Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg

Natural appetite suppressant formula.


Have you tried African Mango diet pills? If not, then this product review can give you ideas on how African mango works for weight loss. I will discuss to you the different properties of Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg diet pill.

This particular product is probably the most potent African mango supplement that you can find online with its 18,000mg of pure extract. If you don’t know yet, African mango is another fruit that became popular to weight loss fanatics due to its claimed slimming benefits.

This post will give you some reasons why this particular pill is different from its competitors and learn how it can truly help you lose weight fast.

What is African Mango?

African Mango or sometimes referred to as Irvingia Gabonensis, is a species of African trees that belongs to Irvingia genus or commonly known as wild mango or African mango. It is actually not related to the usual mango fruit but bear a mango-like fruit characteristics. Its fruits are known for its fat and protein content.

There are many uses for African mango. The fruit is processed into jellies, jams, juice and wine. Its pulp has been used as a black dye for cloth coloration. But experts discovered a more interesting benefits for this fruit – weight loss.

According to an online research conducted by National Institutes of Health, the seed extract of Irvingia Gabonensis had successfully reduced the body weight of several obese human volunteers in a small double-blind placebo-controlled study in 2005. Aside from that, it also significantly improves metabolic parameters in overweight individuals.

Significant reductions in weight particularly along the waist circumference, hip and systolic blood pressure were recorded. However, there was not a significant reduction in body-fat percentage despite overall weight loss.

This is the reason why medical practitioners doesn’t recommend African mango or any kind of fruit-based weight loss products. Although the study about African mango was inconclusive, thousands of dieters have testified the efficacy of African mango supplements with regards to weight loss. Is Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg one of those effective products?

What is Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg?

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg is from Africa’s Finest and is being marketed and distributed by Evolution Slimming, one of the world’s largest slimming supplement maker and supplier.

This product is different from the rest of the African mango diet pill market as it contains a whooping 18,000mg of Irvingia Gabonensis extracts, the most potent and powerful in the industry.

It offers various slimming and health benefits such as appetite suppression, cholesterol buster and blood sugar regulation. This pill is not just for weight loss, it can also be your perfect dietary supplement that can help improve your overall health.

Advantages of Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg

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  • 100% high potency African mango extract
  • African mango has proven weight loss properties
  • Helps curb your appetite
  • Helps reduce your risk of diarrhea (good for digestion)
  • It effectively lowers your blood cholesterol levels
  • It regulates your blood sugar levels (perfect for pre-diabetic people)


How does Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg Work?

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg works by giving you to highest dosage of African mango extracts that will help suppress your appetite that will lead to weight loss. Other African mango extracts have unknown ingredients that mostly contains synthetic compounds that are either ineffective or unsafe, or both.

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg contains authentic and 100% pure Irvingia Gabonensis extracts that will help your body lose weight fast. It will regulate your digestive system to make you feel full longer, enables you to avoid mindless munching that leads to weight gain.

Aside from that, its African mango’s natural properties will also help improve your overall health by reducing your blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels.

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg

Ingredients of Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg

This diet pill contains a 36:1 ratio extract of Irvingia gabonensis that is equivalent to 18,000mg per capsule, or 36,000mg per dose (2 capsules required).

That is the only active ingredients of Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg and nothing else. Evolution Slimming made sure that this brand contains only the highest African mango extracts.

Other inactive ingredients includes microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose shell.

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg Safety and Issues

Since Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg doesn’t contain caffeine, you don’t have to worry about stimulant side effects. Also, there are no official complaints about this diet pill online, and most customer feedbacks shows positive reviews.

Based on my research on third party sites and independent review sites, Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg is a safe supplement for your weight loss program. No issues have been documented and lots of positive reviews. Below is a sample testimonial from a verified Amazon purchase.

[quote]very quick delivery, started using on friday and by monday l had lost 4lb. been trying for ages to shift 10lbs and been really struggling ie snacking between meals and weight just being stubborn.since i have been on these i dont want to snack but if i do just fancy something im drawn towards fruit instead of crisps.so thanks for a wonderful product will be recommending to family and friends.thanks [/quote]

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg Review Summary

This diet pill seems to be a descent supplement that can help you lose weight through appetite suppression. You also have to consider its cholesterol and blood sugar lowering properties as well.

However, although this brand has tons of positive reviews and has no reported side effects, I am not keen on giving this pill a higher rating because quite frankly, African mango is not yet conclusively proven for weight loss. Plus, this brand is probably only good for short-term weight loss and you might need to conjunct a healthy diet and a consistent exercise program to succeed.

I am rating this diet pill as “Approved” due to the following reasons:


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  • Appetite suppression and other health benefits
  • The most potent African mango extract in the market (18,000mg)
  • No official complaints online (no reported side effects)
  • Money-back guarantee



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  • Most African mango clinical studies are inconclusive with regards to weight loss
  • Tons of positive reviews which majority could be anecdotal or hoax


Where to Buy Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg?

Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg is not available on high streets nor to any local pharmacies near you. It can only be purchased through Amazon and Evolution Slimming official website.

I suggest that you purchase directly to Evolution Slimming instead of going to Amazon. Below are the reasons why:

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  • Evolution Slimming is a trusted brand when it comes to health supplements
  • Amazon seller is also Evolution Slimming (so why purchase to Amazon?)
  • Amazon price is more expensive
  • Evolution Slimming offers freebies and money-back guarantee


To purchase your Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg, visit its official sales page below.

Purchase Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg here

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Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg
Pure African Mango Extract 18,000mg
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