Best Amino Acids for Weight Loss


You probably noticed that amino acids are always present in most weight loss supplements. Either carnitine or arginine, amino acids are “essential” to get you slim.

We all know that amino acids are the building blocks of protein from the food we eat.

They have different uses in the body supporting every systems and organs and of course, they promote lean muscle mass.

But what are the best amino acids that are weight loss worthy? While all amino acids are important, there are just a handful of amino acids that can truly deliver slimming effects.

Without further ado, here are some of the best amino acids that you should take if you want to lose weight fast.

Best Amino Acids that Deliver Results


Lysine is widely used to help treat cold sores and prevent herpes virus infection. However, lysine can also help improve athletic performance, combats fatigue and maintains a positive nitrogen balance.

It helps support lean body mass, used to help repair damage tissues and supports hormone production (growth, testosterones, insulin, etc.).

According to WebMD, lysine might be beneficial for diabetic patients as it helps reduce blood sugar levels. It is also deemed to have an anti-stress properties.

So taking L-Lysine can greatly support your weight loss and fitness program.


Phenylalanine has a damaged reputation about its true health benefit potentials due to its alleged adverse health effects.

But most people are still using this amino acids to help them lose weight.

Some of the uses of this amino acid include treatment of depression, ADHD, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain and osteoarthritis.

For bodybuilders and athletes, phenylalanine works by improving your muscle functions, relaxing it and allowing it for most contraction.

L-Phenylalanine helps increase your epinephrine, nor-epinephrine and dopamine, all important neurotransmitters needed to optimize your nervous system.

It also helps increase UV ray absorption in sunlight, increasing your levels of vitamin D.

This amino acids might be helpful for your fitness program, but you need to talk to your doctor first before you decide to include phenylalanine on your weight loss program.

Supplements that has phenylalanine include ISO Ignite, 7-Day Diet Shake and Grenade Thermo.


Like most amino acids, methionine is found in meat, fish and dairy products. Used mainly to help prevent liver damage in tylenol poisining.

Methionine is also used to help treat depression, alcoholism, schizophrenia, drug withdrawal, asthma and Parkinson’s disease.

For weight loss, methionine can help produce energy for you and support muscle growth. It also help metabolize fat, improve digestion and has antioxidizing properties.


BCAAs or branched-chain amino acids is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels, repair of skin, bones and muscle tissues, while potentiates human growth hormone production.

Amino acids in BCAAs include leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids help stimulate building of protein in muscle and possibly lessen muscle breakdown.

Aside from its fitness benefits, BCAAs also help improve mental functions such as focus, alertness, mood, concentration and reduces stress – WebMD.

Supplements that has BCAAs include BCAA Pro, BCAA Fusion and EvoSport.


You probably knew this was coming! L-Carnitine is a popular slimming agent known mostly as a fat burning amino acid.

Basically, carnitine helps increase ATP, reduces fat buildup around muscle tissues and helps improve physical performance.

Carnitine also helps improve antioxidizing effects of vitamins C and E, keeping your body safe and protected against disease-causing free radicals.

So if you want to stay in shape and keep a lean physique, you should definitely need to add L-Carnitine into your diet or supplements.


L-Arginine helps improve heart and blood vessel conditions such as congestive heart failure, chest pain, high blood pressure and many others.

Some people take arginine to help improve their kidney function, sexual function, prevent inflammation, elevate athletic performance and may even be used as an antioxidant agent.

In weight loss and bodybuilding, L-Arginine also helps increase nitric oxide levels. NO causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow, which results to better physical and mental performance.

Arginine also helps stimulate growth hormone release, insulin and other compounds in the body – WebMD.


Like carnitine and arginine, glutamine has tons of health benefits to your body as it forms about 60% of your total amino acid pool.

For dieters and athletes, glutamine helps keep muscle mass, increase energy levels and prevents fat accumulation.

It may also help reduce appetite and sweet cravings which can greatly help your diet program.

Plus, L-Glutamine helps aid memory recall, focus, alertness and concentration. This amino acid turns into glutamic acid in the brain, improving your overall brain function.

Some weight loss supplements that use glutamine include A6 Burn, Body Fuel and Regenerine PM.

Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methyl Butyrate

Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methyl Butyrate or simply called as HMB, is the end-result compound when your body breaks down leucine. As mentioned above, leucine is an amino acid.

This compound is widely used to increase the benefits of weight training, exercise and weight loss. It also helps treat cardiovascular diseases, high cholesterol, diarrhea and many others.

According to WebMD, HMB might promote muscle growth, increase physical performance, reduces muscle breakdown and prevents fat storage.

So if you want to cut your body fat while adding up some lean muscles, HMB is one of the best amino acids in the market for you.

Some HMB supplements that you might want to try are HMB+, Double Wood HMB, Forge or Dbol-GH.


These are the best amino acids that you can use for your weight loss and bodybuilding program. Other amino acids such as cysteine, threonine or histidine are also useful though not completely proven at this time.

So check your supplement’s ingredients now and see if they have any of these amino acids.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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