Do you want to lose weight fast? Are you looking for the perfect supplement to support your weight loss program? If this sounds like you, then IdealBurn might be the ideal diet pill for you.
This product was designed to give you a variety of health benefits, not just weight loss. And with resveratrol as its main ingredient, it only means that you are also getting some serious antioxidants!
As one of the few quality products from IdealShape, this diet pill is much better if taken alongside its popular weight loss plan.
Read on and learn why IdealBurn is one of the most suitable weight loss brand for you.
What is IdealBurn?
IdealBurn (formerly ResveraShape) is owned and distributed by one of the most reputable dieting company in the industry – IdealShape. Some of the products that were already discussed here includes NatralShape and its bestselling meal replacement brand – IdealShake.
So what can this diet pill offer you? IdealBurn is a powerful weight loss product that is marketed as a fat burner and energy boosting brand. It also supports better appetite control, as well as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
With that said, below are IdealBurn’s claimed health benefits:
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- Increases energy and metabolic levels
- Powerful fat burner and reduced appetite
- Provides antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties
IdealBurn Ingredients
IdealBurn has simple formula which I believe is well-blended as it contains energy boosters, fat burners and antioxidant agents.
Its proprietary blend is composed of trans-resveratrol (30mg per serving), caffeine anhydrous (50mg per serving), apple cider vinegar (50mg per serving), kelp (50mg per serving) and green tea extract (100mg per serving).
Its supporting agents includes gelatin, rice flour, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

Since ResveraShape was reformulated and rebranded as IdealBurn, IdealShape added some more ingredient to make its formula more potent – thermodiamine and L-Tyrosine.
How does IdealBurn Work?
IdealShape claim that there are two reasons why people are having difficulty losing weight – hunger pangs and lack of energy. IdealBurn can address those issues by using clinically proven ingredients such as resveratrol and green tea.
So to give you a better idea on how IdealBurn works for weight loss, we need to learn how each of its ingredients work one by one.
Resveratrol became famous due to its antioxidants, being one of the highly regards plant compound polyphenols. Though resveratrol is not purely studied as a weight loss compound, its antioxidant content is too high that it is believed to help boost metabolism.
Other health benefits of resveratrol includes anti-aging, cancer prevention, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and also provides anti-inflammation benefits. [Read: Resveratrol – WebMD]
Green Tea Extract
Green tea is also known for having its own polyphenols, a potent antioxidant comparable to those of resveratrol. It also contains small amounts of caffeine which affects mainly your central nervous system, which leads to more enhanced mental focus, clarity and mood.
Green tea is known for its fat burning benefits and can also trigger thermogenesis that will boost your metabolism.
Caffeine Anhydrous
Like green tea which contains caffeine, IdealBurn has its own isolated caffeine anhydrous content to further help you lose weight. Caffeine will give you energy and will also improve your physical performance aside from having a superbly focused and alert brain.
Kelp is rich in vitamins and mineral and is also reputable for its antioxidants, which helps strengthen your immune system while boosting your energy and metabolic levels.
Kelp is also rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and calcium, all of which can help cleanse and improve your body systems.
Is IdealBurn Safe?
Basing on its ingredients, you can tell that IdealBurn is quite a safe diet pill as it is composed of natural and clinically proven ingredients. The amounts of each ingredients are neither high nor too low, which means that its formula is well-blended.
There are limited customer reviews for this brand online. There are a dozens of reviews from IdealShape official website but I usually don’t consider “in-house” reviews because they are not credible in my opinion.
With that in mind, I can’t truly say that IdealBurn is completely safe especially if you consider its stimulant contents. Its caffeine can cause jittery side effect, but I believe that this is highly unlikely because its dosage are in the right level.
Overall, you need to assess your tolerance when taking IdealBurn due to its caffeine content (green tea also has caffeine). But I believe that IdealBurn is quite safe for most adult dieters.
To be in the safe side, you may need to consult your doctor first before you use this brand.
Recommended Use
Use IdealBurn as your dietary supplement. Take 1 capsule early in the morning and 1 capsule early in the afternoon with 8oz water.
D0 not exceed this dosage unless approved by your physician or healthcare provider.
IdealBurn Review Summary
IdealBurn has the tools to help you lose weight. Combining it with IdealShape Weight Loss Plan and regular exercise will make it much easier for you to reach your health goals.
If you are highly allergic to caffeine, you need to assess your tolerance in the initial stages of your IdealBurn supplementation to prevent unwanted side effects. So far, there are no reported side effects for this brand online.
I rate this diet pill as “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:
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- 100% pure and clinically proven weight loss ingredients
- Boosts energy and metabolism
- Promotes fat burning and appetite suppression
- Powerful antioxidants for optimum health
- No known side effects
- Money back guarantee
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- Limited customer reviews
Where to Purchase IdealBurn?
As of now, IdealBurn can only be purchased online via the official website of IdealShape or through its exclusive online supplement retailing partners.
To purchase IdealBurn, please visit its official sales page below.