Extreme Fat Burner for Her


Want a slimming pill that is specifically designed for women? Extreme Fat Burner for Her is formulated to address the weight loss needs of women.

Lets admit it, women are more health and body conscious than men. It is practical for them to stay in shape at all times, especially after giving birth. If this sounds like you, then this product review can help you to determine if this particular brand can be of use for you.

Read on and see if Extreme Fat Burner for Her can truly deliver results for your weight loss program.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Extreme Fat Burner for Her?

Extreme Fat Burner for Her is owned by a company called Weight Imperium. Like

Though this brand looks to be a reputable one due to several factors, I found no official website for this brand and can only be purchased through third party online retailers.

With such limited sources, I can only provide less details about this diet pill and most of it will come from its Amazon sales page.

As aforementioned above, Extreme Fat Burner for Her is a dietary supplement that is exclusively formulated for women. Some of its health claims include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19aaed”]

  • Effectively blocks fat
  • Boosts energy
  • Superb focus


Curiously, fat burning is not one of the claimed benefits of this brand. If so, why is it named “Fat Burner” at all? Read on.

Extreme Fat Burner for Her Ingredients

Extreme Fat Burner for Her is packed with natural ingredients that are safe for women. Like other supplements such as Sheer Bliss, this diet pill is formulated specifically for women.

The proprietary blend of this diet pill is composed of garcinia cambogia, cloves, L-Carnitine, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), inositol, chromium, grapefruit, juniper berries, kelp, cranberries, cinnamon, vitamin C, vitamin B6, curcumin powder, bladderwrack powder and coline bitartate.

Its inactive ingredients are gelatin, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide.

extreme fat burner ingredients

How does Extreme Fat Burner for Her Work?

Weight Imperium claims that this diet pill can help boost your mental focus and energy levels, while reducing your appetite. As mentioned above, this is not marketed as a fat burner, though its brand name contains the words “fat burner”.

Lets look into its ingredients and see if it can truly help reduce your appetite and trigger energy increase. First off, garcinia cambogia is known to prevent fat storage while suppressing appetite. This means that garcinia’s primary function is to block fat while reducing your food cravings.

Chromium on the other hand, is known to help reduce sugar cravings as it helps regulate blood glucose levels. Berry contents such as juniper, grapefruit and cranberries are known to help increase energy levels while providing other health benefits such as antioxidants.

Kelp works as a laxative as it seems to form a thick and sticky gel when it comes into contact with water. This is the reason why kelp is used for weight loss.

Can Extreme Fat Burner for Her truly help burn fat? Well, there are several ingredients that can help trigger metabolism increase which leads to fat burning processes. These are cinnamon, garcinia cambogia and grapefruit extract.

How about mental focus improvement claim? Well, Extreme Fat Burner for Her contains high amounts of inositol, which is a compound that is mainly used for various mental disorder treatment such as Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, panic disorder and many others.

Inositol is also used for weight loss but there are no conclusive evidence to support that this compound can indeed trigger weight loss.

Overall, this brand can also provide some measures of metabolism increase, and not just about suppressing appetite, memory enhancement and energy increase.

However, cinnamon also stimulates appetite, so it practically triggers the opposite effect that could impact the appetite suppressing claim of this diet pill.

Can Extreme Fat Burner for Her Deliver Results?

On first glance, Extreme Fat Burner for Her seems to be a great diet pill for women. But I have big doubts on its effectiveness. Below are the reasons why I believe that this diet pill is UNLIKELY to help you lose weight.

There are No Distinct Fat Burner in the Formula

Extreme Fat Burner for Her claims to help burn your fat but it doesn’t have a natural thermogenic agent such as caffeine, green tea, bitter orange, guarana or green coffee bean extract.

Yes, it does have L-Carnitine but the amounts is not that significant to even trigger fat loss (25mg per serving).

Ingredient Amounts are Not Potent Enough

Though the total dosage is quite impressive (over 1,000mg per serving), individual amounts will tell you that each agents have insignificant doses that would probably not going to help you lose weight.

Cinnamon Stimulates Appetite

Cinnamon is widely used in most weight loss products because they believe that it provides some measures of weight loss.

However, there are no scientific evidence that cinnamon can indeed help trigger weight loss. In contrast, cinnamon even stimulates appetite which means that it will never help suppress your appetite.

Unfavorable Reviews

If you visit the official Amazon page of Extreme Fat Burner for Her, you will see that there are a lot of positive reviews for this brand. This makes me wonder the authenticity of these reviews. It is highly likely that these reviews are fake.

Why? Because it also have its own share of negative reviews. Below is an example of inefficacy report from Amazon:

[quote]This product didn’t work for me. It never did anything to me at all.[/quote]

How about Safety?

Extreme Fat Burner for Her seems to have a safe ingredients, except for one – kelp.

According to WebMD, kelp is UNSAFE because it contains iodine that can harm your thyroid. Plus, kelp works as a laxative which in turn can affect your health negatively if taken in high doses.

So Extreme Fat Burner for Her is not completely a side effect-free diet pill even though it features 100% natural ingredients.

I found no side effect reports online. So before you decide to try this pill, it is best to consult your doctor first before you take Extreme Fat Burner for Her.


Weight Imperium recommends that you take one capsule, 30 minutes before your small meal or two capsules before your large meal.

No other instructions are published online.

Extreme Fat Burner for Her Review Summary

Extreme Fat Burner for Her is NOT the most ideal weight loss supplement for you.

Like other doubtful brands such as Thermogenic, Thermodyne, Max CLA, or Pure Garcinia,    It is unlikely to give you any significant slimming effects and will likely increase your risk of side effects.

Here are the highlights of this review:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1995ed”]

  • 100% natural formula
  • No reports of any side effects
  • May provide mental enhancing effects
  • Refund – fulfilled by Amazon



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed2119″]

  • Limited information
  • Favorable reviews are most likely fake or invented
  • Side effects are possible due to its kelp content
  • Pricey – $36.00 per bottle


Where to Purchase Extreme Fat Burner for Her?

This dietary supplement can only be purchased online directly from various third party online supplement retailers.

But since I don’t recommend this product, it is much better if you consider diet pills that have better reputation and is widely trusted.

One of my recommended products is Garcinia Ultra Pure. Click the link below to read our review of this brand and see if it fits your weight loss needs.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top rated supplement – Garcinia Ultra Pure” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]

garcinia ultra pureGarcinia Ultra Pure is one of the bestselling herbal slimming supplement in the market for years. Known for its fat blocking and burning properties, this supplement can truly support key areas of your weight loss program.

With garcinia as one of the most widely used agent in the industry, this brand garnered thousands of success stories online, trusted by both athletes and dieters, and has been around in the market for years.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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