Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea

Energy, metabolism and fat burning dietary supplement.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is one of the thousands of dietary supplements that is made from the famous green tea herb. If you drink green tea, then this diet pill might also work for your weight loss program.

We all know that green tea is packed with potent antioxidants and is known for its fat burning properties. Because of its antioxidants, green tea also offers dozens of health benefits as well such as anti-aging, energy enhancement and many others.

Read on and learn how Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea works for weight loss.

What is Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea?

Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is owned and distributed by Maximum Slim LLC., the same company that brought you Original Slim Coffee which is one of its bestselling brands.

Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea basically offers similar benefits with other types of green tea diet pills. Below are the health benefit claims of this brand:

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  • Burns fat
  • Suppress appetite
  • Support immune system function
  • Increases energy
  • Enhanced performance
  • Provides antioxidants


Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea Ingredients

maximum slim advanced green teaWhat sets Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea apart from the rest of the competition is its powerful formula.

The main ingredient of this brand is of course green tea leaf, a 95% pure extract. Each serving (2 capsules for 500mg dose) is composed of 35mg of naturally-occuring caffeine, which is standardized to provide you 30% epigallocatechin gallete (EGCG) and 65% polyphenol catechins.

Catechins are potent antioxidants that provides therapeutic applications or benefits. In the weight loss industry, green tea is the most popular and clinically proven herb that contains EGCG.

How does Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea Work?

Maximum Slim claims that its green tea brand helps people to lose weight up to 15 pounds in just one month. While this can be exaggerated for a weight loss pill, this is possible if you combine a healthy diet and regular exercise along with your diet pill supplement.

There are limited information about this pill on its official website, though we all know that green tea works in many ways as a weight loss agent and Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea offers similar benefits.

First off, Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is packed with EGCG, potent catechins that are clinically proven to help improve your health.

maximum slim advanced green tea pillAntioxidants can help delay aging, prevent diseases, improve your immune system and many others, while supporting your weight management efforts. Getting antioxidants from Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is a great and easy way to improve your healthy lifestyle.

With Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea caffeine content, it will provide you with a lot of energy for your daily routine. So if you often workout, then taking green tea can provide you that additional energy boost that you need. Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea also provides antioxidant protection, which helps fight off body fat during workouts.

Lastly, Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is a natural metabolism booster.

Is Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea Safe?

Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is generally safe for adult dieters who wants to achieve significant weight loss and great health from its antioxidant content.

However, this brand is not side effects-free product as it contains caffeine, a stimulating compound that is also beneficial but can also affect you negatively. Caffeine for most people is not harmful, but if you are highly allergic to it, then it can trigger jittery side effects such as headache, dizziness, shortness of breath and many others.

To ensure a safe Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take this diet pill or any other green tea-based products you stumble online.

Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea Review Summary

Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is a pure green tea leaf extract diet pill that provides 500mg of potent antioxidants and fat burning formula. Although there are limited customer testimonials for this brand online, Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea have no official complaints and has no known side effects.

I rate this brand as “recommended” due to the following reasons:


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  • Boosts your energy and metabolic rate
  • Provides powerful antioxidants
  • Promotes fat burning and appetite suppression
  • Money-back guarantee



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  • Limited customer reviews
  • Limited information


Where to Buy Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea?

Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea is neither available at any local pharmaceutical stores near you, nor in any online health supplement retailers. You can only purchase this diet pill through its official website.

To purchase Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea, please visit Maximum Slim official site below.

Purchase Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea here

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garcinia ultra pureGarcinia Ultra Pure is one of the bestselling herbal slimming supplement in the market for years. Known for its fat blocking and burning properties, this supplement can truly support key areas of your weight loss program.

With garcinia as one of the most widely used agent in the industry, this brand garnered thousands of success stories online, trusted by both athletes and dieters, and has been around in the market for years.

Click here to learn more in our review.


Perly Rodolfo

This is Perly, and I am your diet pill investigator here. I love providing useful contents online and I am committed to give you the most accurate and unbiased slimming product reviews for your weight loss needs. If you have questions, you may reach me by sending a message to our contact page. Learn more about me here – Full Biography.

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Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea
Maximum Slim Advanced Green Tea
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