BASE Fat Burner


Overweight? If yes, then BASE Fat Burner is formulated to help you lose excess fat fast.

Just like most fat burners in the market, this product claims that it can help reduce your weight without triggering any undesirable side effects.

This can be true as BASE Fat Burner is a stimulant-free dietary supplement. However, this brand lacks in customer reviews to support its claims.

Read on and learn if this brand can truly help you lose weight.

What is BASE Fat Burner?

BASE Fat Burner (also known as BASE Stim-Free Burn) is a product of BASE Nutrition LLC. a fitness supplement manufacturer that is based in Florida.

Some of its claimed health benefits include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19abed”]

  • Appetite control
  • Burns fat
  • Relaxes your body


So basically this product is a fat burner and may also provide some appetite suppressing effects. The official website of this brand published limited information on how it works for weight loss.

What we know is that, it is a “stimulant-free” dietary supplement. But considering that it contains green tea leaf extract, that claim might be a little over exaggerated.

With regards to price, BASE Fat Burner is quite expensive which costs $34.99 per bottle at Amazon. There’s no indication that its official website offers a refund or money back guarantee, so you better off purchasing this pill at Amazon.

BASE Fat Burner Ingredients

As aforementioned above, this product contains green tea extract as its main ingredient with 600mg per serving dosage.

Aside from green tea, BASE Fat Burner also contains forslean (60mg per serving), 7-keto (100mg per serving) and gymnePURE 8x (250mg per serving).

Its inactive ingredients are rice hull concentrate, dicalcium phosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable cellulose and silicon dioxide.

base fat burner ingredients

So Can BASE Fat Burner Deliver Results?

Even though BASE Fat Burner doesn’t have stimulants, it is still marketed as a fat burner, which is an odd formula. So is there a secret formula that this brand can offer?

Well, judging from its ingredient profile above, this diet pill does have something new on its formula, though the majority of its dosage are from green tea.

Since this brand has limited information online, I have to get a closer look into its formula and see if its ingredients can truly trigger significant weight loss.

Green Tea Extract

A stimulant-free dietary pill, this product must rely on caffeine-based herbs such as green tea extract. Though green tea naturally has caffeine content, there are no details if BASE Fat Burner’s green tea content had been decaffeinated or not.

Why do you have to know about this? Well, because the fat burning properties of green tea relies on its two major active compounds – catechins and caffeine.

Catechins are antioxidants that helps fight aging and protects you from harmful free radicals.

On the other hand, caffeine is a stimulating compound that affects your central nervous system. Caffeine is also known to have weight loss properties and energy boosting benefits.

So without caffeine, green tea might not be able to successfully deliver weight loss.

GymnePURE 8X

GymnePURE 8X is a modern and unique multi-patented extract from gymnema sylvestre leaf using a scientifically supported extraction process.

This plant contains compounds that helps reduce the absorption of sugar from the intestine. It promotes insulin level increase in the body and may help increase cell growth in the pancreas where the insulin is being made.

So in short, gymnema sylvestre is known as an appetite suppressant, sugar craving buster and a mood enhancing agent.


7-Keto DHEA is a non-hormonal compound and is known as a fat burning agent. It has the ability to increase your metabolic rate, which is the reason why it can trigger fat loss.

Though this ingredient is promising, additional research are needed before it can be considered as a weight loss ingredient.


Forslean is a compound derived from coleus forkohlii plant. It mainly works on your muscles in the heart and in the walls of the blood vessels.

Some science websites refer coleus forskohlii as a slimming agent because it can help increase concentrations of cyclic AMP and cAMP via the activation of adenylate cyclase.

Increase your cyclic AMP results to protein kinase activation. Once this occurs, your lipase hormone will be activated and this will help reduce body fat.

Based on these facts, BASE Fat Burner is unlikely to give you any weight loss effects. Its green tea and 7-Keto amounts are also not in clinical dosages, making the efficacy of BASE Fat Burner more doubtful.

base burn

Is it Safe?

I found no side effect reports for this brand online. This is probably due to its natural ingredients with no stimulating agents.

Even though safe, you are still encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take BASE Fat Burner.


According to BASE Nutrition, you can take 2 capsules per day preferably with a meal or as prescribed by your physician.

BASE Fat Burner Review Summary

This dietary supplement has ingredients that are not in Layman’s terms as it uses scientific terms on its ingredient profile. This might confuse you a bit so make sure you know what these ingredients mean.

The efficacy of this supplement is doubtful and its ingredients are not potent enough to trigger significant weight loss.

If you like to lose weight, you should incorporate a healthy diet and regular exercise with BASE Fat Burner supplementation.

Here are the highlights of this review:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19abed”]

  • Natural formula
  • May help give some energy boost and antioxidant benefits
  • No known side effects online
  • Money back guarantee – fulfilled by Amazon



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed3419″]

  • Lack of information online
  • You may need to exercise and diet to see results
  • Can only be purchased online
  • Quite pricey


Where to Purchase BASE Fat Burner?

To purchase BASE Fat Burner, please visit its official sales page below.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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