
Fat burner and energy booster


If you tried deer antler velvet in your fitness program and you found it effective, then you might want to try one of the best deer antler-based drops in the market today – BioAntler IGF-1 Drops.

Yes, this product is a bodybuilding supplement that is designed to optimize your body’s capabilities in training while reducing fatigue and fastens recovery.

With spray techology, this anabolic supplement is different from many other popular bodybuilding supplements. Read on and learn how BioAntler works for your overall fitness program.

What is BioAntler?

BioAntler is owned and distributed by a company called BioFitness Lab, and is based in the United States. This product is a spray type of product and is completely different from conventional pills and capsule forms.

This product is intended for bodybuilders and athletes as it is formulated to help stimulate muscle growth while lessens the time of recovery period during an intense exercise.

As a “deer antler velvet” supplement, BioAntler will help boost your IGF-1 that will help trigger anabolic effects.

Some of the claimed benefits of BioAntler include:

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  • Boosts IGF-1 levels
  • Burns fat fast
  • Builds muscle
  • Shortens recovery time
  • Enhances physical performance
  • Supports metabolism, muscle repair and strength


What is IGF-1?

You probably heard the word “IGF-1” in all deer antler velvet supplements in the market. Well, IGF-1 or Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, is a natural anabolic hormone that stimulates muscle tissue growth and optimizes protein synthesis.

Deer antler velvet uses IGF-1 to regenerate their antlers, which also gives them powerful effects that results to muscle gains and energy boost. Its formula is designed to boost testosterone levels which will further boost muscle growth.

IGF-1 is primarily produced in the liver as a response to HGH (human growth hormone) release. IGF-1 helps transport glucose and amino acids into muscles while stimulating its DNA. This will result to improved performance, fast recovery and more muscle pumps.

BioAntler Ingredients

bioantler ingredientsBioAntler is a natural supplement that is based primarily of deer antler velvet extract. It features a 200mg per serving proprietary formula and 20mg of niacin.

The proprietary formula is composed of deer antler velvet, horny goat weed, tribulus terrestris extract and tongkat ali root extract.

Its inactive ingredients include purified water, 20% ethyl alcohol, natural and artificial flavors, xylitol, citric acid, stevia leaf extract and potassium sorbate as preservative.

So How does BioAntler Work?

BioAntler works by increasing your IGF-1 levels which are important in muscle growth, recovery and anti-aging. But BioAntler offers more than just increasing your IGF-1 levels.

The simple but potent formula of BioAntler all features anabolic properties that will further help you to achieve your fitness goals. Let me give you some short details on how each of these ingredients work.

First off, tribulus terrestris is one of the most widely used extract in the world of bodybuilding supplements. This is probably due to its ability to improve circulation that leads to better sexual and cardiovascular health while enhancing physical performance.

Next is horny goat weed. Like tribulus terrestris, horny goat weed is known to its ability to improve circulation, which results to sexual and mental health improvements. But it is also known for its ability to reduce fatigue due to intense exercise and relieves pain.

Deer antler velvet extract is the main ingredient of BioAntler. It does many health wonders including athletic performance enhancement, sexual desire increase, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, relieves asthma and indigestion, regulates immune function, relieves muscle aches and pain, and many others.

Last but not the least, BioAntler contains tongkat ali root extract which is another common bodybuilding agent. Also known as eurycoma longifolia, tongkat ali is known to be a testosterone hormone booster. Testosterone is an important hormone for growth and other bodily requirements.

Can BioAntler Work for You?

Based on the information above, This liquid supplement can definitely deliver results for your fitness program. All of its ingredients are natural and provides anabolic effects, perfect for your everyday workouts.

There are tons of good testimonials for this brand online and it features a 90-day risk free money back guarantee. So you have nothing to lose with BioAntler.

Is it Safe?

There are no known side effects for this brand online. All of the ingredients listed above are safe for most adult dieters and bodybuilders alike.

Though safe, you are still encouraged to consult your doctor first before you use BioAntler.

Suggested Use

For best results, take 2 sprays directly under your tongue. Press your tongue down and hold for up to 20 seconds before swallowing.

Consume 2 to 3 times daily as needed (morning, afternoon and evening). BioAntler bottle is good for 3 months of use.

BioAntler Review Summary

BioAntler is 100% natural deer antler velvet supplement that will help provide you with powerful anabolic effects. There are also no indications of side effects or any other negative reviews for this brand online.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19abed”]

  • Provides powerful anabolic effects
  • Boosts testosterone and IGF-1 levels
  • Supports fat burning and other health benefits
  • Tons of good reviews
  • No known side effects
  • 90-day risk-free money back guarantee


Where to Purchase BioAntler?

This product is neither available at any local fitness stores near you, nor in any online supplement retailers. This brand can only be purchased directly from its official website.

To buy BioAntler, please visit its official sales page below.

Purchase BioAntler here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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