Ultimate HGH

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Are you looking for a human growth hormone supplement? If yes, then Ultimate HGH might be the best product for your health needs.

Most people are looking for hormonal supplements simply to help improve their overall health. But not all people are suitable with HGH and sometimes, it can even trigger side effects. If you like natural, then you have to look for natural supplements

Ultimate HGH is a hormone-free supplement but provides the potency of HGH. Read on and learn if Ultimate HGH can deliver results for you.

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Review Update:

This brand is now removed from Great American Health product list. It still can be purchased at selected online supplement retailers that are accredited by the said company. However, you won’t find this product on its official website.[/note]

What is Ultimate HGH?

Ultimate HGH is a product of Great American Health, a US-based supplement company that produces various types of health products. Its sister product is Ultimate Slim Complete, which is a weight loss aid.

This particular supplement is designed to optimize your bodily functions to keep your health in good state. But Ultimate HGH is not your usual supplement as it mimics the power of HGH (human growth hormone).

HGH helps people look young and energetic while providing anabolic effects. Yes, Ultimate HGH is not just for elderly people who wants to have youthful body, but it can also be used for physical performance and bodybuilding enhancements.

Some of the claimed benefits of Ultimate HGH include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#1997ed”]

  • Supports lean muscle gains
  • Elevates energy and physical performance
  • Supports weight loss
  • Supports other health benefits


Ultimate HGH Ingredients

Ultimate HGH is formulated with 100% organic ingredients that are clinically proven to provide health benefits. It features a massive 2,715mg per serving proprietary complex.

The ingredients include amino peptide complex, colostrum, phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl choline, chrysin, tribulus terrestris and citrus complex.

Ultimate HGH contains no hormones, has no artificial flavors, colorings or preservatives.

ultimate hgh ingredients

How does Ultimate HGH Work?

There are limited information to be found on Great American Health’s official website on how Ultimate HGH truly works. But since they provided its formula, we can tell how this supplement works.

First it has tribulus terrestris, a Mediterranean plant that is known to help boost testosterone levels. This is the reason why this plant is widely used by most fitness supplement manufacturers.

Ultimate HGH also contains citrus complex which is composed primarily of naringinen, a flavonoid that is present in most citrus fruits. Naringenin is used for cholesterol regulation, hyperglycemia treatment and enhancement of metabolic syndrome.

Next is amino peptide complex, which are compounds that are designed to make use of a chain of amino acids to create and release protein. This result to better muscle gains while providing other health benefits such as skin nourishing effects.

Colostrum on the other hand is a compound that is known to help boost the immune system, repairs nervous system damage, improves mood, slows down aging and can also prevent bacterial and fungus infections. Colostrum is also a widely used compound for most sports nutrition products.

Both phosphatidyl serine and phosphatidyl choline have similar functions which is to help improve brain function and prevent memory loss. But both are also known to help elevate physical performance and supports energy boosting effects.

Lastly, Ultimate HGH contains another flavonoid called chrysin. Chrysin has anabolic effects as it is clinically proven to help boost your body’s production of testosterone. Both chrysin and tribulus terrestris is a great combination to achieve optimum anabolic effects.

Is Ultimate HGH Safe?

Ultimate HGH doesn’t have any known side effects online. Most reviews that I encountered where clear of health issues.

Though safe, you are still encouraged to talk to your doctor first before you take Ultimate HGH.

Suggested Use

Use Ultimate HGH as your dietary supplement. Great American Health recommends that you take 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules before bedtime, preferably on an empty stomach.

Take with 8oz of water. Do not exceed 4 capsules a day.

Ultimate HGH Review Summary

Ultimate HGH is quite impressive with regards to its formula (which is also potent) but it doesn’t show how much doses each of its ingredients have.

Nevertheless, it is quite safe to say that Ultimate HGH is an effective supplement as it have its own share of good reviews online.

I rate this supplement as “RECOMMENDED” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#1997ed”]

  • 100% natural and potent formula
  • Can provide anabolic effects
  • Supports other health benefits
  • No known side effects
  • Money back guarantee



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed2f19″]

  • Limited information
  • Limited reviews
  • No ingredient amounts


[note note_color=”#25c2f3″ text_color=”#ffffff”]

Review Update:

This brand is now removed from Great American Health product list. It still can be purchased at selected online supplement retailers that are accredited by the said company. However, you won’t find this product on its official website.[/note]

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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