Body Fuel Lean Physique


Body Fuel Lean Physique is a fat burning supplement designed by Bauer Nutrition. If you are looking to increase your energy and metabolic rate while supporting your muscle building goals, then this diet pill could be your most ideal supplement.

As thousands of thermogenic supplements that are available in the market today, you surely have a lot of options. However, most of the products that you stumble online are either ineffective or can give you side effects.

Body Fuel Lean Physique promises efficacy and a safe supplementation for your overall fitness program. Can this brand help you lose weight? Lets find out.

[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills offered by Bauer Nutrition or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]

What is Body Fuel Lean Physique?

As mentioned earlier, Body Fuel Lean Physique is a quality product of Bauer Nutrition, a known fitness supplement company that brought you some of the best weight loss pills in the market such as Saffron, Proactol, Capsiplex and Garcinia Cambogia.

This brand is designed to increase your body’s fat burning ability through thermogenesis. Thermogenic effects will boost your energy levels as well as your metabolic rate which will lead to fast weight loss.

Some of the health benefit claims of Body Fuel Lean Physique includes:

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  • Burns excess fat quickly and easily
  • Improves mental focus and performance
  • Prevents dips during intense workouts
  • Increase energy and metabolic levels
  • Triggers your thermogenic process to help metabolize body fat


Body Fuel Lean Physique seems to be a good supplement. However, there are limited information for this brand online and even its official sales page doesn’t state much with regards to its formula and overall weight loss effects.

Though there are limited details about this brand, Bauer Nutrition is still a factor that guarantees quality and efficacy for this supplement.

Ingredients of Body Fuel Lean Physique

Body Fuel Lean Physique is made of unique and 100% natural weight loss blend that are all known in the weight loss industry. There are enough details about Body Fuel Lean Physique’ formula but the amounts are not indicated on its website.

Its ingredients includes chromium picolinate, L-Carnitine, betaine hydrochloride, methionine and choline. As you can see, the formula is made up of amino acids and has no fillers, artificial flavors, stimulants or harmful chemicals included in this diet pill.

No additional ingredients are listed on its official website.

How does Body Fuel Lean Physique Work?

Bauer Nutrition claims that the formula of this diet pill is designed to burn fat and support muscle growth. Its amino acid ingredients such as L-Carnitine helps increase the use of fat as an energy source, while helping transport fatty acids into mitochondria to make you more productive on your workouts.

Methionine helps assists in the breakdown of fats, which prevents formation of fatty deposits in your arteries. Choline helps reduce liver fat, which constitutes to a positive effect on appetite and sleep.

body fuel lean physiqueBetaine hydrochloride supports stomach function and normalizes the digestion and absorption of protein for efficient muscle growth. Lastly, chromium picolinate is a known carbohydrate-burning compound that helps produce more energy for you.

Overall, Body Fuel Lean Physique can help boost your energy and metabolic energy that constitutes to more fat burning and better appetite control.

Is Body Fuel Lean Physique Safe?

Based on its ingredients, there are no harmful chemicals included in its formula. There are neither stimulants nor harmful or unknown chemicals.

Though this brand is clean from the inside, we still don’t recommend Body Fuel Lean Physique as a safe diet pill for you as pills’ effects varies.

To make your weight loss program more safe with diet pills, you should consult your doctor first before you take Body Fuel Lean Physique or any other thermogenic supplements you found online.

Directions of Use

Take Body Fuel Lean Physique as your dietary supplement. Ideally, take three capsules daily, 1 capsule in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and 1 at night.

Do not exceed this dosage unless approved by your doctor or healthcare provider.

Body Fuel Lean Physique Review Summary

Body Fuel Lean Physique is neither a perfect diet pill nor a bad choice for your weight loss program as it offers pure ingredients but lacks support in its health claims. Bauer Nutrition should add some more information for this brand to make it more reputable to the dieting public.

Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:

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  • Natural ingredients
  • Provides weight loss and muscle building support
  • No known side effects
  • Money-back guarantee


Where to Buy Body Fuel Lean Physique?

Body Fuel Lean Physique is neither available at any local pharmacy stores near you, nor on any online health supplement retailers. You can only purchase this diet pill directly on its official website.

To purchase Body Fuel Lean Physique, please visit Bauer Nutrition official website below.

Purchase Body Fuel Lean Physique here

[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]This brand is no longer available in the market. You may want to check out other diet pills offered by Bauer Nutrition or see our top rated brand featured below this post.[/note]

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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