Advantrim claims to be one of the most potent fat burner in the market today. Are you aware about this diet pill? With thousands of fat burners out there, you will certainly get confused on what brand is really suitable for your weight loss program.
Is this sounds like you? If you have doubts on your current diet pill, then this product review is for you. I will give you some information on how Advantrim works and how it can contribute to your overall fitness. You will also learn if this product is 100% safe and can truly help you overcome weight gain.
Read on and learn if this product passed our standards or not.
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What is Advantrim?
Advantrim is an American brand from Newton and Everett Biotech and is being marketed and distributed by Biovea and other third party sites such as Amazon. This brand is basically a fat burner, energy enhancer, appetite suppressant and it also help you in building lean muscles.
This pill is a collection of synergistic herbs and nutrients that are all known to help improve your health. Advantrim contains C. aurantium, an extract of a citrus fruit that is known to help stimulate energy subtrates, metabolic processes, favor uptake of amino acids into muscles, increase lipolysis (fat breakdown) and can also curb your appetite naturally. C. aurantium is the only patented thermogenic compound for weight loss.
Aside from C. aurantium, Advantrim also contains a powerful weight loss agent – green tea extracts. As you know green tea is known for its slimming properties as well for its antioxidant benefits. Green tea extracts speeds up your metabolism and triggers fat oxidation, giving your body a quick and significant amounts of weight loss. With its antioxidant contents, you are protected from disease-causing free radicals and you will also slow down your aging process.
Advantrim also contains cacao extracts, known for its function to effectively convert fatty acids into energy. To give you this benefit much further, Advantrim not just uses cacao extract, but instead incorporated a herb called yerba mate, which is clinically proven to contain healthy phytochemicals that also plays a big role in weight loss.
Lastly, Advantrim contains moderate amounts of caffeine which can help enhance your alertness, energy, focus and memory. Newton and Everett Biotech claims that Advantrim’s ingredients could be as effective as ephedra, but without its side effects to both nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Full ingredients list of Advantrim:
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- Green tea extract
- Cacao extract
- L-tyrosine
- Yerba mate
- L-methionine
- Ginger powder
- Grape extract
- Fisetin
- Quercetin
- DMAE bitartate (2-dimethylaminoethanol)
Other ingredients includes vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamin B6 and magnesium.
Advantrim Health Issues
There are two issues that can be brought up with Advantrim – stimulant content and C. Aurantium alkaloid synephrine (the patented Advantra Z) side effect issues. First, Advantrim contains stimulant ingredient caffeine in the form of green tea extract and yerba mate.
As you know, stimulant can increase your risk of side effects such as headache, dizziness, jittery, nausea and many others. If you are allergic to caffeine, you have to avoid diet pills with stimulant content such as Advantrim.
Second is the synephrine issues. As mentioned earlier, Advantrim proudly claim that it is perfectly safe for cardiovascular system. The official website of Newton and Everett Biotech explains synephrine in the following statements:
[quote]The main adrenergic amines (alkaloids) of the citrus extract, are synephrine and n-methyltyramine, which act almost wholly indirectly. In classical tests, these citrus alkaloids show properties similar to ephedrine, with activation of of ß-receptors . More recently, studies have shown that both octopamine and synephrine appear particularly effective in stimulating lipolysis (fat loss), a postulated ß3-receptor effect. It had been previously revealed that synephrine was about 3.5 times as effective in stimulating lipolysis as octopamine.
There are thus indications that the alkaloid mixture in Advantrim® is superior to the mixture of ephedrine alkaloids in ma-huang (ephedra sinica) in terms of effects on ß-receptors in general. However, this theoretical superiority does not extend to the field of side effects. Initial studies in lean volunteers and obese volunteers, while showing excellent thermogenic responses (fat burning), failed to reveal any evidence of increased heart rate, blood pressure or central nervous system stimulation.
A clinical study demonstrated excellent effects on weight loss with a total absence of side effects. Thus though the citrus alkaloids appear to be at least as thermogenic as the ephedrine alkaloids, they are clearly gentler than the latter and do not cause the minor side effects associated with use of ma-huang (nervousness, agitation, palpitations, increases in blood pressure). The better tolerance of the citrus alkaloids is thought to be because they do not pass so readily into the brain, and may target fat cells rather more specifically.[/quote]
While the explanations are not in Layman’s term, you can understand that the company claims that Advantrim’s potent formula is much more effective than ephedra. While both ephedra and synephrine are legal drugs, both of them are bombarded with complaints and health issues. Some of which are directly associated with cardiovascular side effects such as:
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- Increase in heart rate
- Blood pressure increase
- High risk of stroke
- Palpitations
- Increased risk of cardiac diseases
Plus, Advantrim have no reviews or customer testimonials that can be found online.
Can Advantrim Help You Lose Weight?
Advantrim can help you lose weight through the help of its active ingredients. It will help increase your energy, keep you focused on your endeavors and will help you burn fat. Adding some vitamins and minerals into this supplement is a plus for a dietary pill.
However, Advantrim also contains stimulants which can give you adverse health effects. If you have allergic reactions to caffeine, then Advantrim is not for you. The big question about our research on this product is that, there are no customer reviews. This can either mean inefficacy or side effects. You also need to consider the cardiovascular health risks that were mentioned earlier.
Advantrim Review Summary
As much as I would like to give this diet pill a higher rating, but having a big dose of stimulants just turned me off completely. Don’t get me wrong, this pill could help you lose weight especially if you diet and exercise.
Where to Buy Advantrim?
Advantrim cannot be purchased on any pharmaceutical stores near you. It can only be found on selected third party health retailing sites such as Amazon, or to either Newton and Everett Biotech and Biovea official websites.
If you experienced taking Advantrim before, I encourage you to spend time in writing us a comment below regarding your Advantrim supplementation.
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