[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Beta-Alanine is one of the most widely used agent in both weight loss and bodybuilding supplements.
You can actually compare its popularity to more prominent slimming agents such as green tea, raspberry ketone, caffeine and garcinia cambogia.
Beta-Alanine isn’t just for weight loss, but is believed to be a proven agent for improving performance, endurance and stamina.
If you are looking for the best beta-alanine supplements online and you want to know how it really works, then this short but definitive guide will truly help you out.
Read on and learn more.
What is Beta-Alanine?
Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid as it can be produced by the body naturally, so they don’t have to be provided by food.
Amino acids by the way, are the building blocks of protein. Which means it is highly important for various functions in the body such as muscle growth, bones and many others.
Even though a non-essential beta-amino acid, this agent has quickly become more useful but non-essential in the industry of performance nutrition, bodybuilding and weight loss.
According to experts, this supplement can help raise muscle carnosine (peptide) levels and at the same time, it can significantly increase the amount of work you can perform during high intensity training.
What does this mean? This mean that during anaerobic exercise, Beta-Alanine can effectively boost or your athletic performance potential and workout capacity. It also help increase lean muscle mass gains, and many others.
And what makes this agent so effective for muscle building and performance boost? Well, women has low Beta-Alanine, including those who are vegetarians and add the inevitable effects of aging, causes our body to have lower amounts of muscle carnosine.
Men and those protein (more meat diet) monster diets have incredibly high amounts of Beta-Alanine. This means that this agent indeed plays a key role in your fitness program.
How does Beta-Alanine Work?
First off, Beta-Alanine is formed in the liver or by gut microbes. It then binds to the brain and muscles to form carnosine.
Beta-Alanine boost carnosine levels in muscles and the brain, which helps muscles to resist acid build-up. So the main fitness benefit of this agent is its capacity to raise muscle carnosine concentrations.
And with high carnosine levels, the more you increase your muscle gains. Plus, carnosine is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent hydrogen ion buildup in your muscles during high intensity, rigorous training sessions.
High hydrogen ion buildup leads to muscle fatigue and even muscle loss. Beta-Alanine also works as an inhibitory neurotransmitter and a neuromodulator.
This means that this agent helps prevent oxidative st
ress, cell damage and other body system disorders due to inhibition uptake of amino acid taurine in cells.
Benefits of Beta-Alanine Supplementation
Taking Beta-Alanine offer dozens of health benefits for you. Most people use it to help increase serotonin in the brain. Enough serotonin offers anti-anxiety effects and lowers post-traumatic stress disorder.
High levels of serotonin also helps improve cognitive function while under stress. Beta-Alanine is also believed to have anti-tumor properties as studies showed that it can reduce tumor cell growth in colon and rectal cancers.
This agent also fights aging. According to NCBI, 18 elderly patients experienced enhanced exercise capacity after taking Beta-Alanine for three months. As mentioned above, carnosine reduces aging-related stress
For bodybuilding, Beta-Alanine helps delay fatigue and reduces lactic acid in muscles. Low acid buildup during high-intensity anaerobic performance can effectively delay fatigue.
A meta analysis conducted by NCBI, showed that this agent effectively improved high-intensity workout that lasts more than a minute.
Beta-Alanine helps improve exercise power and workout capacity. Experts recommends taking this agent if they plan to exercise for at least 10 minutes.
Furthermore, Beta-Alanine helps improve resistance training volume and performance for athletes who are in team sports – NCBI.
Lastly, Beta-Alanine increases muscle mass. An NCBI study revealed that Beta-Alanine supplementation may further elevate high intensity interval training, improving endurance performance and lean body mass.
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What are the Risks?
According to WebMD, taking Beta-Alanine supplements are likely safe when taken by mouth. No major side effect have been reported aside from minor tingling and flushing.
Experts recommend dividing your servings into two if you experience any side effects, or better consult your doctor first before taking any Beta-Alanine supplements.
For physical performance improvement, you need at least 3.2 to 6.4 grams daily.
In general, this agent is possibly safe for most lifters and athletes.
As mentioned above, Beta-Alanine is a proven agent for muscle building, performance and endurance improvements and many other health benefits.
If you are trying to lose weight, build some serious muscles and improve your overall workout performance, then Beta-Alanine is one of the best supplements that you can take.
HCG Complex is one of the most popular and effective diet supplement online. And what makes this diet drop special? It has Beta-Alanine!
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