Do you believe in the weight loss power of green tea? If you do and you are looking for a dependable green tea product that can help you reduce weight fast, then Awesome Green Tea Pills might be the most ideal product that you are looking for.
Green tea has long been proven to offer dozens of health benefits and has been used by Chinese people for over 4000 years to treat illnesses such as headaches, poor digestion and even emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.
Through various research, green tea is now being used today as a supplement to help improve overall health and is much more popular because of its potent weight loss properties. Read on and learn what Awesome Green Tea Pills can do to your health.
[note note_color=”#66b5ff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills in our archive or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]
What is Awesome Green Tea Pills?
Awesome Green Tea Pills is being marketed exclusively by Slimming.com, a premier health supplement online store that features top-notch weight loss pills and health products. As mentioned earlier, Awesome Green Tea Pills only contains 90% polyphenols of pure green tea (2,250mg to be exact).
This product might be the most powerful green tea-based diet pill in the market and could be the lone product that only offers green tea as its primary and only ingredient.
You might ask why this product is so confident in just using green tea as their only primary formula? Well, we all know that green tea is one of the healthiest drink in the market today and most of all, it is popular for its fat burning properties. So there are no secrets why the company of this pill decided to use only green tea and nothing else.
How does Awesome Green Tea Pills Work?
Here are some of the reasons why you should trust green tea for your weight loss program.
Antioxidants and Detoxification Benefits
Awesome Green Tea Pills can provide green tea’s natural detoxification benefits as it contains natural compounds that trigger good chemical reactions inside the body.
First off, toxins invade our body naturally through the environment we live in such as the air we breathe, the food we eat and many others. If your body is exposed to large amounts of toxins everyday, you are prone to various diseases because toxins affects the way your cells regenerate. Some of the diseases that you may develop due to toxin build up include heart problems, cancers and other many other known chronic diseases.
With green tea’s natural epigallocatechin gallatea content or simply known as EGCG, this toxins can be inhibited and flushed naturally out of the body. EGCG are antioxidants that is said to be 100 times more powerful that other types of antioxidants such as vitamin E.
Antioxidants doesn’t just help detoxify your body, it also help stop molecule oxidation. Molecule oxidation releases harmful free radicals that can damage your body system. Green tea provides potent antioxidants that can prevent oxidation process and also helps improve your overall health.
Plus, detox and antioxidants can help your body lose weight through increasing your metabolic rate and improving your digestion. When these two are both achieve, you can burn more calories and have less amount of energy that is stored as fat.
Thermogenic Effects
You are probably aware that green tea is a powerful fat burning agent right? If yes, do you also know how it works as a fat burner? Well, most dieters take green tea because of this single benefit – fat burning, and it is possible through green tea’s thermogenic effects to the body.
Did you know what thermogenesis is? Thermogenesis is a natural process of the body characterized by sudden increase in temperature. This can be achieved by eating thermogenic foods or through physical activities. Losing weight is not possible if your body cannot trigger this process.
Green tea can trigger thermogenesis in a different way. Through green tea’s caffeine content, it primarily stimulates your central nervous system which causes your excess fat to be released into the blood stream and is then used as fuel or energy. This is how thermogenesis is triggered taking green tea.
Once your thermogenesis is stimulated, green tea helps burn fat and uses it as your body fuel as energy. Aside from that, it also uses carbohydrates for fuel and then starts to break down either your muscle tissue or fat stores to be used for energy.
As you know, using muscle mass is not the ideal weight loss that you desire as lean muscle also help burn calories so your body needs to use fat instead of muscles. This is the good side of green tea compared to other thermogenic agents, it only uses fat stores to be converted as energy, not your muscles.
With thermogenesis, it doesn’t just help you burn fat, it also gives you more energy and endurance for your physical activities. Every pound loss enables you to push your body to the limit and work longer and harder during workouts. This leads to significant amounts of weight loss.
Awesome Green Tea Pills Reviews
[quote]Having drank green tea for as long as I can remember, I can vouch for how good green tea can be for your health. Its refreshing, revitalising and jam packed with antioxidants. I think it’s safe to say that everyone should be drinking it! Knowing how good green tea is for you, I thought I’d start taking the pills since it was so much easier to take on busier days. Really useful supplement and one I wouldn’t change for the world.[/quote]
[quote]VERY STRONG DOSE and product seems to be working I am losing weight and I haven’t even been able to get to the gym as often as before I started taking this due to my new job.[/quote]
[quote]I decided to get these capsules after reading a few articles about how green tea can improve your health and reduce tiredness. After a few weeks of using them I can clearly say it works. Not sure about weight loss but I have a lot more energy now.[/quote]
Awesome Green Tea Pills Health Issues
As of this writing, there are no official complaints about this product online. I also found no reports of side effects but found some minimal reviews about its inefficacy, which is just normal for a supplement. Aside from that, there are no significant issues that I encountered about this product.
Green tea naturally contains caffeine which is a form of stimulant. Stimulants can trigger adverse health reactions such as headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, jittery and many others. But the caffeine content of green tea is minimal which won’t cause any side effects for you. This might also be the reason why there are no side effects complaints about Awesome Green Tea Pills.
With 2,250mg of polyphenols, Awesome Green Tea Pills is a sure winning green tea product that can truly benefit your health. Aside from that, there are no other ingredients listed for this product which makes its as one of the safest green tea-based diet pill in the market.
Awesome Green Tea Pills Review Summary
Awesome Green Tea Pills is one of the cleanest diet pill in the market which only contains green tea on each capsules. While other dietary supplements offer a combination of green tea and other weight loss such as appetite suppressing agents, Awesome Green Tea Pills can only provide the power of green tea.
If you prefer a combination of weight loss properties such as those offered by other diet pills, then Awesome Green Tea Pills is not for you. This product only depends on the health benefit offerings of green tea, nothing else.
So can Awesome Green Tea Pills help you lose weight? A big YES! There is no doubt that this product can help you lose weight as it contains high amounts of polyphenols which is a potent compound that can effectively detoxify and burn your body fat.
Other products that offer multiple weight loss aid might cause side effects due to its questionable ingredients. But Awesome Green Tea Pills is transparent with regards to its content.
Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:
[list style = “check”]
- Could be the highest green tea content in the market
- Good reviews online (no reported side effects)
- Helps improve your overall health (detox and antioxidant properties)
- Money back guarantee
Where to Buy Awesome Green Tea Pills?
Awesome Green Tea Pills is distributed exclusively at Slimming.com but can also be purchased through various third party sites. I suggest you purchase at Slimming.com as its offers the lowest price for this product – only $29.95 per box. Plus, it offers money-back guarantee that is not offered on other third party online retailers.
To purchase Awesome Green Tea Pills, visit Slimming.com official health store now.
[note note_color=”#66b5ff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills in our archive or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]
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