Adipodex is another super thermogenic formula that is touted to help aid weight loss. If you are looking for a powerful fat burner, then this diet pill might be the best supplement for your weight loss program.
A lot of people are having trouble getting rid of their body fat. As you know, the more fat, the more you gain pounds on the scales. This is also the reason why most people tends to use fat burners, to help them shred fat fast.
If you are one of millions who are overweight or obese, then read this product review and learn if Adipodex can truly help you lose weight.
[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand has ceased production by its manufacturer and is now unavailable online. You may try our suggested brand below as an alternative. [/note]
What is Adipodex?
Adipodex is a thermogenic / fat burning supplement formulated by Nutrex Research. If you are familiar with this company, you will notice that this particular fat burner is a different approach from their conventional Lipo-6 line of products, which I think is a good move by the company.
As the name suggest, Adipodex aims to help you lose weight fast and in the most natural way. Some of its claimed benefits include:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19b1ed”]
- Powerful stimulating sensation
- Elevates your metabolism for rapid fat burning activities
- Promotes clean energy and intense focus
- Supports appetite reduction
To learn how Adipodex provide the aforementioned slimming effects, we need to learn more about its formula. Read on.
Adipodex Ingredients
Like many other dietary pills, Adipodex is claimed to be a 100% natural weight loss aid. Its proprietary blend is called “Super Thermogenic” and is dosed at 720mg per serving.
The ingredients are caffeine anhydrous, 2-Amino-4-Methylpentane citrate, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, theobromine anhydrous, yohimbine Hcl and bioperine.
Its inactive ingredients include gelatin, magnesium stearate, silica and titanium dioxide.
So How does Adipodex Work?
Since Adipodex is a thermogenic supplement, you should expect high doses of stimulants on its formula. Based on the image above, this diet pill does have caffeine and other stimulating agents.
With that said, lets see how these ingredients can produce weight loss effects.
Caffeine Anhydrous
Adipodex is packed with caffeine, a known stimulant that works directly in the central nervous system.
Caffeine is an essential element of weight loss as it can boost your energy levels, while elevating your metabolism for continuous fat burning action.
Not only that, caffeine is also packed with antioxidants, which provides more health benefits for you.
Theobromine is the primary alkaloid of cocoa and chocolate. It is used as a vasodilator, a diuretic and heart stimulant.
This means that theobromine helps increase urine production, while dilating your blood vessels which is beneficial for your cardiovascular health.
2-Amino-4-Methylpentane Citrate
2-Amino-4-Methylpentane citrate or commonly known as AMP Citrate, is another powerful stimulant that is popular in pre-workout, weight loss and performance enhancing supplements.
It has a chemical structure similar to DMAA, which is a banned substance by most athletic organizations.
2-Amino-4-Methylpentane citrate is also known for its similar “feel good” properties with ephedrine.
Known for its trademark name Piperine, Bioperine is an extract derived from black pepper and piper nigrum. It is used for various nutritional supplement and has been found to help increase the absorption of nutrients.
Some of the known benefits of bioperine include anti-tumor effects, antidepressants and immunomodulator.
Like bioperine, yohimbine is a chemical from yohimbe extract, which is used to help alleviate the symptoms of depression and other mental disorders.
It is also used to help increase blood flow and nerve impulses to the penis and vagina, improving sex drive and preventing sexual disorders.
Yohimbine is also linked to weight loss and sports due to the fact that it can help improve physical performance.
As you can see, these formula is packed with stimulants. This means that Adipodex can definitely help you lose weight by giving you energy, focus, while increasing your metabolic levels for rapid weight loss.
Ironically, I found no side effect reports for this brand online, especially from its Amazon page. This is surprising because stimulants can trigger adverse health reactions.
Some of the most helpful reviews for Adipodex include the following:
[quote]I love this stuff….Once it kicks in it stays and lasts a long while. If you are not used to a high dose of caffeine stay away from this stuff.[/quote]
[quote]It kicks like a mule on steroids!…. really big punch and stays on for about 4-5 hours. I’ve tried a lot of fat burners (BSN Hyper Shred, MuscleTech Hydroxycut, Nutrex Lipo 6 Black, Liporidex MAX) and this is the strongest one of them all. Good thing is that it doesn’t make me anxious. I’m liking it! Good appetite control as well.[/quote]
[quote]Love it so far. With the morning and evening workouts can notice some weightloss to the eye already after 2weeks[/quote]
Is Adipodex Safe?
As aforementioned above, Adipodex is loaded with stimulants that can trigger side effects. Some of the possible reactions are headache, dizziness, palpitations, shortness of breath and many others.
But I found no reports of side effects for this brand on it Amazon page, which is a plus for you.
Though this brand is likely safe for most adult dieters, I still encourage that you consult your doctor first before you try this diet pill. If you are highly sensitive to caffeine, then it is safer if you don’t use this diet pill.
Suggested Use
Take one capsule once daily in the morning. Since this is a thermogenic diet pill, you should never exceed one capsule in 24 hour period.
Adipodex Review Summary
Adipodex features a common formula that is packed with stimulants and energy boosters, which is just usual in most thermogenic supplements.
Most of the time, thermogenics are not highly rated here. But the fact that Adipodex doesn’t have too much negative reviews about side effects, I have to approve this diet pill here.
I rate this diet pill as “RECOMMENDED” due to the following reasons:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19b1ed”]
- 100% natural formula
- Provides energy, weight loss and appetite reduction
- Tons of positive reviews
- No known side effects
- Money back guarantee
[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed1c19″]
- Contains too much stimulants
- Side effects are possible
- Ideal for physical active individuals
Where to Purchase Adipodex?
Adipodex is available on various online supplement retailers. You can buy Adipodex directly on Nutrex Research website or through its Amazon sales page. To buy Adipodex, please visit its Amazon sales page below.
Purchase Adipodex here
[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand has ceased production by its manufacturer and is now unavailable online. You may try our suggested brand below as an alternative. [/note]