Reduction Weight Loss


Reduction Weight Loss is another do-it-all diet pill that is lurking online and claims that it can provide all key areas of weight loss.

While this type of marketing hype is common among online products, it seems that the formula of this brand can indeed trigger slimming effects. Plus, there are overwhelming positive reviews for this brand at Amazon.

Can it truly deliver slimming results? Will it work on your metabolism and diet? Read on and learn if this brand is truly worthy of your health investment.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Reduction Weight Loss?

Reduction Weight Loss is a product of Nutriment LLC (also known as Nutriment Inc.), a health supplement manufacturer that is based in the US.

Other brands that this company offers are LipoRx and MetaMax, both of which are also weight loss aids.

As aforementioned above, Reduction Weight Loss is marketed as a complete weight loss aid. They claim that it can do the following:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Powerful weight loss blend
  • Helps curb your hunger (suppresses appetite)
  • Thermogenic fat burner/boosts metabolism
  • Enhances your mood and focus
  • Elevates your energy levels and physical performance


As you can see, it promotes a complete weight loss aid that most dieters are looking for. The question is, can it truly help you lose weight.

Well, the first thing that I noticed about this brand is that, it is not included on Nutriment’s official website. By the way, the site is actually not user-friendly and has so many broken links (pages).

So I guess that you can only purchase Reduction Weight Loss through third party supplement retailers such as Amazon.

With regards to pricing, this diet pill is also quite expensive with a price tag of $39.95 per bottle. Though pricey, Reduction Weight Loss comes with a money back guarantee from Nutriment LLC so you are still in good hands.

Reduction Weight Loss Ingredients

Like most fat burners and appetite suppressants, Reduction Weight Loss is packed with natural ingredients that are known weight loss agents.

What I like about its formula is that, its dosage is not a pushover as it feature a 2,584mg per serving potency.

Its proprietary blend includes garcinia cambogia, guarana seed extract, citrus aurantium, white willow bark extract, cayenne, green tea leaf extract, uva ursi, dandelion root and L-Carnitine.

Plus, Reduction Weight Loss also contains vitamin B6 and chromium (300mcg per serving).

Its inactive ingredients are gelatin (capsule) and magnesium stearate.

As you can see, Reduction Weight Loss does have a potent and stimulating formula but contains no synthetic or artificial ingredients.

So How does Reduction Weight Loss Work?

Since this brand is nowhere to be found on Nutriment’s official site, we are going to depend from its Amazon page for any essential information on how Reduction Weight Loss work for weight loss.

Good thing is that, we have its full ingredient profile which we can use to analyze all the possible slimming effects of this dietary supplement. Lets start with the most popular of them all – garcinia cambogia.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is one of the most popular slimming agent today. Its active compound, hydroxycitric acid or simply known as HCA, is said to have potent weight loss properties that can reduce appetite and boost metabolism.

However, most studies about this fruit showed little evidence of weight loss. Some clinical trials suggest that a combination of green tea, caffeine, bitter orange and other stimulants can help make HCA a potent slimming agent.

But overall, the reported weight loss properties of garcinia cambogia are just mere hype.


A type of amino acid, L-Carnitine is best known as a fat burner. Though most supplements markets carnitine as a fat burner, there are few studies that showed its fat burning efficacy.

According to NCBI, L-Carnitine is much more involved in energy metabolism and mitochondrial protection. It is also beneficial for enhancing cognitive function and physical performance.

Citrus Aurantium

Citrus aurantium or better known as bitter orange, is another thermogenic agent that is known as a fat burner, energy booster and physical performance enhancer.

Bitter orange is a stimulant, so it can also help improve your mood, focus, mental alertness and overall brain function.

Though beneficial, bitter orange also pose risk of side effects due to its stimulating properties. Such side effects may include dizziness, shortness of breath, sleeplessness and many others.

Guarana Extract

Like bitter orange, guarana seed extract is a central nervous system stimulant. It can cause a variety of body reactions to your body, including possible side effects and weight loss.

According to an article by LiveStrong, guarana is an effective fat loss agent but also poses a great risk for your health due to its stimulating effects.


Cayenne is a compound found on red peppers, obviously marketed as a thermogenic agent due to its spicy flavor.

But cayenne has mix studies whether or not it can be a reliable slimming agent. Some says that cayenne is not powerful enough as a fat burner, while some experts disagrees.

One positive report comes from a research study done by Science Direct that showed cayenne’s thermogenic and energy boosting power.

Green Tea

Reduction Weight Loss is not complete without Green tea extract. Like garcinia cambogia, green tea is one of the widely used ingredient in most weight loss products.

Green tea is known for its potent antioxidants called flavonoids. These antioxidants provides protection for your body by strengthening your immunity against diseases.

And these antioxidants are also the main culprit of its weight loss properties. Experts suggest that green tea can be a powerful fat burner and energy booster. But the main culprit about green tea’s fat burning benefits is its caffeine content.


Dandelion root is a herb that is known for various health benefits and is a diuretic.

Dandelion is not actually a weight loss herb, but it can help trigger weight loss if you exercise regularly. Why? Because dandelion can help improve your endurance and stamina.

By improving your endurance, you can last longer on your workouts that results to more fat loss.

Both uva ursi and white willow bark extracts are associated with weight loss. However, both extracts have no scientific evidence that showed any measures of weight loss effects.

So Can Reduction Weight Loss Deliver Results?

As you can see, Reduction Weight Loss has some ingredients that can provide some measures of weight loss.

Though some of its ingredients are quite doubtful for any slimming benefits, you still have ingredients that can support weight loss such as green tea, dandelion, cayenne, guarana, L-Carnitine and bitter orange.

The dosage is also quite powerful with over 2 thousand milligram per serving (but the ingredient amounts were not disclosed).

There are also an overwhelming favorable reviews for this brand online. Some of the most helpful reviews include:

[quote]Most diet pills cause irritability and loss of energy but not these! I have never had a product like this before and they work for me![/quote]

[quote]I have lost eight pounds in my first 5 days of taking these pills – these really are working for me and I’m very happy with my results so far.[/quote]

[quote]If you are tired of being overweight, this supplement can do so much for you. It boosts your metabolism, boosts your energy, and helps to shed those unwanted pounds in no time.[/quote]

[quote]I am trim and thin thanks to this supplement. I began my journey about 3 months ago and I have reached my goal. I am so happy and recommend this product to anyone needing to make a change in their life. It will get you to where you need to be.[/quote]

Is it Safe?

Well, since Reduction Weight Loss is NOT a side effect-free brand because of its stimulant content.

Though it doesn’t have any caffeine, the formula contains caffeine-bearing substances such as green tea, bitter orange, and guarana extract.

Plus, Reduction Weight Loss contains dandelion root extract, which is a diuretic compound. Too much of diuretic is not good as it can trigger excessive urination.

So if you like the fat burning power of Reduction Weight Loss, you have to be cautious about its possible side effects.

To ensure a safe supplementation, you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take Reduction Weight Loss.


Nutriment LLC recommend adults to take two to four capsules mid-morning or mid-afternoon. Take 30 minutes prior to meals or exercise.

You should drink a lot of water while taking this product. You should also begin with half of the recommended dose to assess your tolerance.

No other instructions are published online.

Reduction Weight Loss Review Summary

Though there are some ingredients in Reduction Weight Loss formula that are quite doubtful with regards to weight loss, I still believe that this supplement can help provide some measures of weight loss for you, especially if you diet and exercise.

You just have to take extra careful when taking this supplement due to its stimulant content.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • Tons of favorable reviews online
  • Can help trigger weight loss
  • May help elevate metabolism and energy levels
  • Can help improve physical performance
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Purchase Reduction Weight Loss?

Reduction Weight Loss can only be purchased online through various third party supplement retailers.

You may also want to check out one of our top rated dietary supplements here – PhenQ.

Click the link below to read our review of this powerful and amazingly effective diet product.

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With proven ingredients, PhenQ garnered thousands of success stories online and is trusted by both athletes and dieters.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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