Biogetica Assist

Liquid homeopathic supplement designed to trigger fast weight loss.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Looking for a liquid drop that is made of homeopathic formula? If this sounds like you, then Biogetica Assist is one brand that might fit your health needs.

Homeopathic supplements are not new in the market and I already reviewed some of the most popular homeopathic products here such as Nutra Pure Drops, Easy HCG, EZ Drops, or HGH 30000 Spray.

So how does Biogetica Assist compare with these aforementioned supplements? Will it truly help you lose weight? Read on to find out more.

What is Biogetica Assist?

Biogetica Assist is a dietary drop produced by health company called Biogetica. This company offers a complete health support with doctors available to diagnose your current condition.

They offer various supplement brands ranging from weight loss pills, eye health, cognitive function, and even for your pet’s health.

Here are some of the health claim benefits for Assist:

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  • Promotes fat burning
  • Elevates energy and metabolism
  • Supports thyroid health
  • Mobilizes brown fat
  • Improves digestion and liver health
  • Amino acids for healthy joints and muscles
  • Sharpens memory
  • Helps respiratory system


As you see above, Biogetica Assist offers far more weight loss and health benefits for you than most supplements online. This is because of its so called homeopathic formula.

Homeopathic formula means an alternative medicinal formula that is based on a doctrine of a particular doctor or health professional. These doctrines are “cures” or a claim that a substance or often liquid dilution, can be used to help treat a disease.

Although considered as a pseudoscience by the medical community, homeopathy is being used heavily by people who believe in herbal treatments and alternative medicinal procedures.

But Biogetica Assist isn’t just homeopathic formula as it is also composed of amino acids and herbs that are known to support weight loss.

This dietary drop is priced at $49 per bottle, which is a bit pricey compared to other dietary supplements. But, Biogetic offers 100% money back guarantee on all of its products.

Biogetica Assist Ingredients

As mentioned above, this product is packed with homeopathy agents, amino acids and slimming herbs.

Ingredients include foeniculum vulgare, ammonium bromatum, antimonium crudum, fucus vesiculosus, lecithin, arginine, carnitine, ornithine, argentum metallicum, calcarea carbonica, galium aparine, hypothalamus and adrenaline.

Other key agents include pituitary, lac defloratum, phytolacca decandra, thyroidinum, brown fat, phosphorus, purified water and gluten free USP alcohol.

Can Biogetica Assist Help You Lose Weight?

According to its ingredients list above, Biogetica Assist is quite packed with herbs that are all known to promote weight loss. But does this mean Assist is a dependable slimming brand?

To answer this question, we have to dig deep into its ingredients and see if this formula is truly plausible for your weight loss program.

Amino Acids

Biogetica Assist does offer key amino acids carnitine, arginine and ornithine, all of which are known to support various areas of health and weight loss.

All these amino acids helps improve muscle growth, energy, metabolic levels, athletic performance and provide health benefits such as heart function improvement and even enhances your body’s antioxidant levels.

Foeniculum Vulgare

This herb (much more known as fennel) is widely used for digestive disorders such as heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating, and loss of appetite. People also use this herb for respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, coughs and many others.

How does fennel works for weight loss? According to WebMD, this herb helps relax the colon and reduces respiratory tract secretions.

This means that fennel is a perfect detox agent that can help improve nutrient absorption of your body. And this indirectly helps you lose weight.

Antimonium Crudum

According to LiveStrong, this agent helps raise your metabolism, digestion and elimination.

So basically, antimonium crudum can help enhance your body’s capacity to burn fat while improving your digestion to help flush toxins and excess water.

Calcarea Carbonica

If your problem is your overeating and active appetite, then you need this agent.

Overactive cravings may be the results of thyroid problems such as goiter or poor assimilation of food and slow digestion.

Calcarea carbonica is a popular homeopathic agent used for controlling appetite by dealing from these symptoms.

biogetica assist dietary drop supplement


Sourced from the thyroid gland of animals, thyroidinum is also used for effectively suppressing sugar cravings just like other homeopathic agents suc has calcarea carbonica.

This agent is used for improving the function of your thyroid glans and even as a treatment for thyroid enlargement disorder.

Other uses for this ingredient is treatment for arthritis, dry skin and psoriasis, heart problems, and even tumor growth in breasts and anemia.

Phytolacca Decandra

According to LiveStrong, this herb is a popular homeopathic agent due to its many potential health benefits, including weight loss.

The key reason why people use this herb for weight loss is its ability to prevent water retention and this is highly important if you want to lose weight fast. Our body retains pounds of water so eliminating excess water is a good way to lose weight naturally.

People also use phytolacca for arthritis, mumps, syphilis, painful menstruation, fungal infections, tonsilities and many others.


A type of fat molecule composed of inositol and choline, lecithin has been touted to promote tons of health benefits including weight loss.

This molecule is an emulsifier, the ability to break down and disperse fat in water, which is the main reason why some people use lecithin for weight loss.

There are critics that debunk this weight loss claim as there are no solid evidence to support it. But you should also consider that lecithin isn’t just for weight loss but it is also highly useful for your overall health.

Galium Aparine

Popularly known as cleavers, this type of weed may have potent medicinal properties especially for weight loss.

According to LiveStrong, galium aparine is highly used to help treat edema, swelling, urinary problems, gastrointestinal tract diseases, and many others.

How does cleavers promote weight loss? Well, this herb is a diuretic, which means it helps clear infections and inflammation in your genitourinary system.

Brown Fat

Want to trigger your body’s thermogenic capacity? If yes, then simply getting more brown fat can activate your body’s sleeping thermogenic state.

Brown fat has been proven to help promote dozens of health benefits including weight loss. According to WebMD, brown fat can help boos metabolism, burn calories and increase your energy levels.

Is Biogetica Assist Safe?

This brand lacks customer reviews online so I can’t completely say that this brand is safe or not.

But based on its formula which is 100% natural, side effects are unlikely to occur for most adult dieters.

People have doubts on homeopathic agents due to the possibility of side effects unlike conventional dietary supplements.

So to ensure a safe supplementation, you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Biogetica Assist.


Sadly, there are no information on Biogetica’s website regarding its instructions or how to use this diet drop.

Biogetica Assist Review Summary

This product truly has a homeopathic formula with known amino acids and herbs. What does this mean for you?

Well, homeopathic agents are widely used today for weight loss but still lack followers in the dieting community. This is probably the reason why Biogetica Assist lacks in customer reviews.

But the question is, can it deliver results for you?

Well yes!

The formula of Biogetica Assist are known to promote key areas of weight loss – digestion, water elimination, thyroid function improvement, fat burning, metabolism and energy increase and athletic performance improvement.

If you want to try this brand, then I encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions here by commenting it below. Your opinion is very valuable so others will know if this product is truly plausible for weight loss.

Where to Buy Biogetica Assist?

Biogetica Assist is available online through its official website. Click the link below to buy yours now!

Purchase Biogetica Assist here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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