Have you tried Duromine to help you lose weight? This product is one of the most popular over-the-counter prescription drugs that is formulated specifically to help suppress your appetite.
As you know, this product is not designed for people who just want to lose a couple of pounds as it is formulated for obese individuals. Meaning that it is designed for people who wants to lose a lot of weight. Is this sounds like you?
If you are obese or slowly getting there, read this short Duromine review and learn if this product is safe and can truly help you lose weight.
[highlight background=”#17bf20]Our Tip: Instead of using Duromine, consider using a proven brand – CLICK HERE[/highlight]
What is Duromine?
Duromine is manufactured and being distributed by an Australian company 3M. This product is a commercial trade name for Phentermine and is primarily available in Australia and New Zealand.
Since it is based from Phentermine, it is designed to suppress your appetite and help prevent overeating or any types of excessive eating habits. Duromine is a short-term solution for weight loss and the manufacturer suggest that it is an effective weight loss drug if combined with healthy diet, exercise and behavior modifications.
If you have higher than average medical risks due to weight issues, then Duromine will most likely be prescribed by your physician to prevent too much weight gain. Risks such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, heart disease with a body mass index of 27 and above are all approved for Duromine medication.
However, if you are just trying to lose some pounds off, then this is not the right pill for you as it can also have many adverse health effects. You are not eligible to take this prescription drug if you just want to burn little fat from your belly or if you are already suffering with any health conditions. This is the reason why Duromine requires a doctor’s prescription.
Duromine is available in three variants – 15mg, 30mg and 40mg pills, all of which are packed in a 30 capsule box. Ingredients of this weight loss pill include phentermine, lactosevliquid paraffin, magnesium stearate, gelatin, tatanium dioxide, carbon black and iron oxide red. Duromine does not contain gluten.
How does Duromine Work?
As a Phentermine drug, Duromine is highly potent synthetic stimulant that works directly on your central nervous system by releasing specific chemicals into your brain’s transmitters that lead to better control of your appetite.
Chemicals such as dopamine and adrenalin both functions to help suppress the hunger mechanism of your body, preventing you to feel any food cravings for longer period of time. Duromine is combined with a resin, which acts as a slow releaser of Phentermine that gives your body an effect that can last all day.
Plus, Duromine also stimulates the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine. This means that Duromine does not just stimulate the breakdown of fat deposits into energy, but also contributes to a variety of severe or dangerous health side effects.
Makers of Duromine are aware about its side effects, which is the reason why it requires a doctor’s prescription in the first place. You should not take this drug if you are not recommended to use it. Plus, there are dozens of precautions about Duromine medication and your case might not be suitable for this weight loss pill.
Duromine Reviews
[quote]I used them back in 2001 when i had to loose a few kilos before being accepted in the police. I used them for about 8 weeks and TBH…glad when i stopped. I could never sleep (truckies take them to keep awake…and that bit hit me hard), i lost all appetite…couldnt eat much at all…i know thats the job of them..but i mean no food….couldnt stomach anything. I lost 5 kg in that time, I personally would not reccomend them what so ever. Fast weight loss is not healthy…so keep that in mind.[/quote]
[quote]I think they should be banned! Not only are they addictive and dangerous but the weight I lost on them doubled when I went off them (as in regained). If you prefer a medicinal approach to weightloss you are better at looking into xenical or something similar.[/quote]
[quote]Headaches and terrible mood swings and depression! Not worth it, rather try exercise and healthy eating! A drug that makes you feel like this really cant be good for you!!!Its a pity as it does take away ones appetite and I lost 2 kgs in 1 week, I have been taking 30mg for 2 weeks![/quote]
[quote]Hi I’ve been on and off duromine for the pass 8 years I would take the 40 only once in the morning but it stopped working a long time ago now I just take it for the energy but that doesn’t really work for me either but I can’t stop I think I am addicted I feel lazy weak and tired if I don’t have one I do t know what to do anymore please help!![/quote]
These reviews are from various third party sites and forums.
Precautions of Use
Duromine is a prescription drug and should not used by anyone who just want to lose weight. It has restrictions especially those who have existing medical conditions. If this sounds like you, you should ask your doctor’s advice whether Duromine is ideal for you or not.
Otherwise, don’t bother to take this drug if you have the following conditions:
[list style = “arrow”]
- Heart diseases
- Pregnancy
- High blood pressure
- Breastfeeding women
- Diabetes
- Tendency or history of epilepsy
If you are taking medications for the following conditions, you should get your doctor’s approval first before taking Duromine.
[list style = “arrow”]
- Weight loss
- Depression
- Stress
- Thyroid hormones
- Mental diseases
- Migraines, cough or cold
- Hypertension or cholesterol related
Duromine Side Effects
Duromine is probably much more popular because of its side effects instead of its benefits. As aforementioned earlier, Duromine is for extremely obese individuals only and should not taken as a long-term substitute supplement.
Below are several documented side effects of Duromine:
- Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Addictive
- Vomiting
- Rapid weight loss
- Breathing difficulty
- Chest pain
- Tremors or seizures
- Swelling of the lower limbs
- Uneven heartbeat
- Headache
- Lethargy
- Bad taste / mouth dryness
- Mood swings
- Nervousness / anxiety
- Vision side effects
- Severe appetite suppression
Duromine Review Summary
Duromine is an FDA-approved drug despite all of its health risks. Provided that you have your physician’s prescription, you can take this drug for the sole purpose of weight reduction. Otherwise, Duromine has very strict guidelines or precautions that you should also follow to avoid any health inconveniences.
Duromine is a very powerful appetite suppressant. So powerful, it can severely suppress your appetite which is not a healthy way of weight loss. Remember that it is not wise to take this drug if you don’t have prescription.
Where to Buy Duromine?
Duromine is available over-the-counter of any local pharmaceutical stores near you. Remember that you need a doctor’s prescription to be able to purchase any variant of this weight loss pill. You can also buy Duromine online on select diet pill health stores that offer Phentermine-based diet pills.
Since we rejected this diet pill in this site, I highly discourage you to purchase Duromine for your weight loss endeavors. I suggest that you practice natural methods of weight loss such as regular exercise and a healthy dieting regime. You can also take some Phentermine-alternative diet pills that are trusted, effective and safer for your weight loss.
Duromine Alternative
Duromine is a great pill for severely overweight individuals but are not ideal for those people or usual dieters who just wanted to suppress their appetite for health purposes. Plus, the health hazards of taking Duromine are surely a discouragement for you.
That said, there are some Duromine-alternative diet pills that are equally potent but far more safer for your health. HCG Complex for example is a hormone-free alternative diet drops that works similarly with Duromine’s appetite suppressing properties, but is far more safer to use.
HCG Complex is formulated to help you lose weight through its natural ingredients and has less stimulants, giving you reduced probability of side effects. In fact, HCG Complex is our top-ranked liquid diet pill in this site.
To learn more about HCG Complex, visit our review page through the link below.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_cta h2=”Our top choice supplement – HCG Complex” txt_align=”justify” style=”outline” color=”sky”]
One of the bestselling and proven diet drop formula in the market today. HCG Complex is 100% natural and hormone-free supplement that will trigger rapid and safe weight loss.
HCG Complex promotes fat loss, appetite reduction and metabolic increase, all of which are essential for successful weight loss.
Click here to learn more in our review.