You are probably aware that there are so many fruits and vegetables that can offers numerous health benefits. One of those vegetables is capsicum, which is a family specie of chilli peppers. This post will give you a detailed information about capsicum benefits and how it can help improve your over-all health especially with regards to weight loss.
Also, you might also noticed that capsicum is one of the most widely used herb in the weight loss industry due to its alleged fat burning properties.
Such supplements include TrimEnergy, Blue Angel, Thermogenic Meta Booster and Proto-Col Thermo Slim to name a few.
What is Capsicum?
Capsicum is probably one of the widely used vegetable on the entire plant species. It is used in a variety of ways such as treatment of various health conditions and most of all, it is being used in various food cuisines as a primary ingredient.
According to WikiPedia, capsicum is a genus of flowering plants from the family of Solanaceae, a specie native to the Americans.
This type of plant have been cultivated for thousands of years for various purposes. This specie is known for its “spicy” flavor, making it a very popular key element in various cuisines worldwide.
But aside from being a food vegetable, capsicum is also known to offers dozens of health benefits and it is even found in various medicines or drugs.
Since the plant is a very popular one, you might be confused on how some people call this amazing plant. Some call it as chilli peppers while some European regions just call it as capsicum.
Its generic name is derived from Greek work “kapto”, which means “to bite” or “to swallow”. The name pepper meanwhile became the most prominent term for capsicum because of its similar flavor to black pepper, piper nigrum and sichuan pepper.
The main source of capsicum benefits is from “capsaicin”, which is the one responsible for its hot and spicy flavor. The different varieties of capsicum however, have different levels of spiciness depending of course on your preferences.
Capsaicin is also the most sought after compound with regards to health medicines because of its many benefits. One of those benefits is its ability to burn fat.
Aside from the health benefits of capsicum, culinary uses is probably the most evident benefit of this vegetable. Raw or cooked, capsicum fruit can be a great tasting dish. It is usually used as a flavoring, to add some spiciness on the cuisine.
The fruit can actually be either dried or grounded into a powder, which is now commonly done for dozens of food preparations such as pizza, curries and many others. In other regions, capsicum is also used as a preservative agent. So having a capsicum in a particular dish can help prolong its freshness.
Various Capsicum Benefits
Aside from being a useful herb, capsicum can offer you tons of health benefits. With capsaicin as the helm, it can trigger blood circulation and alters your body temperature, due to its hot flavor. Even some anti-attacker sprays have capsaicin as its primary ingredient for self-defense.
Unlike traditional perceptions that hot or spicy foods can lead to hemorrhoids, studies shows that capsicum offers anti-hemorrhoid properties, which is not known to many people. Aside from that, other capsicum benefits includes prevention of rheumatism, good for digestive system and many others. The fruit also has no narcotic effects.
A perfect stimulant, capsicum can dilate blood vessels which leads to chronic congestion relief. Capsicum also contains vitamin C, which is a potent immune system booster. To give you an overview, below are some of the nutritional content that capsicum can give you:
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- Carotenoids (carotene – a potent antioxidant)
- Fats
- Proteins
- Vitamin A (lutein)
- Vitamin C
- Capsaicinoid Oleoresin
- vitamins E, P, B1, B2 and B3
- Solanine and Solasadine
- Coumarin
Probably the most popular benefits of capsicum are its weight loss properties. Capsaicin can effectively increase your metabolic rate through reducing your bad cholesterol levels including triglyceride. Triglycerides are the stored fats in your blood corpuscles and lowering your triglycerides will mean less weight for you!
Capsicum is also a very powerful antioxidant agent. Again, capsaicin is responsible for this benefit. Vitamin C, E and A are all known antioxidants that will protect your body from harmful free radicals by simply strengthening your immune system. By doing so, you can prevent harmful and serious diseases such as cancers and heart disease.
Pain relief is another benefit that you can get when eating capsicum. Capsaicin effectively blocks the signals of pain from the skin to your brain. This is the reason why capsicum is highly recommended for people with neuralgia or any nerve-related health conditions.
Are you afraid of food and air-borne bactarias? Well, capsicum can effectively protect you from these harmful substances. To give you an overview of what capsicum can further give you, below are its additional benefits:
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- Help improves blood cholesterol levels
- Triggers the release of endorphin hormones
- Perfect for diabetic patients
- Stimulate stomach secretions and improves digestion
- Prevent blood vessel clotting which is good for the heart
- Prevents high blood pressure, stroke and cardiovascular diseases
- Has anti-inflammatory properties
- Offers a potent antioxidant for your health’s protection
- Good for the eyes and skin
- Prevents infections of various diseases
Capsicum Supplements
While capsicum fruit can be easily acquired these days, some of you might be allergic or don’t eat spicy foods. If this sounds like you, then you are missing a lot of its health benefits, including weight loss.
Good for you that there are supplements that can support your health through capsicum’s useful benefits. If you are trying to lose weight or you are just trying to improve your health through the said benefits above, then you can opt to use capsicum supplements that are also widely available on your local pharmacy.
However, there are a lot of capsicum hoax and scam products out there that claims to have authentic and pure capsicum content.
Beware of these claims and buy only the best products out there.
If you want to get a pure capsicum supplement, choose only the trusted brands and you will be fine! Such brands include Capsiplex, MetaBurn, Capsiplex Sport, or Clean Burn.
Conclusion on Capsicum Health Benefits
Capsicum or chilli peppers are good for your health. Although this famous vegetable offers tons of health benefits for you, you still need to moderate your consumption of these “spicy” herbs. As you know, too much of everything can be harmful to your health. Ask your doctor more about capsicum benefits and follow his advise. Doing so can help prevent any health inconveniences for you.
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