Shredz Fat Burner

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Want a superb thermogenic weight loss aid? Shredz Fat Burner is one popular dietary supplement that you can find in the market today. This brand claims that it is one of the most powerful formula in the industry. Can it help you lose weight?

People are still hungry for that magic pill that can truly provide weight loss. Well, fat burners are still the top dog with regards to weight loss supplements. So if you want to shred fat and lose weight, all you need to do is to change your lifestyle and take fat burning pills.

But the question is, can Shredz Fat Burner do that task for you? Read on and learn how this diet pill works for weight loss.

[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using this pill, consider a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]

What is Shredz Fat Burner?

Shredz Fat Burner is the primary product of Shredz Corporation, a US-based company that manufactures weight loss and sports nutrition supplements.

Based on its name, Shredz Fat Burner is designed to stimulate thermogenesis inside your body that will trigger superb fat and calorie burning processes. Since it has caffeine and other known slimming agents, this diet pill can also enhance your energy levels and mental focus so you can double up your workout efforts for more significant weight loss.

Some of the claimed health benefits of Shredz Fat Burner include:

[list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#19b3ed”]

  • Burns fat and calories fast
  • Elevated energy and metabolic levels
  • Enhances mood, memory, focus, sense and alertness
  • Supports healthy digestion by detoxification
  • Strengthens immune system


Shredz Fat Burner Ingredients

Unlike common, chemical-based dietary pills in the market, Shredz Fat Burner features a 100% natural and clinically proven formula that will provide maximum slimming effects.

Its proprietary fat burning complex (937mg per serving) is composed of dendrobium, R-Beta-Methyl Phenylethylamine HCL, caffeine anhydrous, green tea extract, alpha lipoic acid, theobromine, acetyl L-Carnitine, synephrine HCL, guggulsterones, yohimbe HCL and cayenne pepper extract.

Shredz Fat Burner also contains 100mg of choline and 20mg of vitamin B5 per serving.

shredz fat burner ingredients

So How does Shredz Fat Burner Work?

As aforementioned above, Shredz Fat Burner is a thermogenic supplement that will deliver clean energy, sharpens your mental health and will help you get ripped and lean.

To get these results, Shredz Fat Burner must utilize its potent formula which are all known slimming ingredients. So lets dig deeper into its formula and learn how this diet pill can truly provide slimming effects.

Caffeine Anhydrous

Caffeine is the unanimous choice for most thermogenic supplements. Why? Because caffeine works directly at your central nervous system, stimulating your body for more energy, focus, better mood and alertness.

What’s more is that, caffeine contains essential antioxidants that can help strengthen your immune system. This is the reason why caffeine can trigger fat burning effects as well.

R-Beta-Methyl Phenylethylamine HCL

R-Beta-Methyl Phenylethylamine HCL or more known as Beta-Phenylethylamine (PEA), is a catecholamine precursor and a natural compound found in chocolate. Its main function is like caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant. But unlike caffeine, this compound doesn’t produce nervousness or that jittery effects associated with other stimulants.

R-Beta-Methyl Phenylethylamine HCL is known as a potent fat burning compound and it also acts on alpha-receptors in the brain which triggers the release of feel-good hormone dopamine in neural cells. This compound also improve your satiety, reduce your food cravings and will help increase your metabolism.

Green Tea Extract

The most popular tea in the world, green tea is not just a healthy drink but a popular slimming tea. Green tea is known for its powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which helps strengthen your immune system.

But most of all, green tea is known for its ability to enhance your energy levels, burn fat and provides more focus for you. These are possible because green tea also contains its own caffeine.


L-Carnitine is a type of amino acid that is also popular for its ability to burn fat. Most experts believe that L-Carnitine can help improve your physical performance as it can elevate your energy output.

L-Carnitine is also beneficial for cardiovascular health, diabetes, hair loss, mental health and many others. L-Carnitine also protects and maintains muscle tissues during exercise.


Theobromine is a compound found in cocoa plant where chocolates came from. It has potent antioxidant content known as flavanoids. Theobromine is known for its ability to relax your veins, which leads to health blood pressure and improved cardiovascular health.

Theobromine can also reduce your blood cholesterol, enhance your memory, prevent cirrhosis and many others. There is no much information about theobromine’s true benefit for weight loss. However, experts believe that this compound can help give more energy and mental focus.


Yohimbe is another natural plant extract that is included in Shredz Fat Burner pill. Like thebromine, yohimbe can increase blood flow that will result to better blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

But yohimbe is much more known for its ability to improve sexual health while preventing mental disorders such as depression. This extract also prevents fatigue from triggering during your workouts.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne or also known as capsicum, is another thermogenic agent that is being used by most fat burning supplements in the market. Its most potent chemical, capsaicin, is a thermogenic agent that can increase your temperature that will deliver fat burning processes.

Cayenne also provide dozens of health benefits such as prevention of muscle cramps, stomach disorders, nausea, migraine, back pain and many others.

Alpha-lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid is a vitamin-like chemical that is known as an antioxidant which highly supports vitamins E and C. As an antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid can help protect your body from certain free radical that can trigger serious chronic diseases such as cancers.

Alpha-lipoic acid also works in the body to help break down carbohydrates and to make more energy for the other organs of your body.

As you can see, most of the ingredients listed above are thermogenic agents that will help increase your body’s fat burning capabilities. Plus, these ingredients will give you additional benefits such as cardiovascular, mental and sexual health improvements.

Is Alpha-lipoic acid Safe?

Like most thermogenic supplements, Shredz Fat Burner is not exempted with regards to side effects, although it has limited reports of adverse health reactions online.

This is due to Shredz Fat Burner’s stimulant content, basically caffeine. Based on its formula, this diet pill contains green tea, yohimbe, theobromine, Beta-Phenylethylamine and caffeine, all of which can cause certain degree of side effects that includes dizziness, headache, nausea, palpitations and many others.

With that in mind, you are not encouraged to take Shredz Fat Burner along with other stimulant-rich products such as coffee or sodas. If you are highly allergic to stimulants, then this diet pill is not ideal for you.

Consult your doctor first before you use Shredz Fat Burner.

Shredz Fat Burner Reviews

As mentioned above, Shredz Fat Burner has no known side effects and most of its reviews online are positive in nature with regards to efficacy. Some of the customers who are satisfied with Shredz shares the following comments:

[quote]Pretty good and I’ve tried a few. I’m in shape and a healthy guy and this helps to cut that excess layer on your stomach. Of course, it works best on a clean diet with zero booze. If you can go 4-6 weeks on this supplement and steer clear of alcohol, you’ll see amazing results. [/quote]

[quote]I’ve tried a few fat-burner samples through Bulu Box and this was definitely a good one. Significant energy without jitters — although if you are sensitive to that wort of thing, start with just 1 pill to see how it goes for you.[/quote]

[quote]It is hard to gauge a fat burner in jus a few days, but I did feel more energized without any side effects. I will be seriously considering giving this one a try.[/quote]

Recommended Use

Take one capsule pre-workout with breakfast followed by one capsule in the afternoon. If you workout in the afternoon, take one capsule with breakfast followed by one capsule pre-workout.

Do not exceed this recommended dose unless approved by your physician. Each bottle of Shredz Fat Burner contains 60 capsules that is good for a month supply.

Shredz Fat Burner Review Summary

Shredz Fat Burner is packed with thermogenic agents that will surely give a big boost on your body’s ability to burn fat. But like many fat burners in the market, you should take Shredz Fat Burner with caution as it contains a lot of stimulants.

Curiously, most reviews for this brand suggests that Shredz Fat Burner is safe and effective for all types of dieters. Some customers even mentioned that it did suppressed their appetite, which is an additional benefit for you which Shredz didn’t claim at all.

I rate this diet pill as “APPROVED” due to the following reasons:


[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19b3ed”]

  • Triggers thermogenic effects
  • Increases your energy and metabolic levels
  • Burns calories and fat fast
  • Tons of good reviews online
  • Money back guarantee (store-based)



[list icon=”icon: times” icon_color=”#ed1921″]

  • Side effects are possible
  • Quite pricey


Where to Purchase Shredz Fat Burner?

Shredz Fat Burner is widely available at selected online supplement stores or you can go directly at Shredz official website.

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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