
Power and energy boosting diet pill.


Most weight lifters use different types of supplements, depending on their needs. One popular type of sports nutrition pills is called Anvarol and is designed for cutting and lean muscle gain.

This supplement is made by a company called Crazy Bulk, which is formulated as an alternative supplement for the synthetic steroid Anavar. With its touted potent ingredients, Anvarol is worth a second look especially if you are looking for a dependable bodybuilding supplement.

Read this product review and learn how Anvarol works for your fitness program. Can it help you gain muscles fast? Read on!

What is Anvarol?

If you are aware of the more famous anabolic steroid called Anavar, then you know that there are also hundreds of products that mimics its qualities and branded as “alternative supplements”.

Anvarol is one of them.

But how is Anvarol different from the rest of the competition, especially with the original Anavar? Well, Anavar is truly a powerful anabolic agent, but it is infamous for its side effects.

That is where Anvarol comes in, an equally potent anabolic supplement, but is much more safer than synthetic steroids.

Anvarol (previously known as P-Var) is owned and distributed by Crazy Bulk, maker of quality and bestselling anabolic supplements such as HGH-X2 Somatroppine, D-Bal Dianabol, Winsitrol and many others.

Some of the claimed benefits of Anvarol include:

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  • Improves your strength, stamina, energy and recovery
  • Shred fat fast while retaining lean muscle tissues
  • Ideal for cutting cycles
  • Huge muscle gains and protein synthesis
  • Increases nitrogen retention and blood flow
  • Helps increase drive while reduces stress
  • Supports increase in male libido, sex drive and physical performance


Anavar (Oxandrolone) Overview

Anavar is a brand name used by Searle Company who introduced Oxandrolone steroid to the US market back in 1964.

Today, only the generic name Oxandrolone SPA steroid is available in the market and is currently distributed from Italy.

Oxandrolone is considered to be a weak steroid with slight androgenic component. It is developed primarily for children to stimulate growth and in women for osteoporosis prevention.

How did Oxandrolone diverted to bodybuilding? Well, bodybuilders and power lifters use oxandrolone because it stimulates phosphocreatine synthesis in the muscle cells without depositing liquid in the joints and the muscles.

This means increase in strength, stamina, recovery and energy, without gaining body weight.

While anavar itself won’t cause a noticeable muscle growth, it can clearly improve the muscle developing effects of other steroids such as Testosterone, Deca or Clenbuterol.

Any combination of steroids with Anavar has proven to be very effective in developing your muscles to look more harder and cut.

Oxandrolone doesn’t aromatize in any dosage and cannot convert to estrogen. This means great advantages for you if you are lifting weights.

Lastly, Oxandrolone does not suppress your body’s own hormone production. This means that taking this steroid will not cease the production of gonadotropin releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone releasing hormone. This feature will not reduce your seminal value or count.

Although Oxandrolone is considered to be the weakest steroid, it doesn’t mean that it has no side effects.

MedLine Plus suggest the following side effects of Anavar: sleep disturbances, depression, changes in sex drive, constipation, slowed heartbeat, enlarged breast, pain or swelling of testes, abnormal menstrual periods in women, bone pain, weakness, extreme thirst and many others.

[Read More: Oxandrolone –]

Anvarol Ingredients

p-var (anavar) oxandrolone alternative ingredientsAs an alternative supplement to Anavar, Anvarol is a much more safer pill than the conventional Oxandrolone synthetic steroid.

This means that Anvarol is composed of a more natural ingredients.

The proprietary blend of Anvarol offers a 450mg (per serving) of natural extracts and known muscle gaining substances.

This formula includes soy protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, BCAA, wild yam root and ATP.

Its inactive ingredients includes gelatin capsules and magnesium stearate.

How does Anvarol Work?

Anvarol works by utilizing its unique formula. Crazy Bulk claims that it can provide Anavar-like qualities, but without its side effects. So lets get deeper on its formula and learn how this supplement truly works.


Anvarol has adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is known to provide immediate and short bursts of energy for your muscles. This is important when you are weightlifting or doing any intense physical training. ATP is also needed for sustained muscle contraction.

Since you need more ATP to give your muscles more power, Anvarol stimulates your phosphocreatine levels (natural occurring chemical in your body) so that it will create more ATP at a faster rate. The more ATP, the more energy you will get, and the more you push yourself to the limit during workouts.

Wild Yam Root

Anvarol contains wild yam root probably because of its hormone-like properties. Due to its different characteristics (diosgenin), wild yam can be made into various steroids such as estrogen and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

The medical world use wild yam as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

Wild yam is known for treating menopausal symptoms, weak bones, infertility, painful menstruation rheumatoid arthritis and gall bladder problems.

Above all, P-Var uses wild yam root extract to primarily increase your energy levels and improve your sexual performance.


Anvarol contains branched chain amino acids or simply called as BCAAs. This amino acids are composed of Leucine, Isoleucine and valine.

There are no questions about the true benefits of BCAA amongst weightlifters as it supports muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth.

In athletes, BCAAs are used to prevent fatigue and fasten recovery.

According to, BCAA supplementation is perfect combination with whey protein (which Anvarol does).

While whey protein has its own BCAAs, consuming a separate BCAA ingredient is a perfect strategy for muscle builders. Why?

Whey protein’s amino acids takes hours to be liberated and absorbed into the bloodstream, requiring it more time to take effect.

Taking a separate BCAAs are free-form agents, which requires no digestion and are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Rapid effect means faster muscle growth and instant energy.

Soy Protein Isolate and Whey Protein Concentrate

Both soy and whey protein are both dietary supplements that stimulates the increase of your total protein intake. Both has its own health benefits for exercise, weight loss and muscle building.

According to an article by LiveStrong, whey protein is much more effective agent for muscle building than soy protein, but that doesn’t mean that soy protein has no beneficial effects.

Whey protein is absorbed quickly and has higher concentrations of amino acids, which are important for muscle growth and therefore resulted in greater muscle protein synthesis.

Both protein are important for muscle building. Soy protein can lower the levels of male hormone testosterone which can result to better muscle growth.

While whey reduce cortisol hormone, which is responsible for breaking down muscles.

Both proteins are also beneficial for weight loss. Whey and soy protein can alter the body composition in both obese and healthy individuals.

p-var anavar testimonials

Can Anvarol Deliver Results?

Anvarol is well-formulated by Crazy Bulk and is already one of today’s bestselling Oxandrolone alternative supplements in the bodybuilding industry.

As you can see, each ingredient amounts that are included in Anvarol are dosed perfectly to help provide potent dose while reducing the possibilities of side effects.

With whey protein and soy protein, you have the perfect blend for muscle growth support. BCAAs will provide your body with enough amino acids while wild yam and ATP provides more energy for fast-pace workout.

Is Anvarol Safe?

Anvarol is one of the safest Oxandrolone alternative supplement in the market today. Crazy Bulk is transparent to you by publishing their exact ingredient profile, giving you the exact value of what it can truly offer for your fitness program.

There are no known side effects for this brand online. All ingredients in Anvarol’s formula were all formulated to perfection, which means safety for you. Anvarol is not toxic to the liver or kidneys.

Recommended Use

Take 1 tablet of Anvarol, three times daily with meals, even on non-workout days. On workout days, take 30 to 45 minutes before working out. Use for at least 2 months for best results.

Suggested workout period is 2 months “on” and 1.5 weeks “off”. Do not exceed this dose unless approved by your physician or your fitness adviser.

Best stack with Decaduro or Dianabol supplements. See our sports nutrition page to choose the best bodybuilding supplements for your Anvarol program.

p-var (anavar) oxandrolone alternative supplement actual image

previous label of Anvarol

Anvarol Review Summary

Anvarol is without a doubt, one of the best Anavar/Oxandrolone alternative supplement for any types of bodybuilding regimen.

The dosing of ingredients are perfect, there are no known side effects and the simplicity of its formula can definitely translate to results.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • Explosive power and strength increase
  • Preserve and increase lean muscles
  • Incinerate visceral and subcutaneous fat
  • Improves muscle hardness and density
  • No known side effects
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Purchase Anvarol?

Anvarol is neither available at any local fitness supplement stores near you, nor in any online health supplement retailers. This product can only be purchased through Crazy Bulk’s official website.

To buy Anvarol, please visit its official sales page below.

Purchase Anvarol here

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Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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  1. Hi My name is Pedro I have been taking Anvarol for two weeks, my energy and strengh level has been amazing, my gut is disappearing and I can see what looks like a six pack under there. My muscles are growing and toning at the same time. I have no side effects and for I feel like I am in my 20,s. Did I mentioned that I am 59 years young?

    • Hey Pedro, thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with Anvarol. Keep em coming!

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