African Mango by Bauer Nutrition

Appetite suppressant and energy boosting diet pill.


African Mango by Bauer Nutrition is another quality product that is designed to give your weight loss program a boost especially if you think that you are already in a plateau.

One way to address plateaus is to modify your lifestyle into positive and healthy mood. Another approach is through the help of a dependable and effective weight loss supplement.

African Mango is one of the most touted and controversial fruits in the weight loss industry, which many experts claim that it can suppress appetite. Is Bauer Nutrition’s own version of African Mango as potent as its other bestselling products?

Read on and learn why African Mango by Bauer Nutrition can be your best weight loss supplement.

[note note_color=”#66b5ff”]This brand has been discontinued by the manufacturer . You may want to check out one of our top rated brands below this post.[/note]

What is African Mango?

African mango or scientifically known as Irvingia Gabonensis, is a specie of African trees in the Irvingia genus. African tribes call it wild mango, bush mango or ogbono.

There are several usage for this type of mango and its popularity increased when its weight loss properties were discovered. Several studies have confirmed African mango’s efficacy, which triggers huge interests by thousands of diet pill manufacturers.

A study of volunteer obese individuals have undergone African mango extract supplementation tests, one against a herbal remedy and another against a placebo.

Results showed that Irvingia Gabonensis resulted in greater weight loss and improved blood-tests when compared to placebo. Same goes with herbal remedy comparison.

Experts believes that the weight loss power of African mango came from its high fiber content, because the fruit was also able to reduce blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels of its subjects.

While African mango is a promising weight loss agent, there are still much to learn about this fruit before experts can completely recommend it. Experts and nutritionists however believes, that a combination of herb extracts (African mango and raspberry ketones perhaps) can constitutes to significant weight loss compared to African mango alone.

Source: African Mango – National Institutes of Health

What is African Mango by Bauer Nutrition?

Bauer Nutrition, maker of quality slimming supplements such as Green Coffee Bean Extract, Nitro Oxide, Lab360, Meratol and many others, has formulated its own version of African Mango supplement.

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition offers a unique formula that provides an all-in-one weight management solution. Some of the health benefit claims of this pill includes:

[list style = “check”]

  • Reduces your appetite
  • Converts carbohydrates into energy instead of fat
  • Help increase calorie use
  • Increases your energy and metabolism
  • Helps control sugar and cholesterol levels


African Mango by Bauer Nutrition features a complex of antioxidants that came directly from pure Irvinigia Gabonensis extract. This will help boost your immune system, while increasing your metabolic rate.

Ingredients of African Mango by Bauer Nutrition

african mango by bauer nutrition ingredientsThis brand contains only the purest and natural ingredients that are all known as weight loss agents.

The proprietary blend of African Mango by Bauer Nutrition is formulated in a 1000mg per serving (2 tablets). This includes African mango, raspberry ketone, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate and iron oxide.

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition does not contain any fillers, binders, artificial flavors, stimulants or any harmful chemicals that may affect your health negatively.

How does African Mango by Bauer Nutrition Work?

As you age, your metabolism slows down and you start to store energy rather than using it, and this can results to negative effects for your health.

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition can keep your metabolism at a healthy phase that ensures that you are breaking down foods properly. This will prevent fat storage and weight gain.

To produce this result, African Mango by Bauer Nutrition uses its main ingredient – Irvingia Gabonensis extract, and its main supporting formula – raspberry ketone.

As explained above, African mango is clinically proven effective in producing significant weight loss effects in humans compared to both herbal remedies and placebo. African Mango by Bauer Nutrition uses pure African mango extract to give you the same potent slimming effects.

African mango helps suppress your appetite by reducing the level of a hormone that triggers hungry feeling. Once this is done, it tricks your brain’s hypothalamus (part of your brain that manages appetite and weight management) that you are still full and it also keeps your metabolism healthy.

On the other hand, raspberry ketone is another special fruit that also became prominent due to its weight loss properties. Researchers discovered that raspberry extract has similar molecular structures to two known fat burning compounds – capsaicin and synephrine, a known stimulant.

The said two compounds are known to help boost metabolism and energy while providing fat burning activities. The researchers took advantage of these facts and tested it to rats to determine if it has similar weight loss effects.

The study resulted in an increased in lipolysis (breakdown of fat) and increased the release of adiponectin hormones, a type of hormone that regulates blood sugar levels and metabolism.

Low adiponectin levels are common in obese and overweight individuals, so it is just appropriate to increase your adiponectin levels to ensure that your metabolism is healthy. Adiponectin is also associated in reducing your risk of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver and even cardiovascular diseases.

Source: Do Raspberry Ketones Really Work? – Authority Nutrition

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition utilizes pure raspberry ketone extract to give you these benefits. Plus, researchers and experts believes that a combination of any known slimming herb extracts and African mango extract can be a potent formula that will result to significant weight loss (just like the aforementioned fact above).

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition uses both raspberry ketone and African mango extracts which the company believes to be an enough combination to fuel your weight loss needs. With 1000mg per serving, you are certainly guaranteed to get results.

Is African Mango by Bauer Nutrition Safe?

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition is generally safe for most adult dieters. Both African mango and raspberry ketones are natural ingredients that will not trigger any side effects.

This diet pill has no fillers, binders, artificial flavors, stimulants or harmful chemicals. This means that it is highly unlikely that African Mango by Bauer Nutrition could cause any unwanted adverse health effects.

So far, there are no known side effects for this brand online. Since results varies, do not think that this diet pill supplement is side effects-free. Make sure to consult your physician first before you take this pill or any other African mango pills that you stumble online.

african mango by bauer nutrition special offers

Is African Mango by Bauer Nutrition Suitable for You?

As mentioned earlier, African mango is generally safe to use by most dieters. It has no stimulants and has no hidden ingredients, so you don’t have to worry about interactions or any other matters.

If you want to suppress your appetite, increase your energy and metabolism, enhance your immune system and many other health benefits, then African Mango by Bauer Nutrition can be your perfect dietary supplement.

But just like any other popular diet pills in the market, combining a sensible diet along with regular exercise and diet pill supplementation is still the best formula for successful weight loss program.

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition Review Summary

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition is not just a potent appetite suppressant, it also offers a complete weight loss management solution that will give you long-term benefits. This brand can also improve your health by reducing your cholesterol and sugar levels and improving your cardiovascular and immune systems.

Bauer Nutrition is now giving special offers that is hard to resist. If you are looking for long-term weight loss plan, then you need to avail a special offer of 1 free bottle for every three bottle purchase of this supplement (see the image above).

This diet pill also has 60-day money back guarantee. Now you will have peace of mind for your health investments. Take your stand against weight gain and avail this special savings offer by ordering multiple bottles with absolutely RISK-FREE 60-day guarantee.

Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:

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  • Provides weight loss in key areas
  • Provides health benefits
  • No known side effects
  • Risk-free 60-day money back guarantee


Where to Buy African Mango by Bauer Nutrition?

African Mango by Bauer Nutrition is neither available at any local pharmaceutical stores near you, nor in any online weight loss supplement retailers. You can only purchase this brand through Bauer Nutrition’s official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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