5 Star Fat Burner

Fat burning dietary supplement.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]5 Star Fat Burner is an interesting supplement as it claims to be a “5 star” brand, meaning an almost perfect brand when it comes to all areas of diet supplements.

First, the makers of this product claims that it is 100% safe due to the fact that it doesn’t contain any stimulants such as caffeine. This is most likely true as stimulants do trigger adverse effects.

But can a formula without caffeine truly have the potential to reduce your body fat? Read on and learn if 5 Star Fat Burner is plausible for your weight loss program.

What is 5 Star Fat Burner?

5 Star Fat Burner is owned and marketed by a company called Careworld LLC though its official website is managed by Anakena Internet Services LLC.

The company’s only other product is Phen Caps, which I previously discussed to you.

As mentioned above, this product claims to promote 24-hour fat burning effects without the use of any stimulants such as caffeine.

To burn fat, the makers of this supplement uses two key agents – Capsimax and Greenselect Phytosome. You’ll learn more about these ingredients below.

With regards to customer reviews, this product has good reputation online with hundreds (if not thousands) positive reviews with some exception of inefficacy reports.

Negative reviews are not surprising as there is no such thing as “perfect” supplement.

What makes 5 Star Fat Burner ideal for you especially to those beginners is its cheap price – $29.95 per bottle. Buy three or more bottles and you will get even bigger discounts.

Plus, Careworld LLC does offer 30 return policy. This means that your health investment is guaranteed to provide satisfaction.

5 Star Fat Burner Ingredients

Aside from Capsimax and Greenselect Phytosome, 5 Star Fat Burner also contain chromium, inulin, raspberry ketone, pomegranate fruit extract and 5-hydroxytryptophan.

Inactive ingredients include hypromellose capsule, microcrystalline cellulose and L-Leucine.

5 Star Fat Burner ingredients

How does 5 Star Fat Burner Work?

As mentioned above, 5 Star Fat Burner is a fat burner that can provide continuous, all-day slimming effects.

But the question is, how will 5 Star Fat Burner work without caffeine? Lets find out by analyzing each of its ingredients.


A health-enhancing mineral, chromium has been proven safe and beneficial for human health. It is used for reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

For weight loss, chromium helps reduce sugar cravings, which is one of the culprits of weight gain in obese and overweight people.

It also helps reduce appetite and boosts physical performance.


A starchy chemical found in wide varieties of herbs, fruits and vegetables, inulin has been used to make medicines.

It has been known to help lower blood cholesterol levels, treat constipation, prevent diabetes and many others.

Experts suggests that inulin has some ability to reduce body weight and may trigger fat burning effects as well – WebMD.

Greenselect Phytosome

A special substance that is basically derived from sunflower lecithin, this formula is sourced from sunflower gum.

Its lecithin content is known to provide high amounts of choline and other essential fatty acids. These chemicals helps strengthen your immune system while providing dozens of health benefits.

Experts from NCBI has proven the positive effects of Greenselect Phytosome on weight loss including its safety.

woman stretching her legs


A chemical that is sourced from chili peppers, Capsimax is a trademarked formula used by various health supplement manufacturers. It is basically promoted as a thermogenic agent due to its spicy flavor.

The key compound in capsimax is called capsaicin, which is said the be the culprit of its metabolism boosting and fat burning qualities.

People use Capsimax for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, heart issues, digestive problems and of course for weight loss.

Research shows that capsaicinoids supplementation helps decrease body fat and fat mass – NCBI.


More known as 5-HTP, this chemical is widely used in the weight loss industry as an appetite suppressant supplement. It is based on amino acid L-Tryptophan.

People use 5-HTP for treating depression, sleeping disorders, anxiety, migraine, premenstrual syndrome, ADHD, and many others.

This chemical works directly in the brain and helps increase the production of serotonin, which are chemicals responsible for regulating sleep, appetite, body temperature, sexual behavior and many others.

Experts agree that 5-HTP has effects on appetite as recent study suggests that it helps decrease food intake in obese adult patients – NCBI.

Raspberry Ketone

Sourced from red raspberries, kiwifruit and other berry fruits, raspberry ketone is one of the most widely used slimming supplements today.

According to experts, raspberry ketone can help reduce body weight, appetite and may also help improve athletic performance.

In truth, raspberry ketone works by affecting a certain hormone in your body – adiponectin. This hormone has the ability to elevate your body’s fat burning and appetite reduction potential.

Is raspberry ketone safe? Read our article here.

Pomegranate Fruit

Like berries and apples, pomegranate fruit is highly beneficial to your health as it contains antioxidants, fiber, minerals, vitamins and fatty acids.

But what about weight loss? You can easily say that any fruits or herbs that contains high amounts of antioxidants and fiber can help with weight loss.

Experts has proven this from their recent study involving pomegranate supplementation, where they found out that this fruit can help prevent weight gain – NCBI.

5-star fat burner formula

Is 5 Star Fat Burner Safe?

5 Star Fat Burner is likely safe to most adult dieters because of its unconventional formula not having a single caffeine agent.

As you know, stimulants such as caffeine can truly help elevate your energy and metabolic levels which can provide weight loss. But stimulants can also give side effects.

So 5 Star Fat Burner is a good choice if you are looking for a supplement that won’t increase your risk of adverse effects.

Of course, there is no such thing as perfect and side effect-free supplement, so you still have to consider the possibility of side effects from this brand.

For safe supplementation, just make sure that you consult your doctor first before you take this brand.

How to Take 5 Star Fat Burner?

According to its official website, you can take one capsule, twice daily with food. Take the first serving with breakfast and another serving with dinner to maximize the supplement’s 24-hour fat burning effects.

No other instructions are found online.

woman doing planks on the beach

5 Star Fat Burner Review Summary

I believe this diet supplement can give you some measures of weight loss especially that its ingredients are all known to provide slimming effects.

But I don’t think that it will provide powerful fat burning effects due to the fact that it doesn’t have any thermogenic or fat burning agents (stimulants).

Combined with sensible diet and regular exercise, 5 Star Fat Burner is going to compliment your overall weight loss program.

Plus, Careworld LLC offers 30-day satisfaction guarantee which gives you that sense of security on your health investment. 5 Star Fat Burner is also cheaper compared to other brands in the industry.

Aside from 5 Star Fat Burner, I also want you to check out one of our top-rated brands here – Complex Diet Drops.

Click the link below this post to learn more about this supplement.

Where to Buy 5 Star Fat Burner?

5 Star Fat Burner is only available online directly from its manufacturer’s official website. Visit its web page below and learn more about this product.

Click HERE to Purchase 5 Star Fat Burner

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complex diet dropsOne of the bestselling and proven diet drop formula in the market today. Complex Diet Drops is 100% natural and hormone-free supplement that will trigger rapid and safe weight loss.

Complex Diet Drops promotes fat loss, appetite reduction and metabolic increase, all of which are essential for successful weight loss.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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5 Star Fat Burner
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