Need to boost your growth hormones? If yes, then you need Amino 14X HGH booster.
Like other sports nutrition supplements such as Amino Slim, TestRX or Body Fuel, Amino 14X aims to help improve your muscle gains, strength, energy, metabolism and both your physical and sexual performance.
I peek in its ingredients and I must say that Amino 14X has an impressive formula.
So how does this supplement compare with other brands? Read on and learn why this brand is plausible for your overall fitness program.
What is Amino 14X?
Amino 14X is a product of HealthyMale, the same company that markets Greenify, a green tea-based fat burning diet pill.
So here are the health benefit claims of this supplement:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a0ed”]
- Reduces body fat
- Peaks sexual performance
- Enhances memory
- Increases energy and stamina
- Supports lean muscle mass growth
- Bolsters immune system
- Improves vision
- Restores hair growth and color
- Normalizes blood pressure
- Regulates cholesterol levels
This supplement is actually not steroidal drugs which gives you synthetic growth hormones. Synthetic HGH is downright ineffective and unsafe with tons of reported side effects online.
Amino 14X helps boost your own growth hormone levels by utilizing its natural formula. So it doesn’t have any harmful chemicals that can trigger adverse health effects.
This brand is also not expensive which only costs $19.95 per bottle. However, there is no detail about money back guarantee on HealthyMale’ website.
Amino 14X Ingredients
As mentioned above, this brand has an impressive formula that is quite plausible for its claims.
The supplement contains Korean ginseng, tribulus terrestris, soy phosphotides and phystosterol complex.
But the proprietary blend is composed only of amino acids.
This include glycine, lysine, leucine, glutamine, valine, tyrosine, arginine, threonine, phenylalanine, isoleucine, pyroglutamate, carnitine, methionine and theanine.
So Can Amino 14X Help Boost Your Performance?
Amino 14X won’t give you real hormones but it is likely to help stimulate and boost your body’s production of HGH.
How? Lets get deeper into its ingredients and see if this brand can truly deliver results for you.
Amino Acids
This supplement has every amino acids in the book and as you know, they are all proven in improving your overall health especially to weight loss and physical performance.
According to WebMD, taking essential amino acids help improve synthesis of muscle and leads to a greater loss of fat.
Amino acids are also beneficial to your brain which helps elevate focus, alertness and overall mental function.
Korean Ginseng
Also called as panax ginseng, this herb has active substances called panaxosides which helps improve overall well-being.
This herb is used to help treat depression, anxiety, cancer, fatigue, heart failure, high blood pressure, bronchitis, diabetes, sexual dysfunction in men, sex drive and many others.
In bodybuilding, ginseng is used to help improve athletic performance and energy levels.
Tribulus Terrestris
This herb is a common ingredient in most weight loss and bodybuilding supplements because it can effectively improve physical performance.
Like Korean ginseng, tribulus terrestris can also be used to help treat dozens of diseases such as liver disorders, joint pain, inflammation, fatigue, sexual disorders, high cholesterol and many others.
With these facts, it is highly likely that Amino 14X can help improve your overall fitness program.
Is it Safe?
I found no reports of side effects for this brand online. Though likely safe, you are still encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Amino 14X.
According to its website, you can take two capsules daily with a meal or a glass of water. Do not exceed four capsules daily.
Amino 14X Review Summary
With amino acids as its main ingredients, Amino 14X can trigger positive effects to your overall workout program. If you like to boost your energy and performance, this supplement can help.
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a0ed”]
- 100% natural formula
- Promotes muscle mass gains and fat loss
- Fights off fatigue
- Elevates physical and sexual performance
- No side effect reports online
- Affordable
Where to Purchase Amino 14X?
You can buy this brand online directly from its official website.
Click the link below to purchase this workout supplement.
Click here to Purchase Amino 14X
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