B4 Fat Burner


Looking for a pre-workout supplement that can help address your needs for performance and fat loss improvements? Today’s diet pill review is about B4 Fat Burner from BPI Sports.

B4 Fat Burner is unlike other pre-workout or diet pill that you commonly see in the market. BPI Sports claims that this product is the most exclusive high-end sports performance supplement that can also help you lose weight fast.

Are you looking to support your workout endeavors with the right supplement? If yes, then read this product review and learn if B4 Fat Burner can truly help your fitness program.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is B4 Fat Burner?

As mentioned earlier, B4 Fat Burner is designed, produced and marketed by BPI Sports, maker of various body building and weight loss supplements. BPI claims that B4 is designed for hardcore pre-workout activities that will help support both your training and weight loss efforts.

Like any other sports and weight loss pills, B4 Fat Burner claims to be one of the most cutting-edge product in the market with its high standard and non-commercialized ingredients. Basically, B4 Fat Burner will help you lose fat and will help improve your overall performance.

Some of the published benefits of this product include:

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  • Helps you lose fat fast
  • Helps improve performance and training
  • CNS stimulant
  • Dopamine modulator
  • Adipose tissue regulator


Ingredients of B4 Fat Burner

Below are the key ingredients of B4 Fat Burner. You may notice that most of these ingredients can also be found in most sport nutrition supplements.


Do you lack in vitamin B3? Well, B4 Fat Burner can support your B3 deficiency as it contains enough amounts of water soluble nutrient niacin. Niacin is known for its function as hormone regulator, DNA repair and regulation of blood flow. Water intake is necessary if you are taking vitamin B3.


Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is mostly found in diet pills, coffee and beverages. B4 Fat Burner contains caffeine in anhydrous form which is instantly absorbed by the body compared to just drinking coffee or tea. Too much caffeine though can produce side effects.

Dendrobium Nobile

BPI Sports call this ingredient as Dendromax, which is used by most of its product lines including B4 Fat Burner. Dendrobium hit the market in 2012 and became an instant ingredient celebrity. What does Dendrobium do? It helps reduce your body weight, especially fat.

Canavalia Gladiata

Canavalia gladiata or simply known as the seeds of sword beans, is a type of extract that is commonly used for increasing the amount of ATP as well as a potent energy booster.

Psoralea Corylifolia

Psoralea corylifolia is another type of seed that is widely used in Eastern India specifically for weight reduction purposes. B4 Fat Burner contains this seed extract to help you lose weight fast.

Sophora Japonica

Sophora japonica is from a Japanese tree leaves that is said to help increase your body’s fat burning capacity, which leads to significant weight loss.

Other components of B4 Fat Burner include red wine concentrate and yohimbe (a type of bark). All ingredients are 100% natural.

B4 Fat Burner

Directions of Use and Precautions

BPI Sports is transparent with regards to usage and warnings of their products. As a precaution, you are reminded that B4 Fat Burner contains caffeine, which is obviously not for everyone due to its stimulant effects.

You should not take B4 Fat Burner with synephrine or to excessive coffee, tea, soda or any other dietary supplements or medications that contains caffeine or phenylephrine. Caffeine can trigger nervouseness, irritability, sleeplessness and rapid heart beat.

B4 Fat Burner also contains niacin, which can produce temporary flushing, tingling, skin reddening, sensations of heat and many others. If you are under the age of 19 or if you are taking any types of medication or suffering from any type of disease, you have to consult your physician first before you take B4 Fat Burner.

B4 Fat Burner Dosage Instructions

Take 1 dose of B4 Fat Burner 20-30 minutes before workout or as directed by a qualified healthcare professional. On non-training days, take 1 dose to help support your body’s fat burning capacity.

Remember not to exceed the recommended dose. Talk to your physician or contact BPI Sports for more information about directions of use.

B4 Fat Burner Review Summary

B4 Fat Burner is an enticing pre-workout supplement that has a very attractive marketing scheme.

With its high stimulant content, this brand can give you some measures of weight loss.

Here are the reasons why you need this brand:

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  • Natural ingredients
  • Can help you lose weight
  • Supports other health benefits


Where to Buy B4 Fat Burner?

B4 Fat Burner is widely available at BPI Sports official website and to various third party retailing sites such as Amazon.

Click Here to Purchase B4 Fat Burner

Also, you may want to check out one of our recommended diet pill product below – PhenQ.

It is clinically proven and safe diet pill in liquid form. See my review through the link below.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – PhenQ” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

phenqThis supplement is a powerful and quite popular fat burner and energy booster! PhenQ offers a unique formula called α-LACYS RESET®, a proven thermogenic agent with no known side effects.

PhenQ doesn’t just support weight loss, but also promotes muscle growth and enhances mental function.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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B4 Fat Burner
B4 Fat Burner
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  1. B4 does work. It might not work for everyone. I feel the enegry and I have lost 5lbs so far. I love the energy it gives you too because it’s not the jittery kind either. At first it did give me tingling of the skin and redness but that was the first pill I took and after that I was fine. 🙂

  2. B4 is terrible. I took it think I would have energy to workout, instead I felt like a crackhead. My head was hurting my hands started shaking. I had to just sit down for a moment. I went for a jog thinking I would feel better after I took it. Ha ! I felt just as bad. I thought something was seriously wrong with me. After drinking bottles of water I started to feel normal again. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone. All of that just isn’t worth trying to burn belly fat.

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