Chewable Creatine

Potent chewable diet supplement.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Need some creatine to supplement your workout? If yes, then Chewable Creatine from Bauer Nutrition might be the best and most convenient way to enhance your body’s physical performance.

Creatine is an essential nutrient that can greatly improve both your mental and physical performance. Plus, it supports muscle growth while enhancing your recovery.

Read on and learn how Chewable Creatine works and see if this brand suits your overall bodybuilding program.

What is Chewable Creatine?

Chewable Creatine is a product of one of UK’s most popular supplement manufacturer – Bauer Nutrition. Other bestselling product of this company include Testoterone Ultra, Proactol XS, Amino Blast, PrimeBurn, Creatine Powder and many others.

This brand is a chewable supplement that you can take anywhere and anytime. It is the perfect alternative to powdered creatine supplements.

Some of the claimed benefits of this dietary supplement include:

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  • Enhances muscle volumization
  • Enhances brain function
  • Improves performance and muscle mass
  • Enhances recovery
  • Elevates your workouts and overall energy levels


Chewable Creatine is available only in strawberry flavor.

Chewable Creatine Ingredients

Chewable Creatine contains creatine monohydrate, dextrose monohydrate, beetroot powder colour, steanic acid, magnesium stearate, flowing agent, citric acid, silica, strawberry flavour, sucralose sweetener, maltodextrin and microcrystalline cellulose.

How does Chewable Creatine Work?

This chewable supplement works by utilizing its main ingredient – creatine. But first, what is creatine?

Creatine is a compound that is made naturally inside our bodies, mainly from amino acids Arginine, Methionine and Glycine. The main function of creatine is to produce more energy for your body, which you can use to elevate your overall bodybuilding program.

This compound is mainly stored in your muscle fibres, then is converted by enzymes to produce adenosine triphosphate or simply known as ATP. Once ATP is broken down, it releases energy that allows your muscles and organs to function properly.

Creatine also helps promote muscle growth by stimulating protein synthesis and supports the release of lactic acid which helps delay the onset of fatigue.

chewable creatine modelAccording to some health experts, creatine is mainly used in the bodybuilding industry mainly for physical performance improvement and muscle growth. It is also used to elevate energy and metabolic levels.

Chewable Creatine does these health properties for you. The good thing about this product is that, you can take it anywhere and anytime and is a great alternative to powdered creatine supplements.

So Can Chewable Creatine Deliver Results?

Like most dietary supplements such as Glutamine, amino acids and whey protein, creatine supplements are equally patronized by athletes and weight lifters to help improve their physical performance.

Chewable Creatine can help you achieve that feat too. It can give you sudden burst of energy levels that you can use to power up your workouts.

Is Chewable Creatine Safe?

This product is LIKELY safe for most adult lifters and athletes. It is a “supplement” and essential compound that is naturally found in the body.

Buy of course, you should not over consume this chewable tablet, just like other dietary supplements in the market. Taking large doses might trigger unwanted adverse health effects.

To guarantee a safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Chewable Creatine.


Bauer Nutrition recommends that you chew, suck, or swallow six to eight tablets of Chewable Creatine per day.

Since this brand is strawberry flavored, you can bet that it is a great tasting chewable tablet, which is ideal to be taken anytime and place.

You just need to take the required dose, so you must not exceed the aforementioned serving above. Drink plenty of water or liquids whilst taking Chewable Creatine.

Chewable Creatine Review Summary

This chewable dietary supplement is a convenient way to take your daily dose of creatine. It will help support your workout program that will lead to better physique and performance.

I rate this workout supplement as “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]

  • Natural formula
  • Great alternative to powdered creatine supplements
  • Helps improve muscle size
  • Elevates brain and physical performance
  • Helps trigger energy and metabolic increase
  • Enhances recovery
  • 60-day money back guarantee



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  • Limited information
  • Limited reviews
  • Side effects are possible
  • A bit pricey – £19.95 per bottle


Where to Purchase Chewable Creatine?

Chewable Creatine is not yet available at any local supplement stores near you, neither at any online supplement retailers. This supplement can only be purchased through its official sales page at Bauer Nutrition website.

To purchase Chewable Creatine, please visit its official sales page below.

Purchase Chewable Creatine here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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