect Pec station
  • Lat pull-down station
  • Low pulley station
  • DuraFirm pads
  • Weight stack shrouds
  • Measures 91 x 83 x 133 inches (WxHxD)
  • A workout poster and a DVD instructional video


Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym Drawbacks

Built to last and designed for various exercises, the EXM4000S has its own drawbacks. First, it needs large space as the machine is huge compared to any other home gym equipments. Second, it is quite an expensive product which is priced at $4,612.14.

These are however, minor issues. Over-all, this equipment offers total body-building workout and definitely won’t fail your expectations.

Is Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym for You?

The answer to that question is of course yes! This machine is ideal for any adults who wants to improve their over-all physique. Whether you would like to lose weight, maintain a healthy weight or develop lean and muscular body, EXM4000S can definitely deliver.

In contrast, if you don’t have the cash to purchase this equipment and you also don’t have the available space on your room, then this product is definitely not for you!

Review Summary

Body Solid EXM4000S Triple Stack Home Gym is one of today’s dependable exercise machines. It is also designed to give you exercise comfort as well as with regards to your safety. As aforementioned above, you need to have enough space to fit this machine into your room and you also need to consider the cost.

If you want to purchase your EXM4000S, then visit its Amazon page by clicking the link below. Amazon is the most trusted name with regards to online shopping. Make sure that you only buy this item from Amazon.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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