If you are following this site for some time now, you probably noticed an ingredient called Horny Goat Weed from various bodybuilding supplements that I reviewed.
Well, this herb extract is believed to have tons of health benefits that are not just focused on bodybuilding alone. It is also known as an aphrodisiac (sexual drive stimulant) and many others.
Read on and learn 5 amazing benefits of horny goat weed.
What is Horny Goat Weed?
Scientifically known as epimedium, horny goat weed is a herb that is commonly found in Japan, Korea and China. This herb is known as “yin yang huo” in Chinese traditional medicine.
There are different types of horny goat weed species and most of these plants have common health properties. At first, this extract is known to help nourish the kidney, but more and more benefits are discovered throughout years of research.
From erectile dysfunction to testosterone-boosting properties, below are the five most amazing health benefits of horny goat weed.
Enhances Physical Performance
Research shows that epimedium can effectively raise your levels of testosterone hormones, which are responsible for various body enhancing effects.
One reason why horny goat weed can improve your physical performance is because it can improve your blood circulation. An improved circulation will give you more energy that you can use for your workout.
Fights Osteoporosis
One of the most popular health benefit of this herb extract is osteoporosis treatment. Actually, this herb can also help reduce bone loss.
According to various animal and human studies, epimedium effectively stimulates osteoblast activity in one tissue. This is the reason why this extract is beneficial for your bone health.
Erectile Dysfunction
Most health supplement manufacturers are using horny goat weed as a natural treatment for erectile dysfunction, and infertility in men.
Epimedium contains icariin, a compound that is proven to have PDE-5 inhibitory properties, which increases your levels of nitric oxide. The more you have nitric oxide, the more your muscles will relax which helps improve penile erection.
Aside from being an erectile dysfunction aid, horny goat weed is also used to treat impotence, premature ejaculation and helps elevate overall sexual performance.
Boosts Brain Function
If you are depending heavily on caffeine to boost your mental sharpness, then it is time to add some other natural herbs on your health list.
Horny goat weed can effectively improve your overall cognitive function because it helps improve blood circulation to the brain.
Increases Testosterone Levels
There are research studies in animals that horny goat weed supports natural testosterone production increase.
Icariin, the compound in horny goat weed that has aphrodisiac effects, can also help improve testosterone levels according to some experts.
Horny goat weed also contain another important compound called desmethylicaritin, which is believed to have properties that can increase estrogen hormones in females.
The more testosterone you have, the more your body can develop and grow. This supports the anabolic health properties of horny goat weed. Ana-GH is a sample dietary supplement that contains epimedium extract.
Aside from these five amazing benefits, horny goat weed can also help treat cancer, kidney disorders, fatigue, joint pain, high blood pressure, HIV/AIDS, liver diseases, bronchitis and many others.
Is Horny Goat Weed Safe?
Epimedium is likely safe for human consumption. Some types of horny goat weed can be taken for up to two years, but it doesn’t mean that you can take it as your usual dietary supplement.
Why? Because there are some forms of horny goat weed that are deemed unsafe if taken for a long period of time, or in high doses. Some of the reported side effects include severe breathing problems, dizziness, vomiting, dry mouth, thirst, nosebleed and spasms.
There are no recommended dosage for this herb extract so you are encouraged to consult your doctor first before you take any supplement that contains horny goat weed.
Horny goat weed can be used for various health conditions but it is important that you also have your doctor’s approval before you use this herb or take any supplement that contains epimedium.
This herb extract is also safe to use for a specific short period of time only. Taking it more than your doctor’s prescribed time period may result to unwanted adverse health effects.
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Image Credit: WikiPedia
References: Examine.com | WebMD