Are you looking for a supplement that provides hydroxycitric acid? If yes, then BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia could be the one that you are looking for.
This brand is an enticing supplement because it feature tons of favorable reviews online, not to mention its price which is very affordable.
However, there are also some factors that will give you doubts on whether this diet pill is truly worthy of your health investment or not.
Read on and learn why BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is not approved as a plausible weight loss supplement here.
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using BioFusion, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia?
BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is a product of US-based company called BioFusion. Sadly, I can’t find any traces of online entity for this diet pill which means that BioFusion can only be purchased at Amazon.
Some of the health benefit claims of this product include:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]
- Triggers thermogenic stimulation
- Enhances focus, mood, behavior and overall mental function
- Eliminates hunger cravings
- Suppresses appetite
Primarily, BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is an appetite suppressant and is obviously based on one of the most popular slimming agent today – garcinia cambogia.
BioFusion claims that this diet pill can help you lose weight fast by using garcinia’s active compound called hydroxycitric acid (or simply known as HCG).
As aforementioned above, BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is also quite affordable (only $8.99 per bottle) and is guaranteed by Amazon, making this brand one of the cheapest weight loss supplement in the market.
But you probably know that you can’t sacrifice quality over price right? Read on and learn more if this diet pill can truly help you lose weight.
BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia Ingredients
BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia contains only two ingredients on its formula – chroium (2omg per serving), and garcinia cambogia (500mg per serving) with standardized up to 95% HCA.
Its inactive ingredients are silicon dioxide, dicalcium phosphate, stearic acid, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose and gelatin capsule.
Based on its Amazon page, they claim that BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia also contains green coffee bean extract. However, the supplement fact label obviously shows no green coffee on its formula.
So How does BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia Work?
Since BioFusion doesn’t have any website, we can only rely on its Amazon page for information.
BioFusion claims that this diet pill has the most advanced HCA extract due to its high potency of up to 95% (most garcinia cambogia pills offers are at 60% potency).
They claim that BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia can primarily help you to eliminate cravings, stop overeating, produces metabolic stimulation and improve mood and appetite.
But can garcinia cambogia truly deliver weight loss?
What the Science Say about Garcinia Cambogia?
Garcinia cambogia is quite impressive in most human clinical studies when it comes to both fat loss and appetite suppression. Studies that combines HCA with other slimming agents such as caffeine or green tea, showed significant weight loss.
One study about HCA’s appetite suppressing effect was conducted by Purdue University. The test subjects are between 18 to 65 years of age and are all not in their ideal weight (overweight).
Treatment involves 1,200 calorie restricted diet and were given two 400mg caplets of garcinia cambogia, three times per day (standardized for a minimum 50% HCA).
Results showed that a significant loss of weight was achieved over 12-weeks of study. Fat mass, waist line and energy consumption during the diet period were significantly reduced.
The mean daily intake also showed average reduction during the study. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
So Can BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia Deliver Results?
Even though various clinical studies on garcinia cambogia showed positive results, it doesn’t mean that BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia can also do wonders for your weight loss.
Analyzing the clinical study mentioned above against the formula of BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia reveals something clear with regards to efficacy.
Let me show you some factors why this diet pill is not going to help you lose weight.
Dieting is Required
One major factor that made the said volunteers lose weight from the mentioned clinical study was the very difficult 1,200 calorie per day diet.
Yes, you actually need to apply a restrictive diet if you want to lose weight with garcinia cambogia.
Dosage is Not Potent Enough
BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia provides 500mg per serving, three times a day. This means that you are getting 1,500mg of garcinia cambogia extract per day, with a potency of 95% HCA.
But the clinical study above showed “two” 400mg per serving, “three” times a day. You do the math and you will get 2,400mg per day. That is way more than BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia offers.
This means that this brand doesn’t offer a clinical dose for you to get successful weight loss.
Unfavorable Reviews
Yes, BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia does have its own fair share of negative reviews online.
Though I found no reports of side effects, most of the bad reviews are about ineffectiveness.
So what does this all mean? It means that BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is UNLIKELY to help you lose weight.
How about Safety?
I found no reports of side effects online. Garcinia cambogia are proven safe for adult dieters.
Though safe, BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is not totally a side effect-free brand. Why? Because it contains a huge amounts of chromium per serving – 20mg.
Most products only provides an average amount of chromium that ranges from 15 to 600mcg (note that it is not in milligram). And yet, BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia offers a whopping 20mg per serving. Triple that serving and you get more chromium in a day!
So to ensure a safe supplementation, you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia.
According to BioFusion, you can take 1 capsule of BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia, three times daily with water, approximately 20 to 60 minutes before meals.
No other instructions are published online.
BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia Review Summary
BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia may provide you some measures of weight loss but not as significant as advertised.
Like other questionable garcinia brands such as Super Citrimax or Garcinia 3000, BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia is not going to help improve your weight loss program.
You also have to be cautious on its chromium content which is about 20mg per serving (x3 per day). So you need to consult your doctor first if you decide to use this brand.
I rate this dietary supplement as “NOT RECOMMENDED” due to the following reasons:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]
- Natural formula
- No known side effects
- Affordable
- Refund – Fulfilled by Amazon
[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3c19″]
- Limited information
- No official website
- Weight loss is unlikely
- Can only be purchased online
- Side effects are possible due to high chromium content
- Dieting is required to achieve weight loss
Where to Purchase BioFusion Garcinia Cambogia?
Since this brand doesn’t have an official website, it can only be purchased on third party supplement retailers.
To be able to successfully lose weight, you need a dependable, reputable and proven weight loss supplement.
I suggest that you check out one of our top rated dietary supplements below – PhenQ. Click the link to read our review of this powerful slimming product.
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – PhenQ” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]
PhenQ is one of the bestselling phentermine-alternative diet pill in the market for years. Known for its fat burning and energy boosting properties, this supplement is an all-in-one formula for your slimming program.
With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.
Click here to learn more in our review.