Bladderwrack Weight Loss Properties

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you take diet supplements, you probably noticed a seaweed agent in one of your favorite brands. This popular ingredient is called bladderwrack extract.

This sea herb is commonly found in the Atlantic and Pacific coasts from Europe to Asia.

While this seaweed has become a household name in the weight loss industry, you have to know that bladderwrack is more than just a slimming agent!

Read on and learn why you should try bladderwrack on your overall fitness program.

What is Bladderwrack?

Scientifically called as fucus vesiculosus, this brown seaweed is consumed as food and is used as a medicinal extract.

Experts have discovered that this sea herb is high in antioxidants that can help prevent free-radical-induced damage in your body, such as cancers.

Aside from being an immunity booster, bladderwrack also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-hypertensive properties. A perfect supplement to help prevent hypertension.

And like other herbs such as black pepper, glucomannan and fenugreek, fucus vesiculosus is packed with vitamins (mostly B complex vitamins), minerals and trace elements.

But the most intriguing properties of this seaweed is its high amounts of iodine, which helps regulate or prevent thyroid disorders.

Fucus vesiculosus also has algin, a chemical that acts as a laxative which helps the stool pass through the bowels.

So this herb primarily affects your hormone levels though most experts suggests that more studies are needed to confirm its true health benefits.

Health Uses of Bladderwrack

With tons of health properties, you can easily say that bladderwrack can be used in various health conditions, both to help treat and prevent diseases.

As mentioned above, this herb is known to help regulate hormones which is highly beneficial if you have thyroid issues such as myxedema (underactive thyroid), goiter and iodine deficiency.

People use bladderwrack for high blood pressure, emphysema, insect bites, anxiety, urinary tract disorders, heartburn, digestive disorders, arthritis, joint pain, arterosclerosis, bronchitis, constipation and many others.

Traditionally, bladderwrack is used as a weight loss aid to treat diabetes, reduce hair loss, fatigue and to treat menstrual abnormalities.

Experts also believe that this seaweed promotes brain tissue and membrane health, while encouraging healthy nails and blood vessels.

Some cosmetic experts suggests that using bladderwrack for skin has been noted to be effective in improving elasticity and cellulite reduction.

Can Bladderwrack Help Treat Thyroid Disorders and Cancers?

People with thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, have been recommended to take iodine-rich supplements such as bladderwrack extract.

With high iodine content, bladderwrack can truly help improve thyroid hormone production of the body, which is important for treating hypothyroidism.

On the other hand, bladderwrack supplementation has also been discovered to have chemopreventive properties. This means that this brown seaweed can help prevent growth and spreading of cancer cells.

Cardiovascular and Anti-Aging Effects

As mentioned above, this brown seaweed is highly important in maintaining the elasticity of skin. It means that bladderwrack can have anti-aging properties as well.

With its antioxidants, fucus vesiculosus possesses anti-aging properties, which has been used for various cosmetic products.

According to a study, a topical gel containing 1 percent of bladderwrack extract applied to the cheek skin twice daily for five weeks, resulted in reduction of skin thickness and improved elasticity.

On the other hand, bladderwrack has been proven to help improve cardiovascular health as well.

This herb has fucans and fucoidans, two chemicals that has anticoagulant (blood-thinning properties), which has been prove to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels.


Bladderwrack and Weight Loss

Let me tell you straight, there are no scientific evidence that this seaweed can indeed trigger weight loss.

But, like other herbs such as guarana, theobromine and synephrine, bladderwrack indirectly causes your body to lose weight. Meaning it can help support key areas of your weight loss program.

How does bladderwrack work for weight loss?

Well, the key to weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in right? This means that you have to reduce your total calories by as much as 3,500 just to lose 1 pound.

This is best achieved through exercise and diet, add to that is diet pill supplementation.

First off, bladderwrack is used to help counter obesity due to its ability to stimulate hormone production of the thyroid gland.

According to experts, the key agent in bladderwrack is called fucoxanthin, a pigment that is responsible for its color.

Journal Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism stated that the combination of fucoxanthin and pomegranate seed oil did promote weight loss and helped reduce fatty liver in obese women.

Aside from this fact, bladderwrack is though to have the capacity to increase your workout capacity due to its vitamins, minerals and B vitamins content.

This means that it will help boost your endurance in the gym, elevating your overall performance while reducing fatigue.

Is Bladderwrack Safe?

Due to its high iodine content, bladderwrack can cause unwanted minor side effects such as acne, stomach irritation, increased salivation and a brassy aftertaste in the mouth.

Pregnant women and children are also advised not to take this seaweed due to its high iodine content. People with hormone-sensitive cancers such as breast and ovarian cancers are also advised not to take bladderwrack.

Overall, we believe that this seaweed is likely safe to healthy dieters, athletes and bodybuilders who want to lose weight.

Bladderwrack is highly available nowadays as a supplement and there has been no single report of a major side effect online.

If you want to know if this seaweed is safe for you or not, then you need to consult your doctor first before you take brown seaweed.


Again bladderwrack isn’t going to directly help you lose significant amounts of weight.

But it can highly support your weight loss program by regulating your hormone production, enhancing your workout intensity and performance, and by supporting your diet and exercise program.

Aside from its weight loss benefits, bladderwrack can help your health in various ways. As mentioned above, fucus vesiculosus has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-aging, and anti-hypertensive properties.

What else can you ask for in a herbal supplement?

If you are looking for a diet supplement that has bladderwrack, then you have to read our HCG Complex review by clicking the link below.

This diet drop is probably the bestselling slimming drop in the weight loss industry. Though it has “HCG” on its label, HCG Complex is completely natural formula that has no hormones or any harmful chemicals.

Click the link below to learn more.


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HCG Complex promotes fat loss, appetite reduction and metabolic increase, all of which are essential for successful weight loss.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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