Green 2 Lean


Looking for a natural supplement that can help you burn fat? Like other diet pills online, Green 2 Lean claims that it has the formula to aid key areas of your weight loss program.

While most brands claim the same thing, we did our research about this particular brand and found some interesting details about its overall potency.

Read this short review and learn the good and bad points for this product.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Green 2 Lean?

Green 2 Lean is from a company called Reinvigorated Natural Health. Like most dietary supplements, this product is primarily a fat burner. Other health benefit claims include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19beed”]

  • Promotes energy
  • Elevates your metabolic levels
  • Enhances your physical and mental performance
  • Promotes other health benefits


This brand is highly marketed in Amazon though you can also buy directly from their official website.

It use the name “green” because the product feature a 100% natural formula. In fact, the proprietary blend is potent and impressively formulated (more on that later).

But like other pills such as Green Coffee Bean Lean, Clean Burn, Lean Green and CleanCut, Green 2 Lean has a price tag of $29.95 per bottle which is expensive.

Though pricey, Reinvigorated offers a 30-day money back guarantee. This gives you a sense of security on your health investment.

Green 2 Lean Ingredients

Green 2 Lean has a total dosage of 1,300mg per serving, which is amazing since you rarely see formulas that ever reach the 1,000 mark these days.

This is quite important as “natural” supplements does have fruit and veggie extracts which are far more inferior than synthetic chemicals that you found on commercial pharmaceutical slimming drugs.

Of course, those drugs are much more harmful as they are prone to side effects.

The formula consists of caffeine, green coffee bean, raspberry ketone, garcinia cambogia and green tea extracts.

Other ingredients are gelatin, rice flour, vegetable magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

Green 2 Lean ingredients

How does Green 2 Lean Work?

Sadly, Reinvigorated Natural Health doesn’t give an exact explanation on how Green 2 Lean works for weight loss.

They did mentioned that this pill can boost your energy and metabolic levels which means that it is primarily a fat burner.

With 1,300mg per serving, this pill has serious potency to offer your weight loss program. To learn more if this formula can truly trigger weight loss, we need to analyze each of its ingredients.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine is a no-brainer here as it is probably the most popular slimming agent in the market. It works by stimulating your central nervous system.

This stimulant can enhance both your physical and mental performance while providing energy boost and offering some antioxidant benefits.

While caffeine can help trigger weight loss, your body can also build some tolerance against it. So it is important that you take caffeine moderately and have a rest period for at least 2 weeks.

Green Coffee Bean

This ingredient is the key agent of Green 2 Lean. Green coffee bean is also a popular slimming agent due to its two beneficial active components – caffeine and chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid is a potent agent that offers a variety of health benefits, especially with weight loss.

According to this JNDT, a 12-week human clinical study on 30 overweight people who consumed a chlorogenic acid-enriched coffee, has shown significant reduction in body mass index and body fat.

But the dosage used was between 700 to 1 grams per day. Unfortunately, we don’t have any idea how much green coffee bean extract Green 2 Lean has per serving.

Raspberry Ketone

Like caffeine, raspberry ketone is one of the most widely used extract for weight loss supplements. Sourced from red raspberries, this compound is quite beneficial for hair and skin health.

Animal studies have shown positive weight loss results for this fruit extract. But human studies showed different outcome.

According to WebMD, using both caffeine and raspberry ketone can help reduce body weight if used for 8 weeks.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia is known to help treat obesity, enhance exercise performance, treat joint issues, diarrhea, worms and parasites, and many others.

This fruit has an active compound called hydroxycitric acid or simply known as HCA. Many believed that HCA can help improve your control of appetite, prevents fat storage and improve exercise output.

While there is a big buzz about garcinia’s weight loss potential, the effects are really small and will never give significant and noticeable results.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is found in most diet pills such as Fucoxanthin, Shape Shifter, or Lipo Elite, which is a testament to its popularity in the dieting world.

Sourced from camelia sinensis plant, green tea offers potent compounds called polyphenols and caffeine.

Polyphenols are antioxidant catechins that can help protect your body from disease-causing free radicals. Rumors from other dieters claims that antioxidants can also trigger weight loss.

With caffeine as one of its active compounds, green tea can truly be considered as one potent fat burner.

So Can Green 2 Lean Help You Lose Weight?

With caffeine, green coffee bean and green tea on its formula, there is no dispute about Green 2 Lean’s weight loss capabilities.

There are also some positive reviews online that suggests this brand’s efficacy though I believe most of these reviews are fake.

While this brand may trigger weight loss for you, don’t expect significant results as it can only give “some measures” of weight loss and is probably good only for short-term use.

Green 2 Lean actual bottle

How about Safety?

While I found no reports of any side effects online for this brand, it doesn’t mean that Green 2 Lean is a side-effect free supplement.

With caffeine, green tea and green coffee bean all known as stimulants, using this diet pill increases your risk of stimulant-based side effects such as dizziness, shortness of breath, jitters, headache and many others.

To make sure that you get a safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you use Green 2 Lean.


According to its label, you can take 2 capsules daily preferably with meals or as directed by your health care professional.

For best results, take 1 capsule in the morning and another capsule early afternoon. You are advised to follow a sensible diet and exercise program while taking this diet pill.

Green 2 Lean Review Summary

Unlike other brands that we approved here such as Green Coffee Lean or Lean Core Body, the formula of Green 2 Lean is not completely convincing and is packed with doubtful ingredients raspberry and garcinia cambogia.

However, I believe that the trio of caffeine, green coffee bean and green tea is enough to trigger some measures of weight loss for you, especially if you need that extract boost on your workout.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1997ed”]

  • Natural ingredients
  • Some positive reviews
  • May trigger modest weight loss
  • 30-day money back guarantee


Where to Purchase Green 2 Lean?

If you are still interested or if you are a previous user of this diet pill and you found it effective, you can buy Green 2 Lean directly in its official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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