Synerlean X6 is a weight loss support supplement that claims to provide key areas of weight loss – fat burning, blocks carbohydrate absorption, suppress appetite and many others.
Though a complete slimming formula, there are a lot of concerns regarding safety as most people reported various side effects.
So, can Synerlean X6 help you lose weight? Is it truly unsafe or just pure gossip? Read on and learn more.
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What is Synerlean X6?
Synerlean X6 is a product of BioGanix, the same company that promotes Garcinia Cambogia 1600.
As aforementioned above, this brand is complete weight loss support. Here are some of its health claims:
[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19abed”]
- Burns fat
- Reduces carb absorption
- Promotes appetite suppression
- Increases lean muscle mass
- Enhances brain function
- Reduces fatigue
- Elevates overall physical performance
The official website of BioGanix provided very little information about Synerlean X6, though we only know that it is a fat burning formula.
Like other BioGanix products, this X6 is not yet popular amongst dieters even though it is widely available on a variety of online supplement retailers.
“X6” is derived from its six unique and proven effective ingredients, most of which are thermogenic agents.
Each bottle of Synerlean X6 costs $21.97. Return or money back guarantee depends on the store where you purchased the item (ex. Amazon).
Synerlean X6 Ingredients
The proprietary blend of this brand is a potent one – 1,592.5mg per serving, which is much more powerful than Fat Eliminator, BASE and Thermo Complex.
It is composed of green tea extract, 5-HTTP, coleus forskohlii, green coffee bean extract, quercetin, synephrine and yohimbe bark extract.
Its inactive ingredients are gelatin capsule and magnesium stearate.

So How does Synerlean X6 Work?
As mentioned above, there is limited information published online, on how this product really works for weight loss.
So we can only use its ingredients and see if Synerlean X6 can truly deliver results.
Green Tea Extract
Green tea is probably the primary ingredient of this brand. With caffeine and catechins (50% EGCG) as its active ingredients, you might have a chance to achieve some measures of weight loss.
Antioxidants catechins on the other hand, can help improve your immunity against chronic diseases such as cancers. Plus, experts suggest that antioxidants also do promote weight loss.
Quercetin is used for treating heart and blood vessel conditions such as atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, heart disease and circulation problems.
Though seldom seen in dietary supplements, some experts believe that this compound can help elevate athletic performance, increase endurance and can help boost energy levels.
Aside from the said benefits, quercetin also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Coleus Forskohlii
Forskolin or coleus forskohlii is a very beneficial plant extract that is used for heart, respiratory, bladder, reproductive and digestive systems.
Forskohlii is used in the weight loss industry because it is touted to help boost fat loss and testosterone levels in men.
Green Coffee Bean
Synerlean X6 contains 50% chlorogenic acid, which is the active compound of green coffee bean.
Chlorogenic acid is deemed to be a powerful slimming agent, though not all studies have shown positive results.
Plus, green coffee bean contains caffeine, a stimulating compound that can either trigger slimming effects or side effects.
Yohimbe is a powerful plant extract that is known as an aphrodisiac and has its own anabolic effects (lean muscle mass growth).
However, yohimbe is also not completely safe as most people have reported various side effects.
Synephrine or better known as bitter orange, is another stimulating compounds that is proven effective with regards to weight loss.
But like yohimbe, synephrine is known to cause side effects due to its ephedra-like effects.
5-hydroxytryptophan or simply 5-HTTP, is a proven appetite suppressant and the only plausible slimming ingredient in Synerlean X6.
According to NCBI, 5-HTTP has powerful serotonergic system effect, where volunteers reduced energy and carbohydrate intake.
So Can Synerlean X6 Deliver Results?
While Synerlean X6 feature a potent dose, BioGanix didn’t provide the amounts of each ingredients. So we actually have no idea how potent each ingredients really is.
But overall, the total dose of this brand is truly potent and most agents are known stimulants.
So with regards to weight loss, there’s no doubt for its efficacy as the said ingredients are known to help boost energy, metabolism and can elevate your overall performance.
So like other brands such as TrimEnergy, A-RX or Phytodren, Synerlean X6 might be able to deliver the results that you expect.
How about Safety?
As mentioned above, Synerlean X6 is a potent thermogenic and stimulant formula that is quite infamous for side effects.
Some reported side effects we found online include:
[quote]My husband and I both took two for four consecutive mornings before breakfast as directed. The first day was ok, but starting with the second we both suffered from extreme nausea. My husband also experienced an increased sense of smell which added to the nausea.[/quote]
[quote]I am very disappointed as this did not work for me after reading the positive reviews. I did not get any energy boost or appetite suppressing benefits from this product. I could fall asleep shortly after taking this. The only thing I did get though was a nauseating feeling. If you are new to taking diet pills and stimulating products, then this may work for you somewhat; however, you may also have this gagging, sick-to-your-stomach feeling like I did.[/quote]
So generally, this supplement is likely going to trigger stimulant-based side effects.
It is important that you consult your doctor first before you take Synerlean X6.
According to BioGanix, you can take 2 capsules before a meal, once to twice per day.
Synerlean X6 Review Summary
Like Keto Fat Burner, this brand is a potent slimming formula that can help you lose weight.
Still, you have to ensure that you are not allergic to stimulants before you take this brand.
Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19abed”]
- Natural formula
- Some positive testimonials from Amazon
- Good for dieters who want powerful slimming formula
- Can help elevate focus, energy, metabolism and performance
- Refund fulfilled by Amazon
- Moderately priced
Where to Purchase Synerlean X6?
You can purchase this supplement either directly from the manufacturer’s official website.
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