10 Day Fat Burner Tea

Fat burning slimming tea.


If you love teas, then you will love 10 Day Fat Burner Tea from TrimTuf!

This brand isn’t just healthful, but can also satisfy your weight loss needs. Plus, it is very affordable compared to other expensive tea brands such as Wu Long, 28-Day Detox or Pure Health Slimming.

So 10 Day Fat Burner Tea is quite an enticing brand.

But can it deliver results? Read on and see why this slimming tea is one of the bestsellers in the market today.

What is 10 Day Fat Burner Tea?

10 Day Fat Burner Tea is a product of TrimTuf Inc. The company only offers this brand for now though they also sells their own version of abdominal trimmer called TrimBelt.

Here are some of its claimed health benefits:

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  • Boosts energy and metabolic levels
  • Increases fat loss and exercise performance
  • Elevates mental functions
  • Provides antioxidants


Like most slimming teas, this product is focused on metabolism of body fat burning, which is actually common in most tea brands parading green, black and oolong tea herbs.

These teas are known healthy as they also provide other health benefits such as cognitive function improvement, strengthening of immunity and many others.

But what makes this brand stands out from the rest of the competition? Well, I mentioned above that this brand is affordable. A pack of 10 Day Fat Burner Tea only costs $12.99.

Plus, TrimTuf also offers money back guarantee. So overall, this slimming tea is indeed an enticing product for your weight loss program.

10 Day Fat Burner Tea Ingredients

Unlike other slimming teas that has unknown and hidden ingredients, 10 Day Fat Burner Tea only feature three key agents – oolong tea, black tea and green tea.

How does 10 Day Fat Burner Tea Work?

According to its website, this slimming brand is focused on boosting your body’s energy, metabolism and overall exercise performance capacity.

With its ingredients above, the goal is pretty much achievable as these herbs are formulated to help stimulate both mental and physical functions.

Plus, this tea can give you tons of additional health benefits that a tea commonly provides. This include increase in focus and alertness, reduces water retention, fights off chronic diseases and many others.

So to better understand how 10 Day Fat Burner Tea works for weight loss, we need to get an inside look at its three key agents and see if this product can deliver results.

Green Tea

This herbal tea needs no introduction as green tea is one of the most widely used slimming agent on the planet.

This tea is used in wide range of products including nootropics, weight loss and sports nutrition brands.

So why is green tea so popular? Well, it is because of its two active components – caffeine and antioxidants.

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects your central nervous system and can help trigger thermogenic effects. So basically, caffeine can elevate both your mental and physical performance (metabolism and energy).

Plus, green tea has antioxidants called polyphenols. These compounds help strengthens your body’s immunity to diseases such as cancers. Antioxidants also supports weight loss – NCBI.

Black Tea

Like green tea, black tea is sourced from camellia sinensis plant and is one of the most widely used herbal teas in the United States.

Black tea has similar effects as green tea as they both have caffeine and antioxidants (flavonoids).

According to LiveStrong article, black tea’s flavonoids are responsible for its many health benefits, especially weight loss.

It is studied that flavonoids in black tea inhibits the digestive enzyme lipase, which prevent fats from being absorbed but are rather eliminated from the body leading to safe weight loss.

With black tea also containing its own caffeine, it’s quite safe to say that this herbal tea also has the potential to increase your energy and metabolic levels.

Oolong Tea

Another product of camellia sinensis plant, oolong tea is making its presence felt in the dieting community as its popularity rises by each day.

As a partially fermented herbal tea, oolong has good amounts of caffeine that can help sharpen all areas of your mental health – focus, mood, alertness, thinking, cognitive and many others.

People doesn’t just use oolong for mental performance boost, but it can also beneficial for diabetes, skin disorders, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and even cancers.

But unlike black and green tea, oolong tea doesn’t just have caffeine on its arsenal, but it also have other caffeine-like agents such as theobromine and theophylline.

These properties makes oolong tea a much more potent weight loss agent compared to black or green tea.

Good thing that 10 Day Fat Burner Tea all have these three herb agents to give you that powerful weight loss effects – NCBI.

10 day fat burner tea testimonials reviews

Is 10 Day Fat Burner Tea Safe?

This slimming tea is likely safe to most adult dieters and athletes alike.

But if you are allergic to stimulants, then you better consult your doctor first before you take 10 Day Fat Burner Tea.

Although side effects are possible due to its high caffeine content, we never found a single side effect report for this product online.


According to its website, drink 2 cups of tea in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast. Or, 2 cups in the evening, 30 minutes after dinner.

Just place a tea bag in 8oz cup, pour hot water and let sit for 5 minutes until water turns dark gold. Repeat these steps for your second cup using the same tea bag.

1 tea bag is good for one day.

If you exercise, drink 2 cups of tea before a workout but do not drink any pre-workout or additional energy drinks.

For maximum results, drink this tea on an empty stomach.

10 Day Fat Burner Tea Review Summary

As you can see from my observation above, 10 Day Fat Burner Tea has a pretty strong formula that can truly help start your day right!

It has all the ingredients to help keep your body in a healthy weight without increasing your risks of other chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancers.

Here are the reasons why you need this supplement:

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  • 100% natural formula
  • One of the bestselling slimming tea in the United States
  • Good reviews online
  • Supports all areas of weight loss
  • Supports mental performance increase
  • Promotes other health benefits due to its high antioxidants
  • No known side effects
  • Affordable
  • Money back guarantee


Where to Purchase 10 Day Fat Burner Tea?

This brand is unlikely retailed on your favorite local health supplement stores. But you can buy one directly from its official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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