If you take diet pills regularly, you probably know what Burn 60 really is. This brand is widely available at any local supplement stores as well as online retail shops.
Actually, this pill is quite a popular supplement because it’s from GNC. This company is devoted in providing quality health supplements worldwide.
So, if Burn 60 is popular, can it deliver results for you? Read on and see what we have learned so far about this brand.
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What is Burn 60?
As mentioned above, Burn 60 is from General Nutrition Corporation or simply known as GNC. Sadly, there are limited information about this brand on GNC’s website.
Some of its health claims include:
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- Increase calorie burning by up to 60%
- Boosts energy and metabolism
- Enhances cellular energy utilization and promotes increased cellular metabolic activity
- Powerful thermogenic formula
This means Burn 60 is a fat burning supplement that aids your sleeping metabolism while increasing your energy levels.
Pills such as Burn 360, Blast Off or Trim Super Energy and most fat burners do offer similar benefits.
But unlike other expensive brands, Burn 60 has a moderate price of only $19.99. GNC also offer 30-day money back guarantee.
Burn 60 Ingredients
Most fat burners do have stimulants in their formulas and Burn 60 is not an exception. It’s dosed at a whopping potent amount of 1,307mg per serving and most are stimulants.
The ingredients are guarana extract, black tea leaves, grape skin and seed extract (MegaNatural), ginger root extract and dill weed extract.
Inactive ingredients include dextrose, cellulose, titanium dioxide, cinnamon bark, natural vanilla flavor and sucralose.
So How does Burn 60 Work?
GNC Claims that this supplement works by increasing your body’s calorie burning by up to 60% and can help boost your energy and metabolic levels.
Can it deliver significant effects for you? Lets find out.
Guarana Extract
Guarana is found in most fat burning supplements due to its stimulating effects as this herb has high caffeine content.
It is use for weight loss, nootropics, bodybuilding and for improving the performance of athletes. Guarana is also used to help treat high blood pressure, fatigue, diarrhea, fever, headache and many others.
Caffeine is the reason why guarana has been dubbed as a fat burning agent. It can help boost your mental and physical performance as it affects your brain directly.
However, NCBI suggest that combining other ingredients such as ma huang with guarana resulted in a much more convincing weight loss.
Dill Weed Extract
Dill weed has a long history as a culinary spice though it is also been used to help treat various conditions such cough, bronchitis, hemorrhoids and many others.
LiveStrong suggest that dill weed is proven for treating diabetes, digestion problems, menstrual cycle issues, cholesterol, and has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
Dill weed isn’t known for weight loss. But since it can increase urine production and helps regulate your digestion, many experts have use this herb as a slimming agent.
MegaNatural is a trademark of Constellation Wines US. It is a herbal blend of grape skin and seed extract, which basically means grape fruit.
As you know, grapes are truly beneficial to health. Used for preventing diseases such as cancers, heart diseases, cholesterol build up, constipation, high blood pressure, diabetes, eye issues, fatigue and many others.
According to WebMD, grapes doesn’t trigger weight loss though it might support your overall weight loss program as it helps improve energy and your athletic performance.
Black Tea Leaves
Like green tea, black tea leaves is from camelia sinensis plant which means that it also boast of caffeine and healthy antioxidants.
Experts suggest that black tea leaves can help improve mental alertness, physical performance, helps treat cancers, diabetes, stomach disorders and many others.
WebMD suggest that taking black tea together with other ingredients (not specified) may help result to modest weight loss.
Supplements that are currently available in the market that uses black tea include Appetrex Control, Boot Camp Tea and Sheer Bliss.
So Can Burn 60 Help You Lose Weight?
With a potent guarana and black tea leaves extracts, Burn 60 may surely help boost your energy levels and metabolism.
This brand may also help suppress your appetite and increases your physical performance.
Though there are mix reviews for this brand online, we believe that it can still give you some measures of weight loss.
How about Safety?
Burn 60 has a decent and natural ingredients that should have been safe for human consumption.
To make sure that you’ll get safe supplementation, consult your doctor first before you take Burn 60.
According to GNC’s website, you can take two tablets 30 to 60 minutes before starting exercise on workout days.
On non-workout day, take two tablets with water before breakfast. Do not take prior to bedtime.
Burn 60 Review Summary
As we mentioned above, Burn 60 has ingredients that can trigger weight loss for you. And if you incorporate exercise and a sensible diet, this supplement may very well deliver significant results.
Here are the reasons why this supplement is for you:
[list icon=”icon: thumbs-o-up” icon_color=”#19a8ed”]
- Natural formula
- Supports energy and metabolism increase
- Promotes appetite reduction and may help boost performance
- Mixed reactions from dieters worldwide
- Moderate price
- 30-day money back guarantee
Where to Purchase Burn 60?
Burn 60 can be purchased either to your local GNC stores or via their official website.
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