Yes, brands such as Ab Igniter Black, ThermoGen, Anadrox and Sextosterone Boost, all have black pepper in their formulas.
Do you know why peppers are used in diet pills? Read on and learn the sole reason why.
Black Pepper Overview
Herbs that are sourced from piper nigrum plant, black peppers are ground from dried, whole unripe fruit and is heavily used as a medicinal agent.
Traditionally, people apply black peppers directly to the skin for treating nerve pain and skin disease called scabies. Both white and black peppers are also used topically as a counter-irritant agent for pain.
But black peppers are heavily used in the kitchen, as a food and beverage additive and flavoring agents.
How does Black Pepper Work?
According to some experts, black pepper helps fight germs such as microbes, and helps stomach to increase its flow of digestive juices.
Some people believe that black peppers have anti-cancer properties though conflicting studies exist so far.
Evidence suggests that pepper might help reduce your chances of colon cancer but other studies suggests that it might promote liver cancer.
Other use for black pepper include treatment of bronchitis, malaria and cholera, stomach upset, pain, and many others.
What is the Use of Black Pepper in Weight Loss?
Black pepper has been in the weight loss spotlight ever since it was discovered that it has fat burning properties.
The actual reason for this herb’s fat busting potential is piperine, black pepper’s active chemical.
According to NCBI, piperine supplementation along with high-fat diet led to significant body weight, total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL and fat mass reductions.
Other studies have similar results which further cements its status as a weight loss agent.
But still, people are more reluctant to take black pepper as their weight loss supplement. And I myself believe, that it’s too early to say that black peppers can be in fact considered as anti-obesity supplement.
Though black pepper has been proven to have that fat burning properties, the effects might not directly from this herb but as a welcome addition to a calorie-controlled fat-loss diet.
How? A teaspoon of pepper only has 8 calories and tastes much better than other marinades and sauces. Black pepper is also sodium-free which reduces your risks of bloating and water retention.
And lastly, most supplement manufacturers use black peppers for its ability to increase absorption of nutrients.
For example, it is widely proven that taking black pepper helps increase the absorption of curcumin, a healthy and weight loss agent.
Yes, black pepper has bio-enhancing properties, which are proven to help increase absorption of selenium, B vitamins, C vitamin, CoEnzymeQ10, beta carotene and other minerals and nutrients.
So if you are taking a fat burner or fat blocking supplement with black pepper, you can bet that the formula can be absorbed quickly by your body due to its piperine content.
Black pepper might have been studied to have some measures of weight loss. But according to the facts mentioned above, black pepper can help you lose weight in various ways.
Plus, this herb can also play a big role in your immunity as an anti-cancer agent and pain relief agent.
Want to know which diet pills have black pepper in their formulas? Search our archive here and see which brand is the most ideal weight loss product for you.